The Justice League saves the world and the universe all the time. More often than not, they save the entire Multiverse. That doesn't happen without any collateral damage. The premiere superhero team from DC Comics always tries to keep things as safe as possible. Still, sometimes, the battle is too great to contain.
Whether it's in explosive crossovers in the comic books, animated series, or feature films, the Justice League will often disregard any concern for property or people if they have to. Even when they save the day, it might not come out as clean as it should have.
10 Steppenwolf (Movie)

Man Of Steel, the first DCEU movie, received some criticism for the vast amount of destruction in the film's climax. By the time they got to Justice League in 2017, the team was very conscientious of civilian casualties. That didn't stop them from destroying a lot of property, though. Their battle with Steppenwolf and the Parademons in a mostly abandoned Russian town was about stopping the bad guys from doing more damage than they had already done. Still, the Justice League contributed their fair share.
9 Martian Manhunter

Sometimes the heroes of the Justice League fight themselves. In the New 52 era, the Justice League members were all strangers to each other. That led to some early friction. In Justice League #8, by writer Geoff Johns and artists Carlos D'Anda and IvanReis, the team squares off against the Martian Manhunter, who is nominally a member in previous continuity of the team.
With lots of collateral damage resulting from it, this huge fight was actually only referenced in this single panel. It was something of a mystery why and how it happened, which wasn't a thing about the New 52 that aged all that well.
8 Darkseid (Justice League: War)

Darkseid is arguably the best DC villain and a thorn in the Justice League's side in every iteration. Whether it's the comics, or animated series and movies, he's always a huge problem. In the 2014 animated movie Justice League: War, Darkseid leads a massive alien invasion of Earth. The Justice League is determined to stop him, no matter the cost. The epic scale of the fight results in a lot of collateral damage, but it's necessary to defeat a villain without any mercy.
7 The Crime Syndicate (Crisis On Two Earths)

Crisis On Two Earths is another Justice League animated movie that features a massive battle. This time, it's with the JLA's evil Earth-Two counterparts, the Crime Syndicate. Evil versions of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman crossover from Earth-Two to Earth-One, and a lot of damage is done in the process.
There have been numerous versions of America's Crime Syndicate in the comics and animated fare. This was one of the more dangerous ones, intent on dominating not just their world but also that of the Justice League.
6 Doomsday (Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice)

Doomsday is going to result in some collateral damage whenever he shows up. That was the case in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice when the movie version of the powerful villain wrecked house in Metropolis. This area of the city was empty of people, but many cars, buildings, and houses were turned into dust as Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman combined forces to stop him. In the end, it was the heroic sacrifice of Superman that destroyed Doomsday and saved the world.
5 Lex Luthor/Brainiac Hybrid (Justice League Unlimited)

One of the most challenging battles the Justice League ever faced was against Lex Luthor and Brainiac's terrifying fusion. Two major Justice League Unlimited villains teamed up when Brainiac shot Luthor with a virus and basically took over his body. The result was an even smarter, even stronger, even more, dangerous villain. The Justice League left everything on the battlefield against drones and the fused villain himself, resulting in Project Cadmus and other civilian property destruction.
4 Despero (Comics)

Despero is a longtime Justice League villain who hasn't yet made it into live-action. One of the most devastating battles in JLA history could be the basis for it if he does. In Justice League #38-40, by writer Keith Giffen and artist J.M. DeMatteis, Despero returns to Earth to get revenge for the last time the Justice League defeated him. In the process, a lot of carnage is inflicted in Detroit, and the team is responsible for some of it in their no-holds-barred effort to stop Despero.
3 The Darkest Knight

One of the biggest moments from the recently completed Dark Knights: Death Metal, the Justice League gives the last full measure against The Darkest Knight. The team spares nothing and no one to stop the cosmically powered villain from destroying the entire Multiverse.
The final battle sees the entire Bat-Family killed and then resurrected with a Black Lantern Power Ring by Batman himself. Wonder Woman ascended to godhood to face off against The Darkest Knight in the showdown for all of reality.
2 Doomsday (Comics)

One of the most destructive battles in comic book history played out over the pages of The Death Of Superman event in the early 90s. The Justice League tried everything to stop the impossibly strong villain from reach Metropolis, but they couldn't do it. They contributed as much damage as he did in the effort, and Superman yielded a lot of his concern for collateral damage in the final stages of the battle. Superman eventually ended the battle at the cost of his own life with the JLA in shock and sorrow.
1 The Anti-Monitor

Perhaps the biggest battle the Justice League ever participated in, at least before Death Metal, was during Crisis On Infinite Earths. As the Anti-Monitor destroyed universe after universe, the surviving heroes banded together to stop him at all costs. The destruction was truly cosmic, with entire worlds and cities falling. Heroes did as well, most famously the Flash and Supergirl. Though the Justice League was successful in the end, it came at an incalculable cost to all involved.