Justice League: 10 Greatest Members, Ranked By Number Of Years On The Team

In the DC Universe, there are no teams greater than the Justice League. Composed of the greatest heroes on the planet, the team has been facing the most dangerous Multiverse threats for years. The Justice League has been around a long time, with multiple origins as the continuity of the DC Universe has changed and been through a veritable legion of members, some less memorable than others.

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With so many heroes having been through its hallowed ranks, some are greater than others, and the greatest of them have had long tenures with the group, using their power and experience to make a difference in the universe.

10 Kyle Rayner

Kyle Rayner became the Green Lantern after Hal Jordan's murderous Parallax influenced rampage and had some huge shoes to fill. Suddenly the only Green Lantern left in the universe. He was thrust into the big leagues immediately, mastering his power ring and learning the superheroic ropes. Luckily, his past as a graphic designer helped him make some mighty and cool constructs that made things easier.

Joining up with the JLA, Kyle would be the team's sole Green Lantern for years. While there are other Leaguers who served longer than him, he overcame many obstacles and quickly proved to be one of the team's greatest members ever.

9 Wally West

Wally West started his time as a superhero as Kid Flash, helping find the Teen Titans and learning from the best superheroes. After Barry Allen's death, Wally would move up into the big leagues, becoming the Flash and making a name for himself, even overshadowing his uncle at times and rivaling him for who was the best Flash.

Wally West mastered the power of the Speed Force and joined the Justice League, using all of his training and power to become an integral part of the team. While his career after leaving the League had some rough patches, there's no denying how great a Leaguer he was.

8 Black Canary

Many heroes joined the League over the years, some of them with rather big names, like Green Arrow, the Atom, or Hawkman. However, as good as they all were, there's no doubt that the best Leaguer to join around the same time as them was Black Canary. Black Canary is one of the toughest fighters in the DC Universe and even led the team for a time.

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Black Canary doesn't get nearly enough credit for just how great a hero she is. A fearsome fighter and a stalwart friend, she more than proved herself as one of the League's greatest members, eclipsing other heroes who joined the team.

7 Batman

Batman is one of the greatest heroes in the DC Universe, even if he's often one of the most unpleasant. His variety of skills, coupled with his vast resources, have made him one of the go-to members of the League and one of its most valuable members. However, he's not technically a founder of the team or at least not the original incarnation, joining the Silver Age League shortly after its founding.

Even without superpowers, Batman has proven to be one of the team's differences makers. He lacks in powers and makes up for his unmatched tactical skills. Without his planning skill, it's safe to say the League would have been destroyed long ago.

6 Superman

Superman is easily one of the most important Justice League members, which is fitting for someone who is also one of the most important heroes around. His wide repertoire of powers are amazing, but it's who he is as a person that has made him so great. Like Batman, he wasn't a founding member of the original League, although he was in other universes.

Superman is the League's backbone, both because of what he can do and who he is. A shining inspiration to the DC Universe heroes, he's become synonymous with the team but hasn't served as long as other members of the group.

5 Aquaman

It's weird to say Aquaman is more important of a member of the Justice League than Batman or Superman, but he's been with the team since the very beginning, helping make it into the force that it is. Beyond that, he's also a monarch of the largest country on Earth, as Atlantis controls much of the seas.

Aquaman's regal bearing and skill as a warrior have made him a valuable part of the League. Although it's not one of the more well-remembered rosters of the group, he has even led a Justice League. However, his time with the League and his place among its founder cements him as one of the greatest members.

4 Martian Manhunter

While Superman has many different powers, there's another member of the League who arguably has more- Martian Manhunter. Combining most of Superman's abilities with unmatched telepathy, shapeshifting, invisibility, and intangibility, Martian Manhunter is a formidable hero. His powers are only the beginning, as he's also one of the team's most skilled members.

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Martian Manhunter has been a member of just about every incarnation of the Justice League, serving with distinction and giving the team the extra punch it needs when the chips are down. There are few heroes out there who bring the kind of power and skill that Martian Manhunter does to the fight.

3 Barry Allen

Barry Allen is the second Flash and one of the greatest heroes in the history of the DC Universe. He's mentored several young heroes over the years, all of whom have distinguished themselves very well. Without his sacrifice in the battle against the Anti-Monitor, the DC Multiverse would have been destroyed without knowing what hit it.

Since his return to the land of the living, the Flash has proven why he's such a great hero, even if he has made a few mistakes. Barry Allen helped cement the Flash's legacy, and his heroism with the League has kept the universe safe for years.

2 Green Lantern

Hal Jordan became the Green Lantern of space sector 2814 and quickly made a name for himself as one of the greatest heroes in the universe. One of the team's founding members, Green Lantern, served triple duty, fighting with the League, the Green Lantern Corps, and on his own. Possessed by the fear entity Parallax for a time, his return to being a hero was a joyous occasion, and he took his old place with the League.

There are few heroes out there who can match Hal Jordan's experience. His status as the greatest Green Lantern of them all means he's one of the greatest heroes on Earth and the universe and easily one of the most important Leaguers.

1 Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman has long proven just how great an asset she is in any battle, let alone with the Justice League. Facing down mythological monsters, gods, and powerful villains on her own, she brings her great skills and strength to the League. While she isn't the most powerful Leaguer, she makes up for it with almost unmatched tenacity and toughness.

Recently, besides being a member of the main team, she's also become the leader of the Justice League Dark, helping safeguard reality against the greatest magical threats. A founding member of the team, she's easily the most important member who's served the longest.

NEXT: 10 Worst Things The Justice League Have Done To Each Other

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