There are many recent anime series that have grabbed the audience's attention, but the success of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is on a whole other level. The anime does an excellent job as it tells the story of Tanjiro, who is on a journey to become a master demon slayer and save his sister from her demonic state.
Demon Slayer fulfills shonen genre stereotypes, but also finds ways to subvert the norm and create truly thrilling and suspenseful battles. Tanjiro has conquered many formidable demons throughout his quest, but he’d likely fare quite well against some of the monsters that wreak havoc in other anime series.
10 Saibamen Are Home-Grown Terrors That Would Amount To A Warm-Up For Tanjiro

Dragon Ball Z is full of extremely powerful characters, some of which are humans, but the majority of which are at least alien in some part. A curious creation from the series’ earlier episodes involves Saibamen, demonic monsters that can be grown from seed-like capsules. The Saibamen tend to attack in packs, but Tanjiro has taken on considerably more intimidating demons. The Saibamen would honestly amount more to a training exercise for Tanjiro than a real challenge, and his sword would quickly take them all out.
9 The Patience & Power Of Yu Yu Hakusho’s Yomi Pale To Tanjiro’s Skills

Yomi is a powerful demon with ties to Kurama that’s significant during Yu Yu Hakusho’s final stretch of episodes. Yomi has lost his sight, but it’s caused him to grow an abundance of ears to compensate. Yomi is brilliant when it comes to strategy and also has several dangerous energy attacks that he shows off during the Dark Tournament. Yomi actually feels like a demon that could be a member of The Twelve Demon Moon, but he’d definitely be a lower rung and even some of Tanjiro’s earlier battles are more grueling than Yomi’s style.
8 Tokyo Ghoul’s Scarecrow Is Barely A Threat Against Humans

Tokyo Ghoul creates a dangerous world where Ghouls and humans are locked in battle with each other and there are some extremely dangerous demons and those designated as SS+ or SSS could easily demolish an entire city.
As a point of reference, the dangerous group Aogiri Tree is mostly made up of B Class Ghouls, but Scarecrow is someone that's down further at a C rating. Scarecrow is actually Hide under a Ghoul moniker, but his skills are more intelligence-based rather than anything steeped in power. Tanjiro would have zero difficulty taking him out.
7 InuYasha’s Naraku Is A Crafty Demon, But Still No Match For A Demon Slayer

Naraku is the major antagonist throughout InuYasha, and he's a considerable challenge for characters like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Naraku is half-human, but he’s still very powerful and also has extra skills that are able to confound most individuals. Naraku can shapeshift into others and even regenerate any limbs that he loses. These techniques might temporarily give Tanjiro pause, but he's taken on demons that are capable of much worse and have ensnared his mind, only for him to still persevere. It’s a battle that might force Tanjiro to get more aggressive and tap into his fire-based attacks.
6 Ranma ½’s Pantyhose Taro Is More Bark Than Bite

Ranma ½ effectively balances action, comedy, and romance. The major crux behind the series is that many characters transform into animals upon contact with water due to a curse designated with the Jusenkyo hot springs. Pantyhose Taro is an extreme situation and he turns into a renegade chimera demon because a “yeti riding a bull with an eel in one hand a crane in the other” died in his hot spring. This demon is more misunderstood and lonely than anything. Tanjiro could likely just befriend him, but if that’s not possible then any of his training would extinguish this threat.
5 Gedoumaru Is A Strong & Helpful Demon In Gintama, But Not Demon Slayer Material

Gintama finds a way to be simultaneously endlessly exciting and one of the funniest anime series of all time. There's an occasion where Gintoki and his team have to travel to the demon world to purchase a gift.
This experience leads to the introduction of Gedoumaru, a demon girl who looks quite harmless, but is exceptionally strong and takes out large crowds of massive demons. Gedoumaru is an ally in Gintama and her power is mostly restricted to physical strength. In this sense, Tanjio's spiritual skills would give him the advantage over Gedoumaru.
4 Jujutsu Kaisen’s Finger Bearers Are Nightmare Fuel, But Not Invincible

Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the hottest new anime series. Its demons are known as cursed spirits, and they make a lot of Demon Slayer's monsters look cuddly in comparison. A disturbing brand of demon is the Finger Bearers, which are cursed spirits that have consumed one of the legendary cursed spirit Sukuna's fingers. Finger Bearers are cruel and have decent power when it comes to energy attacks and barriers, but they're also very unrefined. Tanjiro has the experience, intelligence, and evolved skills to take out these monsters before they can do significant damage to him.
3 The Superhuman Yoma Skills In Claymore Are Nothing Compared To Tanjiro

Claymore explores some fascinating territory when it comes to gender roles and government experimentation. The women in the anime become exceptional Claymore fighters, but the boys are turned into the demonic Yoma. Yoma can shapeshift to conceal their appearance, but their real strength comes in how all of their abilities are heightened, whether it's strength, speed, or their senses. They can even rapidly heal their wounds. These are significant advantages, but the Yoma are still human-like in nature, and Tanjiro has handled monsters that are both physically and figuratively bigger. His powerful sword skills would be more than enough here.
2 Tanjiro’s Flames Burn Harder Than The Infernals From Fire Force

The Fire Force anime does a good job with the world that it establishes and how the population has largely been stricken by spontaneous combustion and a dangerous new breed of demons known as Infernals that live and thrive on fire. Infernals are seriously dangerous, but they feel like the perfect target for Tanjiro to eliminate due to how his skills also revolve around fire. Tanjiro’s stronger techniques like Dance of the Fire God would likely prove that his flames are stronger, and he brings more power than the standard Fire Force worker in the anime.
1 Berserk’s Demon Horse Would Disturb Tanjiro, Not Challenge Him

Berserk is an extremely aggressive anime that takes action archetypes and hyperbolizes them when it comes to the level of violence and the detail in the art that accompanies it. Berserk's protagonist, Guts, endlessly mows down powerful demons, but one of the most disturbing encounters is a possessed demon horse that sets its sights on Farnese. This demon horse is a challenge for a normal human, but it's a reckless and chaotic force and it wouldn't stand a chance against Tanjiro's refined demon slaying abilities.