Marvel: Captain America's 10 Greatest Accomplishments | CBR

Captain America is the cream of Marvel's superhero crop. Cap is an inspiration to every hero he's worked with, a symbol of liberty that has been fighting the good fight since World War II. Cap is basically the leader of the superheroic community, the one hero everyone follows. He's faced down some of the most dangerous foes ever and always comes out on top.

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Over the years, Cap has been a part of some major victories, accomplishing things that no one ever could imagine. While everything he's done is a reason to respect him, there are some things he's done that are more impressive than others.

10 He Survived World War II As Long As He Did

The super-soldier serum made Cap into the pinnacle of humanity, an amazing fighter who took everything the Nazis threw at him. It feels like a given that Cap would survive but he was a green superhuman when he got to Europe and still was able to come out of every fight alive. As he won more battles, his fame spread and the Nazi high command gunned for him even harder.

Every Nazi wanted to be the one to kill Captain America. The amount of power the Nazis put into killing him was intense and the fact that he was able to stay one step ahead of them and always win is extremely impressive.

9 He Was Able To Redeem The Winter Soldier

The return of the Winter Soldier was a major moment in Cap's life. When he learned that the assassin was Bucky, he did everything he could to reach out to his friend and get through to him. The fact that he succeeded, breaking through decades of Soviet programming is a huge deal.

The Winter Soldier became one of Cap's greatest allies again, even taking over for him after his death. Bucky more than made up for the terrible things he did and proved he was still a hero. He's made a huge difference since his return to heroism and Cap's getting through to him is a huge accomplishment.

8 He's Defeated Red Skull While The Villain Had The Cosmic Cube

The Red Skull is Cap's greatest enemy, the two having battled each other since the days of World War II. Over the years, they've fought some hellacious battles, and sometimes, Red Skull has had a huge advantage, the Cosmic Cube. This object gives the bearer amazing cosmic power and Cap has somehow always been able to defeat Red Skull when he had it.

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Cap rarely if ever had any weapon that could match a Cosmic Cube, yet he always threw himself into battle against the Red Skull, even when he was basically a god. Nothing stops Cap, especially not a Nazi with ultimate power.

7 He Was Able To Pretty Much Defeat Iron Man During Civil War

The last battle of Civil War was a heavy affair as Cap and his side battled against Iron Man's. The two heroes faced against each other in the main event of the battle. The first time they fought, Cap tried to use a SHIELD disruptor on Iron Man. The second time it was man on man, no tricks. Cap was able to basically win the fight, not letting Iron Man get a second to breath.

Cap had Iron Man down before civilians got involved pulling him off Iron Man and restraining him. Seeing how the battle affected those around him, Cap gave up. Even though he basically won, he still did the right thing, ending the war by surrendering.

6 He Helped Overcome The Masters Of Evil When They Took Over Avengers Mansion

Under Siege represented one of the Avengers' most grievous losses and greatest victories. Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil had the Avengers beat; they even brutalized Cap, destroying his WWII-era footlocker and the last pictures Cap had of his dead loved ones. The Avengers were able to break the siege and Cap took the fight to Zemo.

Cap survived a beating by Mr. Hyde and the Wrecking Crew. He was able to come back from that and the loss of some of his most precious objects to defeat Zemo and get the team back on track. It was a monumental come from behind victory.

5 He Created A Plan That Allowed Hydra To Take Over The US When His Reality Was Changed

In one of Marvel's most surprising retcons, it was revealed that Cap was transformed into a Hydra agent when the Cosmic Cube de-aged him. Cap was able to use all of his tactical skills and the trust the world put in him to outmaneuver everyone. He made a plan that allowed Hydra to take control of the US and constantly defeat the heroes who fought against him.

While it's not the kind of accomplishment that anyone wanted, Cap was able to outthink everyone and do something Hydra never was able to. It wasn't heroic but if anything went a different way, he never would have been able to do it. The fact he was able to work with so many variables and still succeed is certainly impressive.

4 He Defeated Cosmic Cube Powered Hydra Cap

Secret Empire isn't a beloved event but it still represents one of Cap's greatest accomplishments. The original Cap, still existing within the Cosmic Cube, was able to break free into the real world and challenge Hydra Cap. At this point, Hydra Cap had armor powered by a Cosmic Cube and had defeated every hero who stood against him. The original Cap took the fight to him.

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The two battled it out, with Cap getting his hands on Mjolnir to even up the score. The battle still could have gone against him but he triumphed, breaking Hydra's stranglehold over the US and beginning the process of redeeming his soiled name.

3 He Became The Greatest Leader Of The Avengers

Cap's return to the world of the living saw him joining the Avengers early in their career. They were immediately impressed by him and he went on to become the leader of the team. He proved that not only had he not lost a step but was better than ever before, taking to the whole thing better than anyone could have imagined.

Cap became the greatest leader in Avengers history, leading the team through some battles that should have destroyed them. Cap's leadership got them through everything, training the team to work together and using his tactical acumen to keep them going, no matter what.

2 He Stared Down Thanos With The Infinity Gauntlet

Infinity Gauntlet is one of the greatest events in comics history. The book is full of iconic moments for a number of characters, but Cap takes the cake. In Infinity Gauntlet #4, Thanos systematically destroyed Earth's heroes, running through them like a hot knife through butter. At the end, Cap was the last man standing and he walked up to Thanos, staring him down.

Cap had just watched his friends die battling Thanos and he still didn't flinch. He punched the Mad Titan, knowing that it was futile, fighting until the end. As usual, even in the face of a mad god, Cap doesn't quit.

1 He Was Worthy Of Mjolnir

Mjolnir is one of the greatest weapons in the Marvel Universe. Only those who are worthy of it are able to lift it and that list is a very short one: Thor, Jane Foster, Beta Ray Bill, the Vision, and Captain America. The fact that Captain America is worthy of Mjolnir says everything about him. Only the greatest, purest heroes are able to lift the hammer and receive its power.

Cap has used Mjolnir on several occasions, its power coming in handy when the chips were down. Only a handful have even been able to wield the hammer and the fact that Cap has is one of his greatest accomplishments, proving what kind of hero he really is.

NEXT: Marvel: 10 Times Captain America Wasted His Potential

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