Digimon: 5 Digital Monsters We Wish Existed (& 5 We're Happy That Don't)

From its early virtual pet beginnings to its later multimedia franchise, Digimon remains to be a great staple in the industry. Many still argue today whether or not Digimon is better than its rival Pokémonwhile others generally love discussing Digimon's best mega evolutions.

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With the new Digimon Adventure reboot already pleasing fans by bringing back its iconic protagonists, it may make some people create intriguing discussions about Digimon. One of these topics being what Digimon could work well in our world and which ones should not exist.

10 SHOULD EXIST: Agumon, A Noble & Kindhearted Being

Arguably the most well-known among the digital monsters is Agumon. Although Agumon's species is known to be quite ferocious with their sharp claws and ability to spit fire-balls, they can be trained to become noble and kindhearted beings. An example of a well-tamed and peaceful Agumon is apparent in Tai and his Agumon's bond with each other.

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Furthermore, if the tight friendship between Tai and Agumon is taken into account, the Agumon species would make for excellent bodyguards. It's argued that Agumon can beat many powerful Pokemon like Regice and Rayquaza, so a house burglar wouldn't stand a chance.

9 SHOULD NOT EXIST: Numemon, An Annoying & Smelly Pest

One of the ugliest Digimon among them, Numemon is not a Digimon people would want frolicking amongst them. Although it doesn't have much physical strength or intelligence to pose a threat to human-kind, it would be a smelly nuisance in homes and an annoying pest.

For example, as a defense maneuver, Numemom will throw its feces at enemies, give off a strong-smelling odor by burping, and even have the audacity to lick its foes. It's no wonder these Digimon come from one of the worst episodes in Digimon history.

8 SHOULD EXIST: Gatomon, A Cute Yet Fierce Feline

Although this Digimon may have one of the most-non-sensical "digivolutons" in the franchise, Gatomon's a feline worth having in one's home. Gatomon may look cute-yet-dangerous with its large claws and hypnotism abilities, but if the ring on their tail were to ever go missing, the Gatomon species is known for losing their original strength.

Gatomon can also carry some ounce of respect and kindness as shown with Gatomon and Kari's relationship throughout the anime. Nonetheless, this Digimon, if trained and loved-properly by a rightful owner, can become a great companion to have around in the real world.

7 SHOULD NOT EXIST: Ogremon, A Destructive & Dangerous Hunter

Ogremon is a Digimon not worth existing in our world due to its destructive capabilities, ferocious attitude, and superb intelligence, as it would be a massive threat to human-kind. This Digimon is known as a hunter that loves to seek-out fights for the fun of it with its large bone club.

Although humans may have weapons that can take-down Ogremon, its raw strength, appearance, and its other abilities could frighten many defenseless citizens that cross its path. Therefore, Ogremon's arrogant attitude and rough personality can stay in the digital world where it belongs.

6 SHOULD EXIST: Gabumon, A Loyal & Courteous Companion

Though Gabumon may look intimidating and ferocious at first-glance, the species is known for being timid and shy among other Digimon or beings that encounter it. Despite having some powerful attacks and one of the strongest "digivolutions" in Digimon Adventure at its disposal, Gabumon can be tamed and become loyal to those who show it respect.

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For example, the Gabumon depicted in the Digimon Adventure was kindhearted, respectful, and was always willing to help out his partner Matt whenever he felt down. This loyalty and courteous nature that's shown from Gabumon is evidence that they'd be wonderful companions.

5 SHOULD NOT EXIST: Devimon, A Vicious & Coldhearted Villain

One of the most menacing of the Digimon, Devimon is a vicious, coldhearted being and is arguably one of Digimon Adventure's best villains. On that note, Devimon has manipulated many beings, attacked children and other Digimon, and has no issues tampering with the mental state of his victims. With the appearance of a demon, it's no wonder the Digimon is just a walking pure evil creature.

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Although Devimon's raw strength, knowledge, and abilities may peak the interests of most scientists who wish to study it, it's a Digimon not worth allowing into our world.

4 SHOULD EXIST: Renamon, A Peaceful & Well-Composed Creature

Acknowledged as a hero amongst the Digimon, Renamon is a noble, fox-like creature that's known for being a peaceful and well-composed creature if trained under a kind-hearted caretaker. Therefore, Renamon will devote its loyalty to humankind and is willing to use its transformative and projectile weaponry to protect its masters.

The relationship between Rika Nonaka and her Renamon in Digimon Tamers serves as a fine example of Renamon's ideals and personality. Although it took a while for the two to become closer friends, it does show that if under the proper care, Renamon can be a viable asset to friendly humans.

3 SHOULD NOT EXIST: Nanimon, A Bully & Troublemaker

Looking like a fusion between a human and the Pokemon Primeape, Nanimon would be a weird Digimon to have in the real world. Nanimon are known for having an interest in adult human activities like drinking alcohol and partaking in physical combat. Not only does this Digimon have a crude attitude and love for beating up others, but it also has a defense mechanism like Numemon, where it will fling its poop at its opponents.

Naturally, it wouldn't be fun to witness a human-looking Digimon flinging its poop at bartenders and their customers.

2 SHOULD EXIST: Veemon, A Soft Monster With A Sense Of Justice

Veemon might be a Digimon that's full of pranks, but inside their a species with a huge heart and sense of justice. To back up its love for making things right, Veemon is known for physical combat and will use every ounce of its body to take down a tough opponent.

For people who love training partners at the gym, Veemon is sure to suffice their needs and will go easy if it has a strong attachment to its companion. On the other hand, Veemon also has a softer side, as seen with the one from Digimon Adventure 02 and his crush on Gatomon.

1 SHOULD NOT EXIST: Sukamon, A Nasty Feces Thrower

Like Numemon, Sukamon is a repulsive-looking Digimon that's often shunned in the Digital World for its gross, maniacal attitude. This Digimon also has a small rat-like companion alongside it called Chuumon, who serves as Sukamon's manipulator, often commanding it to do heinous actions.

If Numemon's poop throwing wasn't bad enough, Sukamon takes it up a notch with its feces-throwing habit, dirty claws, and the ability to release a chemical so deadly that it can affect its enemies' bowels. Therefore, this smelly Digimon can leave its nasty habits in the digital world.

NEXT: Digimon Adventure: Every Digi-Destined & Their Partner's Strongest Digivolution

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