Naruto: Tsunade's 5 Greatest Strengths (& Her 5 Worst Weaknesses)

Tsunade was arguably the finest medical ninja of the Naruto universe and Fifth Hokage of the Leaf Village. When she was first introduced to the series, her flaws were in abundance, making the anime's title protagonist question whether or not she is suitable to be Konoha's next leader.

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Like any well-written character, she has many strengths and weaknesses which contribute to (and detract from) her eligibility to assume a position of leadership. By identifying and reconciling the two, we can determine whether or not she was the right choice for the office.

10 WEAKNESS: Fear Of Blood

Tsunade's aversion to blood is a massive disadvantage to her endeavors. Considering that the Hokage are expected to defend their villages (usually being one of if not the strongest member among them), her phobia reduces her ability to fight effectively and attend to her duties as a medical ninja.

An example of this comes from Kabuto's battle against Naruto, where her face was stained in the blood of the intrepid young Uzumaki. This paralyzed her in fear and nearly cost the Jinchuriki his life on account of her hesitation.

9 STRENGTH: Extent Of Healing With Help From Katsuyu

Tsunade's summoning jutsu may not be profoundly useful in battle, but it serves her role as a medical ninja well. Katsuyu is a massive slug with healing properties that can disperse its body over a wide radius, creating tiny copies of itself. These fragments may then latch onto others, healing hundreds of people simultaneously.

It is a fantastic resource when defying insurmountable threats such as Pain or the many villains present in the Forth War. Tsunade's skill to heal her people is a natural tool in winning their trust and validating the leadership she commands.

8 WEAKNESS: Loves To Gamble & Take Risks

Tsunade is a notorious gambler who does not understand moderation. She prefers to drink herself into a stupor and spend her money frivolously rather than to assume the mantle of leadership, serving as a point of tension between herself and Jiraiya once the two Sannin were reunited.

Moreover, it evinces a lack of discipline which may make it harder to command respect. Even Shizune, Tsunade's most loyal servant, had implored her to moderate her vices on a number of different occasions. Unfortunately, her requests usually fall on deaf ears, especially when her mistress is too intoxicated to hear them.

7 STRENGTH: Courage To Fight Back & Protect

Tsunade's courage is one of her most defining assets. In addition to overcoming her phobia of blood for the sake of Naruto, she participated alongside the other Five Kage against Madara shortly after his rebirth. This was in spite of the fact that the fallen Uchiha had recently decimated an entire shinobi army without suffering little more than a scratch.

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While she would unfortunately falter against him, it was an excellent display of her willingness to sacrifice for the sake of her people. In this regard, she resembles the burning spirit of her predecessor, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

6 WEAKNESS: Haunted By Her Deceased Family

Tsunade is haunted by the memory of her deceased family members.. Specifically,  her younger brother, Nawaki, and lover, Dan Kato, were the reasons she drank so profusely.

In the instance of the former, she would frequently hallucinate Naruto as him since he shared much of his likeness and goal (through his desire to become the next Hokage). It is a particular point of weakness for her since Orochimaru had tempted the medical ninja with their resurrection if she willingly restored his ruined arms. Fortunately for Konoha, Tsunade would refuse, even if it took her serious consideration before doing so.

5 STRENGTH: Steadfast In Her Principles & Doesn't Let Her Emotions Get To Her

Not only does Tsunade hold a rigid set of beliefs (as evinced through her previous rejection of Orochimaru), she is steadfast in her principles and does not allow her emotions to impede her judgment.

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As a result, she is able to turn down Naruto during their many disagreements with one another regardless of his likeness to her deceased brother. This renders her a capable leader and one that represents Konoha well on a global stage. Similarly, it staunched the chafing Danzo Shimura from manipulating her and seizing power (until after Pain's attack on the village).

4 WEAKNESS: Aggression Toward Others

Though Tsunade's unwavering resolve may behoove her against those who might challenge her authority or threaten Konoha, she can also be excessively pugnacious. The medical ninja was easily the most brash of the three Sannin, surpassing Orochimaru in confrontational proclivity (but not in malice).

Oftentimes, she will end a dispute by raising her voice and stating that her word is final. While she technically has the power to do so, it does not instill confidence in her ability to rationalize to those that she attempts to command.

3 STRENGTH: Teaching Ability As Seen With Sakura

Tsunade's teaching affinity was perhaps even better than Jiraiya's or Orochimaru's. Unlike the former (who was working with a Jinchuriki of immense power) or the latter (who seldom taught at all and used immoral experiments to give his pupils power), the Fifth Hokage turned Sakura into one of the finest healers in the anime through the merit of her instruction alone.

This spoke to her boundless capacity as a mentor, one which would be useful as Konoha's threats continued to evolve and manifest in many different ways. She was even able to teach Ino rudimentarily medical jutsu, proving her versatility among multiple pupils.

2 WEAKNESS: Insecurity About Her Age

Despite Tsunade's gallant leadership and decisive choices, she is surprisingly sensitive and easy to provoke. This often served as a comedic point of her relationships with Jiraiya and Naruto, though it also revealed a deep insecurity through the ways she lashed out.

Whenever Naruto would use his self-prescribed moniker of "Grandma Tsunade," she would usually fly into a fit of rage. More often than not, it culminated with physical violence, with her insecurity proven through the severe ways that she overreacts and retaliates.

1 STRENGTH: Loyal To Her Friends & Allies

Before Orochimaru's betrayal, the three Sannin were surrounded by all sides by an enemy village and on the cusp of capture. Escape was possible, but Jiraiya was unable to follow them on account of his injuries. This made him a liability, one which the snake shinobi was more than happy to correct.

However, Tsunade refused to abandon him, willing to protect her friend from anyone who might threaten him - whether the enemies outside or against Orochimaru himself. Not only was it an excellent display of loyalty, but it also entailed good judgment; the three would survive their crisis unscathed.

NEXT: Naruto: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Jiraiya

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