10 Mutant Picks For The Upcoming Krakoan Elections | CBR

It's a big election year in Marvel comics, as the Mutant nation of Krakoa elects its brand new team of X-Men. Not only that, but audiences also have a say in who appears, so get out there and vote! This is a considerable change, as the team is usually selected by whatever hero happens to be leading them. This time, Cyclops and Jean Grey are still very much in charge, but they are leaving it up to the people.

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With thousands of islanders to choose from, the X-Men team could be entirely new members, a nod to the past, or perhaps a rag-tag group who somehow make it work. Either way, the election is set to be one of the most exciting moments in the X-Men's recent history.

10 Polaris Has Excellent Leadership Skills

Lorna Dane has been a long-standing member of the mutant community since her introduction in the '60s. She has proven her capabilities and has created a name for herself from behind her father's shadow. Though she may currently be serving on X-Factor Investigations, Lorna would make a great addition to the team.

She has excellent leadership skills but is also a mistress of magnetism in her own right. Magneto has proven an invaluable member of any team he is on, so it would be foolish for Cyclops not to acquire the next best thing.

9 Iceman Would Be Entertaining Comic Relief

It wouldn't be fair to have completely new mutants on the team, especially when the original members are so iconic. With numerous big-screen appearances, his powers are incredibly diverse, but this Omega level Mutant has proven he can tackle immense situations.

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He would be a great addition to the team, acting as comic relief and a demonstration of the X-Men's values and morals. In a wider societal scope, as a gay man, he would be a great team member to launch the X-Men into its future.

8 Callisto Is A Supreme Fighter

Callisto acts as the White Knight for the Hellfire Trading company, a job that has afforded her and other Morlock great luxury. She once pushed Marrow to join the X-Men, and her villainous days are behind her, so perhaps Morlock representative could be precisely what the X-Men need.

In the past, the X-Men have often fought with the Morlocks because they couldn't understand them. With Callisto on the team, this would undoubtedly be an issue of the past. Not only that, but she is a supreme fighter, able to against Storm on multiple occasions.

7 Selene Is The Perfect Weapon

Selene is one of the most controversial mutants on this list. Simply put, this election has to bring something new to the table, and what's more unique than an immortal vampiric witch? Selene is currently helping to manage the islands latent psychic energy, along with a handful of other potent telepaths.

Selene is hugely overpowered, and if used correctly, would be one of the heaviest hitters on the team. Her centuries on earth have crafted her into the perfect weapon and someone who understands the complexities and mechanics of the world.

6 Warpath Is The Perfect Man For Any Situation

James Proudstar, the second of the Proudstar's to take on heroic mantels, has served on various Mutant teams. Most notably, he served on X-Force and its black-ops style operations. He has an incomparable amount of field experience, with years acting behind the scenes to further the mutant cause.

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Warpath is a highly reliable team member with a proficiency, not many possess. His almost generic powers of enhances, well everything, make him the perfect man for any situation.

5 Colossus Has A Solid Moral Compass

Colossus has currently removed himself from life on Krakoa, choosing to grow medicine in the Savage Land. His seeming pacifist lifestyle is his way of coping with trauma, but what if two old friends begged him to return to the fold? He did aid Domino, so perhaps Jean and Scott would be in with a chance of recruiting the heaviest hitter in the Mutant ranks.

Colossus would be an immeasurable help to the team, not only because of his immense strength, but also his moral centre.  He indeed possesses everything of a typical X-Men and it would remind him of what is important.

4 Danielle Moonstar Is A Jack Of All Trades

Danielle Moonstar is the definition of a jack of all trades, not to mention someone who does not get enough attention. This election is the perfect time to prove just how invaluable she can be. Her powers are ideal for both attack and defense, and you can never have too many telepaths on one team.

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She could also represent the next generation of heroes as the youngest team member. She would be a beacon of the future, acting as an inspiration to younger mutants looking for a purpose.

3 Caliban Would Be Very Useful During Rescue Missions

Mutant with somewhat passive abilities are often overlooked because they don't often make things explode. Caliban has often worked in the shadow of grander mutants but is also the turning points in most conflicts.

He has increased strength and a secondary ability to draw upon people's fear to grow in strength. However, for a team dealing with mutant interests, what is better than a mutant GPS system. Caliban would be inherently useful for rescue missions, Recon, or even coordinating battle strategy.

2 Sabertooth Can Turn The Tide In Battle

His dark bloody history, especially with Wolverine, has darkened the X-Men comics for years. Victor Creed is a push for the X-Men, but Xavier has always been big on second chances. What better an example to set than rehabilitating the loosest cannon on the island. There would be more than enough people to keep an eye on him, and he could actually start to repent for his actions.

Sabertooth is a vicious killing machine, which is always beneficial in a fight. Sure, he might be more trouble than he is worth, but he also might turn the tide in battle.

1 Banshee Is Well Versed In Battle Strategy

Banshee has been an all-time favourite and veteran of the X-Men. Though his daughter Siryn may be a better combatant, Banshee brings vast amounts of experience and skill to any team he dedicates time to. His powers are capable of significant destructive damage, but also useful passive abilities.

He is well versed in battle strategy, sonar detection, flight, marksmanship, and an accomplished piano player. He would be the perfect candidate to keep the younger team members in line, and perhaps take down Sabertooth if needed.

NEXT: Every Member Of The Quiet Council, Ranked

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