Savage Avengers: Deadpool and Conan Are Marvel's Most CHAOTIC Duo

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Savage Avengers #17 by Gerry Duggan, Kev Walker, Java Tartaglia, and VC's Travis Lanham, on sale now.

The Savage Avengers are one of the most brutal and effective fighting forces that the Marvel Universe has ever seen. Individually, they are some of the least likable characters. Taking both of these things into consideration, it's a wonder that they're able to work together at all, but unlikely friendships are bound to show up in any group of people.

The most savage of their members, Conan the Barbarian, has not only built some strong relationships during his time with the others, but he's beginning to build connections in the modern era as well. As Knull ravages the planet in the King in Black crossover around them, Conan just met Deadpool, setting the stage for one of the most chaotic partnerships in Marvel history.

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After fighting a dragon alongside the Juggernaut, Magik and Black Knight, some celebratory drinking left Conan in lockup by the end of the night. The inconvenience couldn't come at a worse time, the dark god of the symbiotes' invasion having begun within moments of Conan being introduced to his cell. Luckily, Deadpool is among the other inmates, and he's working on picking the guard's pocket, though he only manages to get their personal set of keys instead of the ones for the cell door. Conan remarks on Deadpool's skills, and the two soon find that they have a shared connection in Wolverine. When Conan discovers that Deadpool is capable of healing much like his friend Logan, he comes up with the worst way for the two of them to escape, grabbing his new acquaintance and violently forcing him through the bars between them and freedom.

It makes perfect sense, at least as far as Conan is concerned. While Deadpool emphatically objects to being mangled between the bars, he has no objection regarding the efficacy of the Cimmerian's plan. Once outside, Deadpool questions why he shouldn't just leave Conan behind, but calling the Merc With a Mouth's manhood into question is more than enough to get him to stay. Their conversation, and Deadpool's screaming as he was forced to the outside of the cell, alert a guard who comes running in without looking down. As soon as his boot hits the puddle of Deadpool, he slips to the ground where Deadpool can get a grip on him as well as the right set of keys this time. They're quick to make their way through the other guards and into lock-up where their gear is, with the Night Flyer tagging along and leading the way.

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Conan and Deadpool ride out of the prison on stolen horses, with Night Flyer overhead and an army of symbiote dragons in every possible direction. Deadpool is far more concerned with the safety of their steeds than their impending doom, but his distracted demeanor doesn't seem to phase Conan whatsoever. Then again, the Cimmerian has fought against and teamed up with just about any type of personality that can be imagined, so Deadpool's particular brand of insanity is probably nothing new for him.

With so much stacked against them, it will be nothing less than a small miracle if they both make it out of this alive. Then again, considering who Conan the Barbarian and Wade Wilson are and what they're capable of, the same might be said if anyone else in their immediate vicinity survives the experience either.

KEEP READING: X-Men: How Age Of Apocalypse Turned Deadpool Into a MONSTER

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