During the climax of Dark Night's: Metal, the Justice League was able to defeat Barbatos and his army of evil Batmen by wielding armor and weapons forged out of Element-X. This was how they defeated the dark Bat-God Barbatos and saved Prime Earth from falling to the Dark. But, much like every story in the Multiverse, there is a version of that tale that takes place in the Dark Multiverse, where things are cosmically fated to go horribly wrong.
On Earth Metal, the heroes failed to save the world from Barbatos's invasion due to his dark influence corrupting Element-X and turning the heroes into Barbatos's Dark Dragons of the End. On this Earth, Duke Thomas - also known as the Signal- the only one of Batman's sidekicks not to be a Robin, became the hero known as The Final Knight. There isn't a lot of information about him since he only appeared in the last issue of the Tales From The Dark Multiverse series, but during that one appearance, fans learned a lot.
10 The Last Monitor Of The Dark Multiverse

After the fall of the Justice League, few heroes could somehow escape death and corruption at the hands of Barbatos, Duke Thomas was one of these. After the fall of his Earth, Duke came across the armor of a Monitor, which he wore to escape Barbatos's wrath, and monitor other Earths. Although he managed to learn how to use it, he had yet to master its full power. Barbatos himself claimed Duke stole the armor while acknowledging Duke's inability to comprehend what he could do with it fully. Because he has Infinite Blood, Duke can live forever, allowing him to monitor the multiverse truly.
9 Explored The Dark Multiverse

Although he had not managed to learn how to use his armor's full power, he managed to activate the armors multiversal transporter, allowing him to escape to other Earth's within the Dark Multiverse. After the fall of the Justice League, Duke ran into the multiverse, attempting to stop Barbatos from influencing and taking over other Earths, but failing none-the-less, not aware that the Earth's he explored laid within the Dark Multiverse and were fated to fall into darkness. During his explorations, he came across many tools, which helped him in further searches for salvation from Barbatos's Death Wave.
8 Has The Power To See Reality As It Should Be, Not Is

One of the tools Duke acquired while exploring the multiverse, specifically the Nazi-influence Earth -10 from the Dark Multiverse, is a set of power-dampening g0ggles. On Prime Earth, Duke Thomas's meta-human powers take in light particles from the entire photonic spectrum, allowing him to not only see different spectrums but also alter light particles to see what happened in a room, just a few minutes before he's arrived. But in the Dark Multiverse, his powers evolved to allow him to see the reality in the past rather than the present. He uses the power-dampening goggles to see the present. Otherwise, he'd constantly be looking at the past or how his Earth should truly be.
7 Led The Justice League Of Earth Metal

After being saved by Earth Metal's Nightwing (who is now calling himself Dragon Slayer) and seeing that Barbatos's Dark Dragons can be defeated, Duke followed Nightwing into a secret base that was home to the last of Earth Metal's heroes: Kendra Saunder (Hawkgirl), World Forge Carter Hall (Hawkman), an aged Detective Chimp wearing armor made of Red Tornado, and the Flash, who is now a skeleton held together by the Speedforce.
Rather than save their Eath, Duke convinces the remaining heroes to rally together to kill Barbatos and his Dragons since everyone has acknowledged they can't prevent Barbatos's Deathwave. So they form the last iteration of the Justice League, knowing full well that their plans end in death.
6 Defeated The Batman Who Laughs

To kill Narbatos and his Dark Dragons, the Justice League of Earth Metal needed the help of the Joker Dragon, a large snake-like beast with the Clown-Prince's face and grin, who has held and tortured that Earth's Batman Who Laughs. The entire League attacked the Batman Who Laughs, distracting him from their real objective of freeing the Joker Dragon, who, after being freed from his chains, gets his revenge by burning the Batman Who Laughs to a crisp, killing him for good.
5 Killed Barbatos

When the Justice League was turned into Barbatos's Dark Dragons of the End, Barbatos turned Batman into the core of his new Dragon form, anchoring the Dark God to Earth Metal with a physical body. But when the Justice League of Earth Metal took the fight to Barbatos and his Dragons, Duke Thomas could kill Barbatos now that he had a physical body, even if it was a dark and cosmically-mystical one. Using his Monitor armor to teleport into Barbatos's core, Duke was able to rip Bruce Wayne out of Barbatos and then impaled Batman with the broken-off tooth of a Dragon, de-anchoring Barbatos from his Earth and killing him in the process.
4 Last Survivor Of Earth Metal

The only reason the last surviving heroes deiced to take the fight against Barbatos and his Dragons was that Barbatos's Deathwave was approaching, meaning their death would come for them soon. So it seemed only reasonable to spend their last moments fighting the Dark Dragons of the End to the death if it meant taking the Dragons with them. In the battle, each surviving hero gave their life to destroy and kill the dragons, including Barbatos. At the end of the battle, Duke Thoma was the last surviving Earth Metal.
3 Wears Armor Made Out Of The Bat Dragon

Duke Thomas's Monitor armor allows him to explore the multiverse. Still, after killing Barbatos, Duke went on the reuse the Bat-God's physical body by carving out pieces of it and fashioning a dark version of the Batsuit.
He did this to amplify his Monitor suit's powers, which, when combined with the multiversal energies found within the new suit, would allow him to essentially escape his Dark Earth and search new Earths where he could start over or take on the forces of the Dark Multiverse.
2 Only Hero Not To Fall To The Dark Multiverse

The common themes of the stories that come out of the Dark Multiverse are that they're all Earth's where things went wrong for the heroes during an important event in their lives, opposite to the Prime Earth counterpart, permanently dooming their Earth. During his travels through the Dark Multiverse, Tempus Fuginaut found those who resided within their Dark Multiverse Earths were destined to fall with their doomed Earth. But when Duke Thomas amplified his Monitor Suit with the Final Knight Armor, he carved out of Barbatos's body. He could escape into the multiverse and become the first hero of the Dark Multiverse to escape their Earth's destined demise.
1 Only Being To Punch Tempus Fuginaut

Tempus Fuginaut can be thought of as the DC Comics equivalent of Marvel Comics The Watcher since his duty is to watch the history of many Earths of the Dark Multiverse and prevent their individual darkness from spreading out of their individual Earths. But unlike the Watcher, Tempus doesn't have a vow of non-interference, meaning he could have always interfered and done something if he wanted to. When Duke Thomas escaped his Earth into the Multiversal-Space where Tempus Fuginaut resided, he met Tempus and learned of his duty. Upon realizing that Tempus watched the many Earths of the Dark Multiverse fall and did nothing, he punched Fuginaut in the face before heading off into the multiverse.