PlayStation 4's 7 Easiest Platinum Trophies | CBR

Whether you're looking to fill your Steam achievement cabinet, gain an easy 1,000 Gamerscore in an Xbox title or nab a swift Platinum Trophy in a PlayStation game, many players have sought out games that are easy to 100 percent complete so they can flesh out their online profile with proof of their achievement. Having several Platinum Trophies on your PlayStation account looks cooler than having none -- even if the games you played to get there are a bit questionable.

If you're looking for some easy Platinums, the PlayStation Store has many titles available for a relatively low price that will help fill up that trophy cabinet. It should be noted, though, that the easiest games to complete are, more often than not, not the best. If you're willing to brave some of the weird -- and often terrible -- games you can find hiding within the PlayStation Store for some easy Platinums, here are seven particular PlayStation 4 titles you'll want to give a shot.

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Bouncy Bullets is a simplistic puzzle/shooter hybrid where players platform across several levels to reach an end goal. The simplicity of Bouncy Bullets translates to its completion criteria, which doesn't fully require true 100 percent in-game completion to get the Platinum. While Bouncy Bullets is rather easy to complete, you'll spend most of your short time with the game wrestling with the wonky controls and floaty, unresponsive jumps. Still, even with its janky controls, Bouncy Bullets is a super easy game to complete.

If you're looking for one of the fastest Platinum Trophies to nab, Iron Snout has you covered. This simple button-masher requires players to smash the D-pad in several directions to destroy an onslaught of wolves attempting to kill the player character. While the difficulty of the game ramps up over time, the basic completion criteria couldn't be easier. Executing simple moves, catching items and letting wolfs attack you in simple ways comes easy. With the fast-pace of the game, you'll see your new Platinum Trophy in less than an hour.

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Never before has a platformer been this easy to complete. Like Bouncy Bullets, Jack N' Jill DX doesn't require full completion of the actual game to nab the Platinum Trophy. Completing simple puzzle-platforming levels for about 15 minutes will net you nearly every trophy in the game since you only have to finish World One to get basically every trophy. After some basic platforming, you'll just need to jump into a quick mini-game and visit the in-game shop with rewards tickets to nab this breezy Platinum.

Movie-tie-in games are a dying breed on consoles, yet one recently released film has an unexpected tie-in game. Storm Boy takes around half an hour to complete, mainly through doing little side activities during levels, which are beyond easy to do. Unlike many other games on this list, Storm Boy is also quite fun to play and boasts some really beautiful art direction. If you're looking for an easy Platinum but want to play something that's better than your average Trophy game, Storm Boy is a swell option.

It should be noted that, if you value the safety of your X button and your fingers, you might not want to play My Name is Mayo. This simple clicker game requires the player to simply mash the X button over and over again for around half an hour, occasionally hitting the triangle button to "progress" to the next level. My Name is Mayo is rather famous for its easy completion, as well as its fun, comedic charm that makes it a little less tedious to play. If only one run of My Name is Mayo isn't enough for you, there's also a sequel that's just as easy to get the Platinum in.

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Little Adventure on the Prairie is nowhere near a good game. The slap-dash level design, button-mashing combat and unresponsive controls make this game a simultaneous eyesore and obnoxious play experience. Nevertheless, you can't beat a completion time of half an hour with an asking price of $2. If you want a quick Platinum and you're more than okay with just moving right and mashing the face buttons every now and then, give Little Adventure on the Prairie a shot.

Four minutes is all that's needed to "complete" Super Weekend Mode. This simplistic shoot-em-up sees players just holding the fire button while moving around a board to collect items and avoid enemy projectiles. Although the game gets progressively harder as time goes on, its completion criteria is super simplistic, meaning you'll have to only see a portion of the game to nab your Platinum. Outside of just shooting monsters over and over again, you'll need to equip a special costume, attempt a run on the hardest difficulty and rack up some points no matter the difficulty level to see the easiest Platinum you'll probably ever get.

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