Illyana Rasputin is a hugely valuable member of the X-Men and the current general of the Krakoan forces. Her skills in battle are hugely renowned, not only because of her determination but the plethora of powers and abilities she possesses. Beside her Mutant ability of teleportation, Magik is adept at many forms of sorcery, hand to hand combat, and generating the all-powerful Soul Sword and eldritch armor.
Although she could once only use it on magical entities, Magik cannot use it against anyone she deems worthy. From fending of Black Widow in Avengers Vx X-Men to holding off the likes of Belasco, Magik is a fearsome comrade and dangerous enemy.
10 Beat - Katana

Having spent years waging war against the Yakuza and other evil-doers, Tatsu Yamashirohas developed skilled incomparable to most other fighters in the DC universe. Her sword, dubbed soul-taker, which seems to be a running theme with mystical swords, has the ability to take the souls of its victims.
Though Katana is a formidable force in the DC universe, having fought enemies like General Zod, Killer Crocs, and Lady Eve, she is, unfortunately, no match for Magik's wicked ways. Magik frequently dispatched huge hoards of armed demons, and her sword is massively more powerful than Katana's. Moreso, Magik's Soul Sword is shown to scale with her power, meaning it only becomes more powerful.
9 Be Beaten

Though his daughter would surely fall against the Soul Sword, Deathstroke is arguably the most renowned swordsman in the entire DC universe. He has fought and beaten Batman's likes, The Flash, and nearly the entire Justice League on one occasion. His skill as a tactician allows him to craft and tailor his attack to whoever happens to be his enemy that day.
Though Magik may feel victorious, Wilson always has a plan, which usually lands him as the victor. His manipulative nature and cunning intuition have enabled him to best-superpowered opponents in the past so that this ambitious mercenary would be the ruler of Limbo in no time. Long may he reign.
8 Beat - Travis Morgan, AKA Warlord

Travis Morgan was once a skilled fighter pilot until he crash-landed in the savage land of Skartaris, a land of sorcery, barbarians, and of course, dinosaurs. To survive, he picked up the realm's skills, namely swordsmanship comparable to Conan. His weapon was given to him by the mayor of the dwarves, and once drawn, can only be sheathed again after drawing blood.
Though Travis is adept at dealing with dinosaurs and barbarians, he has never met an opponent as talented as Magik. Sure, he has handled sorcerers in his realm, but this mutant is a different breed. He wouldn't last long against a woman who grew up in Limbo. Raised by demons, trumps lives with dinosaurs any day.
7 Be Beaten - Wonder Woman

This Amazonian needs no introduction, nor does her power level need explaining. She has fought magical gods, destroyed armies, and has fought Superman on more than one occasion. Though she fears her fists, her iconic sword and shield have earned her a place on this list.
Though she may lack the versatility Magik possesses, her centuries of battle experience would give her the edge she needs. Furthermore, her super strength would allow Dianna to push that Mutant to her limits. Rasputin may be the ruler of Limbo, but Wonder Woman has dealt with Hades himself.
6 Beat - Damien Wayne

Being the son of Batman sure does grant some powerful perks, namely grade A combat training and access to ridiculous amounts of money. If that weren't enough, Damien was raised by the League of Assassins under a program that surely wouldn't pass child inspection. Understandably, his childhood forever changed him, making him one of the most violent Robin's to date.
Though Damiens's skills are clear, he lacks the experience and temperament to overcome such a powerful opponent. Batman's years of training and practice has allowed him to outsmart and outmaneuver opponents far superior to him, but Damien is not quite there yet. Magik would drag his soul to Limbo in no time if only to be resurrected in the Lazarus pit at a later date.
5 Be Beaten - Ra's al Ghul

Ra's al Ghul has lived centuries, with most of it spent at the League Of Assasins' helm. He has beaten Batman on multiple occasions and usually fights with various ancient weaponry forms. Though he has displayed subdued mysticism forms, his talent lies in physical combat.
Though Magik has the demons head outmatch in terms of raw power, Al Ghul's proficiency with a sword, and experience as a tactician, would be vital in defeating the young mutant. However, he does have an interest in emerging talent, so perhaps he would indoctrinate her into his society.
4 Beat - Frankenstein

Being made from reanimated corpses comes with apparent drawbacks and various innate abilities. Besides his superhuman strength, immortality, and durability, Frankenstein can also reconstitute his body with other limbs. Gross, but cool as hell!
Frankenstein has mastered many weapons in his lifetime but is usually pictured with a broadsword, which is said to have once belonged to the Archangel Michael. Though Frankenstein would prove a formidable opponent, Magik is no strange to the undead. Through her dealings with demons and training under Dr. Strange, she would indeed have multiple tricks to send Frankenstein back to the grave.
3 Be Beaten - Amethyst

As the princess of Gem World and eventual uniter of all ruling houses, Amethyst does not get enough credit for her accomplishments in the DC Universe. She has cut straight through opponents and weapons alike, not to mention her offensive and defensive magic drawing the eyes of the Lords of Order.
With both combatants taking serious hits against bodies and egos alike, this battle would be close. However, Amethyst has shown incredible durability and resistance in action. She held her own against Spectre and lived to tell the tale, which is a clear indicator of her own abilities.
2 Beat - Rose Wilson

As the daughter of swordmaster Deathstroke, Rose Wilson possesses similar enhanced abilities. Post New-52, Rose also has latent psionic skills that enable her to suppress another's powers.
Though Rose's precognitive abilities would be useful against the teleporting mutant, she would no doubt use adrenaline as a means to heighten this ability. The villain Clock King is responsible for this addiction, which has aided her in battle and impeded on her life generally. Being addicted to such a substance significantly drains her health when used in excess, and no doubt, Magik would use this against her.
1 Be Beaten - Ares

Like the Greek God of War, nothing Ares is better at than combat. Though Wonder Woman and Superman have beaten him, he has also crumpled the entire superhero community at least once. His physical strength and mastery of weapons are evident, but his cunning is often overlooked.
His skill with a sword and keen intelligence would obliterate Magik in minutes. Sure, she has dealt with god-like beings before, but never on Ares' level. He is adept at all forms of combat, from the earliest forms of martial arts to the most obscure weapons. She may be a general, but he is the source of war itself.