The Dragon Ball series is one of the most popular and successful franchises to date, and it boasts some of the most powerful and capable fighters in all of fiction. Elite among these characters are the Z Fighters, Earth’s greatest warriors who have banded together to protect the planet—and the universe on occasion—from bad guys bent on ultimate destruction.
The Dragon Ball universe has drawn comparisons to many other fictional realms, including the wildly popular Marvel Comics Universe. Marvel is also home to some of the best fighters around, but how would they fare on Dragon Ball’s premier team?
10 Z-Pick: Shang Chi

Considered by many to be the greatest practitioner of Kung Fu, Shang Chi is also unparalleled in the use of chi. Chi is exactly the same as Dragon Ball’s ki, and they both are the energy that fuels the powers that the Z Fighters wield. It would be child’s play for Marvel’s Shang Chi to acclimate himself to the uses of ki in the Dragon Ball Universe. Being the greatest martial artist on Marvel’s Earth would translate to the strongest human on DB’s Earth. Since he is already a better fighter without ki, he would supplant the popular Krillin in no time.
9 Drop-Out: Daredevil

Coming straight out of Hell’s Kitchen, Marvel’s Daredevil would initially make a very promising Z-Fighter. He has shown time and again to be an excellent practitioner of the martial arts and a steadfast warrior. It could even be argued that access to the Dragon Ball Universe’s ki abilities would enhance Matt Murdock’s already impressive senses.
But therein lies the problem: Daredevil has learned chi control, but it seems unlikely that he would be able to utilize ki blasts, bukujutsu (flying), or any of the other sight-based ki skills that the Z Fighters are known for.
8 Z-Pick: Doctor Strange

Doctor Stephen Strange is Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe, but before he acquired his title, he was an ardent fighter who tempered his mystics with martial arts. If the good Doctor brought his entire arsenal of magic to the DBZ, He could very well be the most powerful character on Earth, if not the universe. Strange regularly battles with energy blasts, flying, healing, and quick hand formations. He may be out of practice for the level of hand-to-hand combat associated with the DBZ, but he is well acquainted with vanquishing powerful foes and would-be gods. He would be a most welcome addition to the Z-Team.
7 Drop-Out: Iron Man

Tony Stark is all about flying, fighting, and energy beams. He’s even a very capable fighter, being trained by none other than Captain America himself. The suits that Iron Man uses have power outputs that could be on par with some villains that the Z Fighters have faced, but not many.
Not only that, but Iron Man’s speed wouldn’t keep up with any of the mid-level bosses. It would be debatable that Iron Man’s armors are stronger than Yamcha, but the problem is that the armors have finite energy and without them, Iron Man is simply a man.
6 Z-Pick: Thor

Thor Odinson is built to be a warrior. He would fit in well with the battle-hungry Saiyans. Thor also possesses a natural affinity to lightning and storm-based powers. That’s the kind of diversity that the Z Fighters are looking for. And he’s old. Much older than the 350-year-old Master Roshi. Plus, he’s a literal god. He has thousands of years of battle experience. He has a berserker rage that makes him stronger, like Vegeta, and sometimes he isn’t too bright, like Goku. Not only that, but he already has the blonde hair and electrical aura.
5 Drop-Out: Captain America

Steve Rogers is a soldier first and a martial artist second. He’s too pragmatic and reliant on his shield. He’d probably fare well in the World Tournament, but his actual combat skills wouldn’t take him far as a Z Fighter. As it stands, Cap probably is around Mr. Satan’s fighting ability. With the fact that he’s so old-fashioned and infamously stubborn, it doesn’t seem likely that the good Captain would learn to channel and control his ki. The sad reality is, a grounded fighter is no match for any of the foes that the Z Fighters face regularly. This Avenger would not assemble.
4 Z-Pick: Incredible Hulk

The Hulk would be bonkers as a Z Fighter! He’d be the strongest on the team. He’d be the toughest on the team. With so much gamma radiation leaking out of him, it would be almost guaranteed that in the DB universe, he’d be brimming with ki.
His fights in Marvel already look like they should be drawn by Toriyama. Plus, he has Broly’s anger issues. The only needed addition is the ability to fly and the Dragon Ball Z franchise would be renamed the Hulk Show featuring the Saiyans.
3 Drop-Out: Spider-Man

Spider-Man is one of Marvel’s greatest and most unique superheroes. His speed, agility, and strength make him a formidable fighter. His spider-sense and web-shooters make him nearly unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat. But, all the things that make him great in the comics would only make him mediocre in the world of Dragon Ball. Web swinging is a pale comparison to flying. His speed and agility aren’t on par with Krillin, the lowest powered Z Fighter. While he does have considerable strength, his inability to use ki would hinder most fights. His spider-sense would never stop tingling from the moment he joined the team.
2 Z-Pick: Iron Fist

Danny Rand is the perfect candidate for Dragon Ball Z. He is an excellent martial artist and the premier chi user on Marvel’s Earth. His Iron Fist is strong enough to destroy a speeding bullet train in the comics. This would translate seamlessly into the DB Universe.
It isn’t a stretch to assume that he would be the strongest human by far. Anything Krillin, Tien, or Yamcha could do, Danny would be able to do it better. And in better style. In fact, Danny’s chi is so strong, he could probably contend with Piccolo, if allowed proper training in the Dragon Ball Universe.
1 Drop-Out: Deadpool

Wade Wilson is an excellent fighter who has been known to channel his chi. His ability to regenerate from practically nothing makes him nearly unkillable. This would translate very well in the DB Universe. It’s possible that Deadpool could end up stronger than any of the other human Z Fighters, and it’s also probable that he would make an invaluable addition to the team. The only problem is that Deadpool is 4th-wall-breaking crazy. He would be a gag character and Dragon Ball doesn’t do well with gag characters. Then there’s the fact that He may star in a Deadpool Kills the DB Universe, if given half the chance.