Marvel: 10 Avengers Who Have Used Villainous Powers | CBR

The Avengers are one of Marvel's greatest superteams, a powerful assemblage of heroes that has stood up to some of the most dangerous threats thrown at them. They've had a who's who of some of the greatest heroes ever assembled and are considered the cream of the superhero crop. They are looked up to by civilians and heroes alike but that doesn't mean that every member has always been virtuous.

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There have been times over the years when members of the Avengers have had to use their powers and abilities in ways that many would find villainous, sometimes in the defense of justice and other times for reasons not as noble.

10 Doctor Strange Has Dabbled In Dark Magic Over The Years

Doctor Strange was long a hold-out to actually joining the Avengers. The closest he got for years was either as a Defender or as a member of the Illuminati, but he'd end up joining the New Avengers post-Civil War and would become a member of the main team eventually. Over the years, Doctor Strange has fought many powerful dark foes and sometimes has had to fight fire with fire.

While it's not something that he likes to make a habit of, Doctor Strange has had to use dark magic more than once over the years. It's an unfortunate necessity but sometimes saving all of existence is worth darkening one's soul.

9 Wolverine Has Knife Hands And Rage Problems

Wolverine is another Avenger who took a while to join the team but proved himself as an Avenger. He was first brought on the team because Iron Man figured it would be good to have someone on the team willing to kill, which is a common reason to have Wolverine around. It's also part of the more villainous aspects of Wolverine's powers.

Wolverine has knife-hands and berzerker rage problems as part of his powers, which helps make him one of the most dangerous heroes on the planet but are all pretty villainous abilities. His berzerker rages have gotten better but he still uses the claws.

8 The Sentry Gave Into The Power Of The Void

The Sentry's journey through the Marvel Universe has been interesting. A dual entity, he shared his amazing, earth-shattering power with the Void, a manifestation of every terrible thing inside of him. After his return to being a hero, he worked hard to keep the Void under control and mostly succeeded. His time as a member of Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers would prove to be his undoing in this regard.

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Osborn used the Sentry as his attack dog, something which allowed the Void to eventually take complete control. He almost destroyed the entire team of Avengers but they were able to defeat him and put an end to his threat for a time.

7 The Hulk Has Used His Powers To Destroy Anything In His Path

The Hulk is a founding Avenger and hasn't spent as much time on the team as other founders. Most of the Hulk's time has been spent trying to find solitude, fighting the military, or fighting monsters worse than him. The Hulk has long used his strength like a supervillain, going on destructive rampages and fighting the heroes.

Calling the Hulk a superhero is pretty much a lie most of the time; if anything, he's basically a monster but at least he's not the worst monster. While he will help against greater threats at times, he uses his powers in a villainous manner more often than not.

6 Namor Has Used His Powers To Attack The Surface World And Has Been A Phoenix Host

Namor is another Avenger who seems to be fighting the heroes as much as he teams up with them. He seemingly has a better relationship with Doctor Doom than the other heroes and sometimes, he just decides that it's time to start yet another war with the surface world. While it's hard to argue with his logic, as humanity is pretty terrible to ocean life, it almost seems arbitrary.

Namor, as a mutant, has also been an X-Man and was one of the Phoenix Five, using the power of the Phoenix Force to attack the country of Wakanda, along with his Atlantean forces. He did massive damage to the country, using the power of the Phoenix in a terrible manner.

5 Captain America Masterminded A Plan That Allowed Hydra To Take Over The US

Villainous masterminds are known for using their prodigious intelligence and tactical know-how in their plans and when Captain America was transformed into a Hydra agent in the run-up to the infamous Secret Empire event book, he did the same. Cap used his keen tactical mind to come up with a plan that would make Red Skull or Baron Zemo proud.

Cap was able to play everyone like a drum, using the trust that his fellow heroes and the government put in him to make sure everything worked out just as it was supposed. The only thing that could beat him was his original self, ending his terrible reign.

4 Doctor Druid Used His Mystical Abilities To Become Chairman Of The Avengers And Almost Destroyed The Team

Doctor Druid joined the Avengers in the '80s, using his mental abilities and mystical powers to make a name for himself on the team. Unfortunately for the team, he fell under the sway of Ravonna and used his powers to cheat his way to the top of the Avengers, becoming Chairman of the team. The Avengers, not known for their telepathic skills, were unable to stop Druid's mental attacks.

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The team would eventually defeat Druid and Ravonna, with the two set adrift in the timestream for a time. Eventually, they broke up and Druid died, killed by Nekra. He'd eventually return to life but never to the Avengers.

3 Iron Man Has Used His Abilities To Fight His Teammates Several Times Over The Years

Iron Man's armor affords him a lot of powers and he's used those abilities against his fellow Avengers many times, mostly by choice and not mind control. The first time was the Armor Wars when he fought heroes and villains alike to get his technology back, including Captain America. He was manipulated by Kang and fought the team as well, but the most grievous time was during Civil War.

Iron Man led heroes and villains alike against his friends who refused to comply with the Superhero Registration Act, going full fascist. He proved to be just as dangerous or tricky as the worst villain.

2 The Vision Tried To Take Control Of NORAD

Evil androids always try to take control of military computer systems. It's a pretty standard trope and eventually, even the heroic Vision did so, in the aftermath of the dissolution of his relationship with Scarlet Witch. He would have succeeded in taking control of the US nuclear arsenal if it wasn't for the Avengers.

This led to him being disassembled by the government, which heralded his transformation into the emotionless white Vision, one of the strangest chapters in his life.

1 Scarlet Witch Has Used Her Powers Against The Avengers Many Times

Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful members of the team, with her powers growing exponentially over the years. Most of the time, this power growth would coincide with the periods when Scarlet Witch went a bit mad and attacked the Avengers. As many times as she's fought the team, the worst was in Avengers Disassembled, when three Avengers lost their lives battling her creations, and House Of M, where she recreated the world and then depowered the vast majority of the mutant race.

It's honestly kind of hard to argue that she's still a hero after doing things like that. The Avengers will forgive her anything, though, and she's tried to make up for the countless deaths she caused.

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