Reincarnated As A Slime: 5 Hotheaded Characters (& 5 Who Keep Their Cool)

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is the story of Rimuru Tempest the slime, and his quest to form a brand-new kingdom for monsters of all kinds in the Jura Forest. He has since recruited countless monster and human allies to his cause, and these characters have a wide variety of both powers and personalities.

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In this new, tolerant monster kingdom, everyone is free to be themselves, and Rimuru quickly learned that some of his good friends have a quick temper, while others are totally cool and aloof. The same is true for his enemies and neutral parties as well, such as some members of the Demon Lord council. Who's a hothead in this isekai world, and who's cool like ice?

10 HOTHEAD CHARACTER: Milim Nava Loves To Play & Fight

Demon Lord Milim Nava is incredibly powerful despite her youthful appearance, and she also ranks among the strongest female characters in the series as well. Milim once fought Rimuru to test the latter's strength, then became an ally, so long as Rimuru provides her with food and fun.

Milim is reasonably loyal to Rimuru, but she's not easy to handle. She has a short temper and often acts bratty, and she is also impulsive and whimsical as well. In battle, Milim is enthusiastic and reckless, and she rarely stops to think about anything.

9 COOL CHARACTER: Rimuru Tempest Is A Patient Planner

The protagonist himself, Rimuru Tempest, tends to keep his wits about him during fierce battles, though he is hardly stoic and aloof during a fight. He might panic a bit or tease his opponent, but he is not terribly reckless, nor does he fall for taunts. He keeps his temper in check without much difficulty.

Rimuru is highly analytical in battle with Great Sage's help, and he will take his time to formulate the perfect strategy to take down his foe, which rarely takes long. He is also fairly humble and cooperative, and doesn't easily lose his cool when dealing with difficult or rude people.

8 HOTHEAD CHARACTER: Shion Reacts Badly If Anyone Insults Rimuru

Shion is one of the few surviving ogres, and she is also quite skilled with her giant sword, Hercules. In the story of Slime, Shion is primarily Rimuru's bodyguard and self-appointed secretary, but she is also an aspiring chef.

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Shion is a happy but intense person who quickly flies into a rage if anyone insults Rimuru Tempest or her cooking, and even Rimuru fears Shion's wrathful side. She also might burst into tears if she ever faces rejection or hardship, but she'll get over it soon enough.

7 COOL CHARACTER: Souei Is A Model Ninja

Souei is an ogre and a highly trained ninja who would put many Naruto ninjas to shame. Unlike the fierce Shion and Benimaru, Souei relies mainly on stealth, traps and trickery to take down Rimuru's enemies, and a stealthy agent like him needs to keep his cool - which he does.

Souei can coldly and efficiently dispatch anyone who gets in his way, and even when he's talking to friends, he remains aloof and calm, and doesn't typically get excited or angry. He can even use his cold personality to his advantage, as a minor psychological weapon against his foes.

6 HOTHEAD CHARACTER: Demon Lord Clayman Is A Drama Queen

At first, the colorful villain Clayman seemed like the calm, aloof type, but he is actually a hotheaded and dramatic person who tries to make everything about him. He is excited by the prospect of crushing Rimuru Tempest and gaining glory for himself, and he actually laughs like a mustache-twirling villain when things go his way.

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During Walpurgis, Clayman made an impassioned but futile attempt to smear Rimuru's name and fight him in mortal combat. Clayman was arrogant at first, then started panicking, and desperately called out for anyone or anything who could help him. He eventually died in a fit of agony.

5 COOL CHARACTER: Shizue Izawa Put Duty First

Although Shizue Izawa has fearsome flame powers at her disposal, her temper isn't exactly red-hot. Shizue escaped the flames of World War II-era Japan when Leon Cromwell summoned her, and he placed Ifrit inside her to boost her power. It worked, but Shizue didn't like it very much.

Shizue learned from the masked Hero, and eventually took over her role as humanity's #1 guardian against monsters. Shizue had a gentle and kind heart that contrasted sharply with Ifrit, and it was her fondest desire for Kenya, Chloe and the other kids at Freedom Academy to be happy and safe. Rimuru promised her that he would make it so.

4 HOTHEAD CHARACTER: Veldora Is Dramatic, Like Clayman

For 300 years, the mighty storm dragon Veldora remained trapped inside a cave thanks to the masked Hero, and he was terribly lonely in there. Then he met Rimuru, and his proud, colorful personality made an impression. He gained a new body later on and roamed the world freely once again.

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Veldora has a loud and cheerful personality, and he tends to laugh, complain or boast about anything around him, especially in combat. He is friendly and loyal, but he can get excited in battle and carried away until he finally crushes his enemies. But even he is wary of Milim Nava, as Season 2's climax proved.

3 COOL CHARACTER: King Gazel Dwargo Is A Skilled Politician

Gazel Dwargo is the king of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, and he is a model monarch. Gazel is tough but fair, and he carefully thinks things over before making a decision. He soon became one of Rimuru's earliest official allies, but he did test Rimuru in a sword duel to gauge Rimuru's worth first.

Gazel is patient and mature as a ruler, and he is also insightful and helpful, which makes him a vital ally for Rimuru. It was Gazel who coached Rimuru in the ways of statecraft and speechcraft, and it paid off immensely.

2 HOTHEAD CHARACTER: Gabiru Gets Worked Up Easily

The lizardman named Gabiru is incredibly full of himself, and he has a flamboyant and rash personality to match. Gabiru does have some skill as a battlefield commander and warrior, but he tends to overestimate himself and his men, and he is also reckless and aggressive. It tends to cost him.

Gabiru faced disaster when he recklessly took on the orc army, and he and his men would have been wiped out if not for the intervention of Rimuru Tempest and the ogres. Now Gabiru is slightly humbler and is allied to Rimuru, but he's still an impatient and melodramatic person who reacts fiercely to any attack on his pride.

1 COOL CHARACTER: Princess Shuna Doesn't Often Get Angry

Princess Shuna is capable of fighting, as she proved when she led a squad into Clayman's territory to raid his castle. For the most part, though, Shuna is interested in peaceful affairs such as hospitality and weaving cloth, but her remarkable patience does have its limits.

Once in a while, Shuna gets annoyed at Rimuru's ridiculous antics, and she showed no mercy when she fought the skeletal Adalman. Despite that, Shuna is an easygoing and kind person who rarely holds a grudge, and she's not known for making rash or impatient decisions. She keeps her cool, and sometimes acts as a stern disciplinarian if need be.

Next: 5 Hotheaded Anime Rivals (& 5 Who Keep Their Cool)

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