JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 10 Most Fearless Golden Wind Characters, Ranked

A group of assassins, a special squad, and a team of gangsters make up the cast of characters in the fifth season of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Golden Wind. The series revolves around drugs, betrayal, and a teenager's dream to clean up the streets of his hometown.

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To survive in the world of gangsters and assassins, one has to be pretty tough, especially to take down the faceless Boss behind the Passione organization. There are many new characters introduced in Golden Wind, all fearlessly pursuing their own desires.

10 Carne's Hatred Could Not Be Killed

Carne doesn't really get much screen time and there honestly isn't much information about his character. Carne works under the Boss as a member of Unita Speciale and is sent to stop Team Bucciarati before they board a plane for Sardinia.

One man against a whole team is a suicide mission, and Carne does indeed die, gunned down by Mista as he approaches the plane. However, because of his inborn hatred, his death activates his automatic Stand, Notorious B.I.G.

9 Mario Zucchero Attacked Team Bucciarati Alone

When Zucchero hears from his partner Sale that Team Bucciarati is going after a 10 billion lire treasure, he jumps out of a moving vehicle. Zucchero then pursues Team Bucciarati so that he can get to the treasure himself.

By layering one boat over another, Zucchero attacks Team Bucciarati, taking them out one by one. He nearly defeats the entire team all by himself. It was a pretty clever move on his part, but he probably should have taken out Bucciarati first.

8 Illuso Is Confident In His Abilities

Illuso is a member of La Squadra Esecuzioni and bravely attacks three members of Team Bucciarati, Fugo, Abbacchio, and Giorno. Illuso is confident in his attack because of his Stand, Man in the Mirror. Illuso's Stand traps people in a mirror world, leaving them defenseless without their Stands.

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Man in the Mirror is the perfect Stand for ambushing enemies, and Illuso uses it to his advantage. He's very smug about his abilities and often puts others down. Even when backed into a corner, he is perceptive enough to develop a strategy to get himself out of any situation. He nearly defeats the three members of Team Bucciarati.

7 Cioccolata Doesn't Fear Getting Caught

Cioccolata begins his life of twisted torture at 14 years old. He starts caring for elderly patients, and while he is commended for his work, his actions are far from praise-worthy. Cioccolata drugs his patients and whispers horrible things in their ears.

His torture drives many to kill themselves, which is all a part of his plan. Never once fearing he will get caught, Cioccolata continues his torture and eventually becomes a surgeon that operates on people who don't need surgery. Even Diavolo despises Cioccolata and his demeanor.

6 Secco Is Not A Mere Lap Dog

Most of what fans see of Secco is through his partnership with Cioccolata. Not much is known about Secco other than he is a former patient of Cioccolata and somehow comes to work with him. In their partnership, Secco seems more of a loyal companion than anything else.

However, after Cioccolata's death, Secco's true personality is shown. He goes after Bucciarati on his own and is very confident in his skills. His Stand forms a suit of armor around him, giving him superhuman strength. Because of his Stand, he views himself as invincible.

5 Guido Mista's Gunmanship Skills Give Him Confidence

Even before acquiring his Stand Sex Pistols, Mista is already a very capable gunman. Mista realizes his talent one night while encountering a woman being assaulted. Mista is shot at by three different individuals but is able to dodge every bullet.

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He in turn picks up a revolver and fires only three shots, killing the men. His ability to stay calm during a gunfight is a deadly skill and makes him a fearless assassin. Mista uses his skills and is able to survive until the end.

4 Leone Abbacchio Trusts His Leader

Abbacchio is a former police officer who quit after seeing his partner fatally shot. He gives up on life until he meets Bruno Bucciarati, whom he says he feels at peace around. On Team Bucciarati, Abbacchio serves in more of a support role with his Stand Moody Blues. When Bucciarati defects from Passione, Abbacchio is the first one to join him.

Abbacchio is very dedicated to missions and will see them through even above the lives of his teammates. When he faces off against Illuso, he has no problems severing his own hand to complete the mission, facing down death as he is convinced Illuso will kill him.

3 Risotto Nero Goes After The Boss

Risotto Nero leads a group of assassins known as La Squadra Esecuzioni who work directly under the Boss. However, after a dispute about the treatment of La Squadra, Risotto and his team begin investigating the Boss to try and learn his identity.

After two members of La Squadra are executed by the Boss's henchmen, Risotto and his team withdraw for a while. When they learn about Trish Una, however, Risotto resumes his investigation into the Boss's past. Risotto not only wants to discover who the Boss is, but he wants to be the one to kill him.

2 Bruno Bucciarati Committed Murder At A Young Age

When Bruno Bucciarati is just 12 years old, he witnesses his dad being shot multiple times by gangsters. Fortunately, Bucciarati's father survives but is placed in the hospital. Knowing the gangsters will likely come back to finish the job, Bucciarati waits for them and then kills them.

This decision leads Bucciarati to join Passione to protect his family. Bucciarati later turns his back on his Boss and the Passione organization that has sheltered him for many years. Due to his selfless nature, Bucciarati does what he thinks is right, even if his life is on the line.

1 Giorno Giovanna, The Gutsy Teenager

Giorno Giovanna is the main protagonist of Golden Wind. Giorno is only 15 years old, but he has lofty ambitions. He kills Luca and in doing so becomes acquainted with Bruno Bucciarati, a member of the Passione organization.

Giorno infiltrates Passione and begins to work his way up. He kills Polpo to promote Bruno, which puts them in the Boss's good graces. Giorno bravely tries to approach the Boss on his own to plant a tracking device on him. He is willing to take any risk if it gets him closer to his goal.

NEXT: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 5 Ways Golden Wind Was Better Than The Manga (& 5 It Wasn't)

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