Demon Slayer: 5 Things That Don’t Make Sense About Nezuko (& 5 That Totally Do)

The characters that exist within a battle anime are known for their incredible combat skills and exposition filled dialogue. One of the newest battle anime to gain international popularity proves just how important this expositional dialogue is. With the introduction of Nezuko, Demon Slayer demonstrates just how dangerous it can be for a character to wield immense power but lack the ability to explain that power.

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Fans of the series know that Nezuko is a difficult character to make sense of. The young demon is often misunderstood and feared. Without the verbal support of her allies, Nezuko's ambiguity would have almost certainly gotten her killed already. Although, it is true that Nezuko's skill in combat is amplified by the mystery that surrounds her power.

10 Doesn't Make Sense: How Did She Learn A Blood Demon Art?

When it comes to power scaling, Demon Slayer accomplishes something that many anime struggle with by giving secondary characters the chance to level up alongside the show's protagonist. Zenitsu and Inosuke may not be as motivated as Tanjrio, but they manage to keep up in terms of skill. Nezuko also manages to keep up, even though she sleeps through every one of the training sequences.

Nezuko certainly competes with Tanjiro for the spot of most powerful main character in Demon Slayer. Her status as a demon gives her access to abilities that Tanjiro will never have access to. Still, it would be nice if viewers could see exactly how Nezuko learns all her new skills.

9 Does Make Sense: Allegiance to Tanjirio

One thing fans of Demon Slayer can be certain of is the fact that Nezuko and Tanjiro share a bond that can never be broken. Each is willing to lay down their lives for the other and have demonstrated this on multiple occasions.

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A bond as strong as the one between Nezuko and Tanjiro supersedes reason and logic. To sacrifice yourself in order to save another goes against natural survival instincts. Still, for Nezuko and Tanjiro, it makes sense. The pair are the sole survivors of their family and have shared more traumatic experiences than viewers can count.

8 Doesn't Make Sense: Sole Survivor of Muzan Kibutsuji's attack

Demon Slayer begins in the same way many battle anime begin: with tragedy. When Tanjrio Kamado returns from his mission to deliver supplies to a nearby village, he finds his entire family murdered by a demon. The only survivor of the attack is his little sister, who only survived by being turned into a demon herself.

Since the confrontation between Tanjiro's family and Muzan Kibutsuji took place offscreen, viewers are left to wonder how and why Nezuko survived the slaughter. How did this young girl convince Kibutsuji to leave her alive and why would he give the young girl his powerful blood?

7 Does Make Sense: Immense Power Comes From Kibutsuji's Blood

The two ways a demon slayer can assess the strength of their opponent is by discovering the number of humans the demon has eaten or gauging the amount of Kibutsuji's blood that the demon has coursing through their veins.

RELATED: Demon Slayer: 10 Strongest Demons, Ranked

The fact that Nezuko was turned into a demon by Kibutsuji explains why the young demon princess is so powerful. Though she has never eaten a human, it is unclear how much of Kibutsuji's blood courses through her. Perhaps it will later be revealed that Kibutsuji endowed Nezuko with power in order to test a hypothesis of his own.

6 Doesn't Make Sense: Telepathy

During the training session after Tanjiro and Nezuko are officially accepted by the Demon Slayer Corp. Tanjiro levels up by mastering the total concentration constant breathing technique. Nezuko is also given an upgrade in the form of a new communication skill.

When Tanjiro visits his sister, who is sleeping off her most recent expenditure of energy, she speaks to her brother using a skill akin to telepathy. Tanjiro and viewers are both surprised when Nezuko speaks to her brother, but at this point it should be known that Nezuko doesn't need any cool training sequences to learn powerful new skills. In fact, her skills don't need any sort of explanation at all, they may simply be meant to defy reason.

5 Does Make Sense: Sleeping In Place Of Feeding

Nezuko's ability to maintain her strength as a demon without eating other humans is one the characters only powers that gets a verbal explanation in the first season of Demon Slayer. When Tanjiro and his sister meet Urokodaki, the former water Hashira, viewers learn that Nezuko sleeps in place of eating humans. These naps can last for months at a time, and are more akin to a coma than a short rest.

During each of these long rests, Nezuko manages to regain her strength and even expand upon her powers in unexplainable ways. The way Nezuko grows stronger each time she rests makes it clear that this act of sleeping functions very similar to a demon's ability to grow in strength based on the number of humans they eat.

4 Doesn't Make Sense: Irregular Sleeping Habit

The bamboo muzzle that cover's Nezuko's mouth may save the writers behind Demon Slayer some time when it comes to writing dialogue for their main characters, but it also leaves viewers in the dark when considering the demon princess' sleeping habits.

While it makes sense for Nezuko to rest while Tanjiro trains, she has never once shown signs of fatigue in battle. While it is clear that she benefits from the rest she gets, it really feels necessary. This fact forces viewers to question the consistency of Nezuko's sleep in order to make sense of the long coma like naps she so often takes.

3 Does Make Sense: Seeing Humanity In Demons

One of the major plot points that runs throughout the first season centers itself around the question of whether Nezuko can be trusted. Viewers who have not been scarred by the threat of demons may have found it easy to accept her, but trauma has made it very difficult for the Demon Slayer Corp. to trust any demon, even one as adorable as Nezuko.

The fact remains that Nezuko is able to see the best in humanity, even when they act in ways that can only be defined as despicable. Nezuko also demonstrates the ability to see the humanity in demons when she meets Lady Tamayo and Yushiro. This ability seems to be an expansion of the skill that allowed her to see Tanjiro as an ally just moments after she was turned. If anything is clear about Nezuko it is that her ability to overcome hate and anger and see the humanity in others is her most powerful skill to date.

2 Doesn't Make Sense: Martial Arts Training

Another skill of Nezuko's that pops up out of nowhere is an affinity for martial arts that she has no reason to possess. For every month that Tanjiro spent training in the mountains with Urokodaki, Nezuko slept peacefully in the former Hashira's cabin.

Unless future seasons explain that Nezuko's coma like slumber enters her into the world of the matrix, even skills as basic as martial arts training will be questioned by viewers.

1 Does Make Sense: Fire Related Blood Demon Art

Even though both Nezuko and Tanjiro spent the first season of Demon Slayer mastering skills unrelated to fire, a flashback that Tanjiro experiences during his fight with Rui hints at the way their skills might develop in the future.

It makes good sense that Nezuko's blood demon art would utilize her blood like a gasoline fire. Though it is unclear where Nezuko learned this skill, the way it utilizes fire as a weapon is no surprise. Perhaps Nezuko and Tanjiro can work together to reach the rank of Fire Hashira as a team.

NEXT: Demon Slayer: Tanjiro's 10 Water Breathing Techniques, Explained

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