Pokémon: 10 Ways Brock Ruined His Likability | CBR

Ash's companions within the Pokémon series are some of the most entertaining and beloved members of the entire cast, and for good reason. Aside from the main protagonist himself, they're the characters that fans spend the most time with and get to see develop over the course of their journeys, so it only makes sense that it's easier to like them than others who perhaps don't get as much screen time.

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Brock is an example of a companion who's been there from the very beginning, and while he doesn't appear in every season, his impact on the series as a whole is unforgettable. While this is mostly a positive - Brock's a great cook and a loyal friend who readily offers advice to the other group members - there are also other aspects of his personality that dampen fans' ability to fully like him without hesitation.

10 He Doesn't Like Battling But Feels Forced To Become A Gym Leader Regardless

One trait that can make a character come off as unlikable is their inability to assert themselves to get what they want. Brock is a character who is far more interested in Pokémon breeding - and later on, medicine - than letting his precious partners battle.

Despite this, he takes up the responsibilities as the Pewter City Gym Leader because he feels a sense of familial responsibility. And while some family-oriented folks might like him more for this decision, those who prefer the mindset of doing what one values for themselves might not agree with Brock here.

9 He Has Womanizing Tendencies Which Are Made Even Weirder Given His Age

One of Brock's most defining traits is also one that makes him unlikable to a lot of viewers, and if one has any familiarity with his character at all, this point is glaringly obvious. Brock is an irritatingly stubborn womanizer who will hit on just about any woman he sees.

This is off-putting enough as it is, but he's often seen hitting on every Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny when he's only fifteen at the time. At least Misty - or whoever the current female companion is - has enough sense to yank him away by the ear nearly every time.

8 He Can't Seem To Stay Consistent With What His Ultimate Goal Is

Originally, Brock is standing in as the Pewter Gym Leader but has his own ambitions of becoming a Pokémon breeder. After his journeys with Ash in Johto, he returns home and finds that his mother has made his precious Rock-Type gym into a Water-type one.

He then vows to one day come back and become the official Pewter Gym Leader, suddenly aiming for a goal he originally wanted to get away from. When he eventually leaves the group again, he's once again changed and decides to study to become a doctor, and is overall much more inconsistent with his goals than other companions.

7 He Meets Cilan Without Ever Realizing They're Both Companions Of Ash

Brock and Cilan bump into each other for a single episode, where the two bond quite sufficiently despite not even asking the other's name. They spend some time together while waiting for Cilan's Pansage to be healed, and together they help heal and train another trainer's Pikachu.

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While it's a heartwarming episode, it's ruined by the fact that they don't bother to ask for the other's name whatsoever. Surely Ash has mentioned Brock to Cilan throughout their travels, so this would've been a great way for them to be brought even closer via their mutual friendship with him.

6 He Becomes Increasingly Hard On Gym Challengers Prior To Meeting Ash

Brock seems like a laid-back, rather open guy when he's travelling with Ash and the gang, as well as someone who's good at looking after others. He cooks for everyone and is often seen giving advice to other characters when it's needed.

However, before he sets out with Ash on his travels, Brock becomes increasingly frustrated and stern with those who challenge his gym. His personality seems completely different, and it's because of how much stress he's under as both the stand-in Gym Leader and his incredibly large family's main caretaker.

5 He's A Mature And Nurturing Person Who Instantly Forgets This Side Of Himself Upon Seeing A Woman

Despite how he can act at times, Brock actually has a lot going for him in terms of what potential romantic partners might want. He excels at cooking, cleaning, sewing - and actually enjoys all of these things - and he's mature enough to offer a shoulder to listen or give advice when needed.

However, all of this leaves him the instant he sees a pretty girl, which is often enough to wonder why they gave him such positive traits to begin with. If he only decided to work on himself and how he approaches others instead of his over-used, overly-flirty comedic shtick, his character might see more true development.

4 He Keeps A Record Of Every Girl He Meets In A Small Blue Journal

As if Brock's tendency to hit on and fantasize about every woman who crosses his path isn't bad enough, he makes things leagues worse with this reveal. Brock keeps records of every girl he talks to in a small blue journal that he carries around with him.

In The Rise of Darkrai, he refers to this journal as his "Little Blue Book Of Babes," which comes off incredibly creepy. It'd be better if Brock's womanizing tendencies were dropped from his character over time as he matures, but the series seems intent on pushing the opposite which only hurts his character.

3 He Drops His Passion For Only Rock-Types As Soon As He Departs From The Pewter Gym

During his time as the stand-in Pewter Gym Leader, Brock shows an admirable dedication to Rock-Type Pokémon. However, after he sets out and begins his travels with Ash, he catches all nature of types instead in order to broaden his horizons.

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And while this is a completely understandable decision, it's one that can ruin his likability a bit when compared to most other Gym Leaders. It's always fun to see how they get out of sticky situations using only their mastery of a single type, something Brock cannot do.

2 He Has A Rather Extensive History In Competitions That Doesn't Go Anywhere

Over the years, Brock has competed in quite a few Pokémon Competitions and placed quite well in a majority of them, too. The first time he's seen competing is in the original series, and he can be seen doing so all the way up until Diamond & Pearl.

What makes this a negative trait towards his character is the fact that all of this experience doesn't amount to much in the end. He treats it like more of a side activity than other serious Coordinator-type trainers, and it would've been interesting to see this part of his character fleshed out more.

1 His Character Has An Ability Involving Cross-Dressing Which Comes Off As Distasteful

As if Brock's flirtatious side wasn't off-putting enough at times, he has another ability that takes things to an entirely new level of creepy. Brock has been shown to be able to tell when a girl is really a guy cross-dressing, as he feels a distinct lack of attraction to them.

The only exception to this is when Ash dresses up as Ashley and he's unable to tell. This entire 'ability' just comes off as creepy and unnecessary, and if this is just a comedic gag, it's one that doesn't land well.

NEXT: Pokémon: 10 Storylines That Went Absolutely Nowhere

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