With the DC Extended Universe seeing a rise in quality in recent years, there are certain storylines from the comics it should adapt. Flashpoint remains the top contender for The Flash movie to be centered around, but the beauty of this story is that it can be used at any point due to the presence of alternate realities.
This means elements and plotlines from Flashpoint can play out in an extended arc in the DCEU and be shown in multiple movies if need be. Whatever the execution of the plot, there are particular storylines that would work the best if they are adapted.
10 The Films Could Explore Aquaman Becoming An Emperor Warlord

In the Flashpoint stories, Aquaman is hardly the superhero he typically appears as, instead of being bent on causing war and having no compassion or kindness. He openly used his powers as King of Atlantis for atrocities, being responsible for sinking most of Western Europe and killing 60 million people.
This kind of brutal Aquaman will serve as a villain that contrasts with the DCEU version in great fashion, as it would show how easy it is for Aquaman to throw the world into chaos. DCEU Aquaman already has a rage factor to him, so incorporating this storyline with his attributes will create a deliciously dark character onscreen.
9 Wonder Woman And Aquaman's Former Romance Would Make For An Interesting Plot

Aquaman and Wonder Woman were at odds for the majority of the Flashpoint arc, but the beginning of this stemmed from their former romance. This was shown to be so serious at one point that the two had even managed to reach their wedding day before things went south.
Incorporating this romance in the DCEU, even if in an alternate reality, will bring a powerful couple to the fold, one that would see both characters shown in more of a humane light among the otherwise feared reputation they carry in this reality.
8 Thomas Wayne's Turn As Batman Could Bring A Fun New Twist To The Character

Batman is already considered as one of the most dangerous vigilantes, with this one taking things even further by being open to lethal measures. The most intriguing thing about the Flashpoint Batman was his backstory, being the survivor of the attack from Joe Chill as Bruce became the victim.
This made Thomas Wayne the Batman out of grief rather than be part of a coming-of-age story. The Flash is set to bring both the Tim Burton Batman and the DCEU Batman, making the Flashpoint Batman the one who can bring closure to his sons in alternate timelines by confirming his existence.
7 The Merging Of Universes Could Lead To Some Fascinating Stories

In the long history of DC Comics, there have been many versions of Earth, with Flashpoint serving as an event that ended up merging a few of these together. The story went that Barry realized that he had the power to restore the timeline and saw three timelines -- New Earth, Earth-13, and Earth-50 -- at the same time.
In the end, he brought forward a new reality known as The New 52, the process of which can be used for the DCEU. Merging different universes can bring separate live-action DC Universes under the same umbrella while allowing the series to fix mistakes from previous movies.
6 The DCEU Needs To Explore Superman's Captivity As A Lab Experiment

Superman has always been considered to be something of an overpowered superhero, but the Flashpoint story saw him be anything but his regular self. His arc involved being a lab test that was held in captivity ever since leaving Krypton.
This made Kal-El a weak, scared character who didn’t have the sense of self the regular Superman had due to lacking the influence and upbringing of the Kents. This storyline will be fascinating to see play out in live-action, as it would present a highly vulnerable side to the character never seen before.
5 Seeing Martha Wayne As The Joker Would Be A Unique Film Experience

This is a tragic story that has an incredible impact on the reader due to the characters involved. In the Flashpoint universe, Martha Wayne saw Bruce’s death and laughed maniacally at it due to losing her mind in grief that ultimately turned her into the Joker.
It saw Thomas Wayne become Batman to fight his own wife, as she antagonized him constantly as a way to cope. The story overall had Batman confront Joker about the survival of Bruce in another universe, a knowledge that she couldn’t grasp without intense emotional pain. The DCEU can present this storyline as the dark counterpart to Thomas Wayne’s arc while adapting a Joker true to the character’s tortured nature.
4 Audiences Would Love To See Barry's Need For Closure With His Mother

The Flashpoint started in the first place due to Barry wanting to see his mother once again, making it the catalyst to everything that happened. It culminated in Barry tearfully bidding farewell to his mother in the new timeline as he made to fix things.
However, Barry did gain closure over her demise, which is what the DCEU Flash hasn’t been able to attain. Justice League showed him struggling with his father’s incarceration and mother’s passing, which is the perfect setup for the Flashpoint story to be incorporated into the DCEU by giving Barry the need for closure.
3 The Atlantean-Amazon War Would Make For An Epic Battle Sequence

Although it’s been stated The Flash won’t be featuring this war, that doesn’t mean the plotline can’t be used in future DC movies. The comics showed this angle developing after the dissolution of Aquaman and Wonder Woman’s relationship, which saw the two rally their people against one another.
The DCEU can show the full force of its versions of the Atlanteans and the Amazons through this story, with the two already seen with flashes of their potential in Aquaman and Wonder Woman, respectively. This story can serve as the backdrop in the DCEU as it did in the comics, being the cause of devastation that prompts The Flash to reverse the timeline.
2 Cyborg's Role As The Prime Superhero On Earth Would Make For A Good Storyline

Despite having some great weapons in his arsenal, Cyborg has been presented as a superhero in team-up stories. Flashpoint changed things up by presenting Cyborg as the quintessential superhero and the protector of the Earth.
His arc sees him slowly realize that his role is flawed due to the government being just as bad as the people he’s supposed to be fighting. The DCEU’s Cyborg seems to be out of the series for now, but the benefit of having different realities is that a new face can be shown since this is a different world. This plot can do justice to the character who has been underrepresented thus far.
1 The Mystery Behind Flashpoint's Occurrence Deserves To Be Explored On The Big Screen

The overarching storyline in the entire comic book run was the mystery of how the event came to pass. Barry spent his time attempting to trace back to Reverse-Flash as he believed he was the one who had messed the timeline up. It turned out to be Barry himself who did this, with Reverse-Flash looking to capitalize on this fact.
The DCEU can play up the mystery aspect of this storyline by having Barry visit different timelines to find the perpetrator while undergoing a personal journey that helps him realize he needs to accept responsibility and set things right.