Dragon Ball: 10 Things That Pushed Vegeta To The Good Side | CBR

Out of all of the evergreen anime series that continue to generate massive audiences, there’s an extra level of enthusiasm that’s associated with Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball. There are hundreds of episodes between the various Dragon Ball series and decades of content, yet part of the series’ success can be attributed to its willingness to make changes and allow its characters to evolve.

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This applies to Goku and Dragon Ball’s many heroes, but it’s also true about several of the series’ villains that experience rehabilitation and end up fighting against new evils. There are few characters that have gone through as much growth as Vegeta, even if it’s sometimes expressed in subtle ways, and his humanization remains a highlight of the series.

10 He Falls In Love With Bulma

One of the biggest surprises in the entirety of Dragon Ball is the bombshell revelation that Vegeta and Bulma have entered into a relationship together. Before this point, Vegeta has largely been depicted as a murderous tyrant, so Bulma’s ability to vouch for him speaks volumes at the time. Additionally, Vegeta’s relationship with Bulma begins to depict his appreciation of Earth’s many perks, and he’s all the more unlikely to blow up the planet. His love for Bulma is one of the first major examples of him officially becoming a heroic figure in the series.

9 He Has Children, Trunks And Bulla

It may seem like a cliché, but having children changes an individual, and Vegeta really leans into the fatherhood angle. It’d be one thing if his first child with Bulma, Trunks, happened by surprise, but the two later have a daughter, Bulla, and Vegeta remains just as excited and devoted to this new responsibility in his life. Trunks and Bulla are both born on Earth and it’s the only world that they know. They’ve only known a life where they’re immersed among heroes. Vegeta’s commitment to a family is one of the final affirmations that he’s done with villainy.

8 He’s Spared By Goku And Krillin On Earth

One of the most thrilling battles to happen in all of Dragon Ball Z happens to occur at the climax of the Saiyan Saga. Vegeta’s battle against Goku is full of surprising turns and the heroes barely secure a victory over the tyrannical Saiyan.

RELATED: Dragon Ball Z: 10 Ways Vegeta Changed Between The Saiyan & Majin Buu Arcs

Krillin is ready to finish off a defenseless Vegeta with Yajirobe’s sword, but Goku tells him to resist and allow him to retreat. At the time, Vegeta views it as foolishness on their parts, but this act of kindness likely lingers with him and plays a factor in his defection to heroics.

7 He Develops Common Enemies With Goku And Company

One of the best ways to become allies with someone is to find a common enemy that the two hate even more than each other. There are occasions, like on Planet Namek, where Vegeta is still a villain and against Gohan and Krillin, but he agrees to cooperate with them and fight together against larger threats like the Ginyu Force and Frieza. Vegeta begins to see the value in these fighters and when the trend continues against the Androids and Cell, it’s clear that Vegeta is officially a good guy.

6 He’s Revived With The Dragon Balls

Many characters in Dragon Ball are extremely fortunate to have others looking out for them and there are plenty of deceased fighters who get wished back to life through the Dragon Balls. It’s one of the ultimate signs of kindness and a wish from Shenron or Porunga is not something to squander. Vegeta dies on Namek during the fight against Frieza, and that could have easily been the end of his character. Vegeta happens to get brought back to life, along with the rest of the victims on Planet Namek, and it’s a gesture that’s not lost on him.

5 He Bonds With The Future Version Of His Son

A real turning point for Vegeta is when Future Trunks turns up to warn the heroes about the impending Android threat, as well as provide Goku with the necessary medicine to cure his heart condition.

RELATED: Dragon Ball: 10 Ways Vegeta Has Changed Since Becoming A Super Saiyan

Vegeta is naturally surprised to learn that Trunks is a grown-up version of his son from the future, but it becomes an odd way for Vegeta to soften a little and jump forward in the parenting process. He truly changes through his time with Future Trunks and it reaffirms his shift in allegiance.

4 He Believes He’s The Strongest And Doesn’t Feel Threatened By Any Of The Heroes

The bulk of the characters in Dragon Ball are absurdly powerful, but there’s always the desire to improve and reach new and greater levels of strength. Vegeta experiences a period of exaggerated pride and ego after he becomes a Super Saiyan and he begins to parade himself around as Super Vegeta. It’s around the same point that Vegeta begins to regularly work together with Goku and company, and a big factor could be that he doesn’t feel threatened and that he’s at the head of the crowd.

3 He’s Healed By Dende And Shown Empathy On Namek

Planet Namek and the quest for their Dragon Balls turns into a powder keg of chaos as many different forces come together and clash. Vegeta is pushed to work together with the heroes for the first time during this period and while his gestures may be superficial on some level, the heroes’ certainly aren’t. Dende goes out of his way to heal Vegeta during the battle against Frieza, and Gohan has Vegeta’s back when he needs time to recover. He’s treated like a true member of the team and he doesn’t forget this kindness.

2 He Benefits From Capsule Corp Technology And Earth Perks

Before Vegeta becomes one of the good guys, he fulfills a more nomadic lifestyle where he travels between planets and causes chaos in his wake. Vegeta initially lands on Earth as a threat, but after the Frieza Saga he begins to truly appreciate what the planet has to offer. Vegeta’s proximity to Bulma also means that he’s able to benefit from extensive Capsule Corp technology, which he fully utilizes for intense levels of training. These are superficial details, but also perks that weren’t available to him as a villain.

1 It’s The Only Way That He Can Be Among Other Saiyans

Vegeta’s entrance in Dragon Ball marks a dangerous clash between Saiyans. Vegeta is used to plenty of Saiyans back home on Planet Vegeta, but after its destruction they’ve become an endangered breed, and Vegeta is in short supply when it comes to his own kind. Vegeta may oppose them and their ways at first, but Vegeta’s turn to heroics means that he’s also around Goku and Gohan, two more Saiyans. Vegeta still has pride for his people, and aligning with the good guys does help him further proliferate his species.

NEXT: Dragon Ball: Vegeta's 10 Biggest Accomplishments, Ranked

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