Dragon Ball Super is the latest chapter in the long-running Dragon Ball saga and it’s added some fascinating concepts to the series’ canon that have been truly exciting to follow. Anime sequel series are inevitably a risky proposition and there’s a high chance of damaging the reputation of the original series in the process.
Dragon Ball Super isn’t perfect, but it’s largely a success that continues Dragon Ball Z’s story in a satisfying way. That being said, Dragon Ball Super continues to cling onto the character of Goku, much like Dragon Ball Z does, and the popular character’s presence isn’t always a positive thing.
10 He Wasn't Needed In The Final Stage Of The Golden Frieza Fight

Frieza is one of the most evil and persistent villains to come up in Dragon Ball, which makes the character’s powerful return in Dragon Ball Super carry a lot of weight. Frieza and his new Golden transformation are able to hold their own against Goku and Vegeta in Super Saiyan Blue mode.
It’s cathartic that Goku is involved with Frieza’s defeat, but in this case it’s not exactly earned. Vegeta is about to finish the job before his pride gets in the way and Whis needs to rewind time. Letting Vegeta complete what he started would have been more satisfying.
9 Vegeta Should Have Taken Over The Training Of Universe 6’s Saiyans

One of the most exciting aspects of Dragon Ball Super is the introduction of many other universes and their wide array of strong characters. All of the Saiyans from Universe 7 have been encountered, which makes the news that there are more in Universe 6 particularly thrilling.
Goku takes it upon himself to teach Caulifla, Kale, and Cabba how to become Super Saiyan and helps them train. However, there’s also an attachment between Cabba and Vegeta. All of this material would work better and show more growth on Vegeta’s part if it were him that taught them these skills instead.
8 Other Characters Would Have Been Better Suited For The Showdown Against Goku Black

Goku Black is a particularly unique and frightening villain to show up in Dragon Ball Super and the plan that Zamasu pulls off is actually quite impressive. There’s definitely a novelty in seeing Goku fight against an evil version of himself, but the arc might have been more powerful if it was actually him that was possessed, albeit only temporarily.
This would allow the arc’s other characters, like Future Trunks and Vegeta to get their proper due and Goku could still be featured, albeit in a radically new capacity.
7 Other Characters Deserve Their Chance To Shine Like In The Smaller Tournament Of Power Battles

The Tournament of Power marks a very thrilling saga during Dragon Ball Super where dozens of fighters engage in a wild battle royale. Goku plays a crucial role towards the end of the tournament and his rivalry against Universe 11’s Jiren is a triumph.
Goku plays such a large part in the end of the tournament that it’d be nice to tone him down more in the smaller battles in order to let the rest of Universe 7 shine. Other characters still get opportunities to shine, but there are still plenty of places to reduce the use of Goku.
6 Vegeta Should Have Been Allowed To Train With Whis

Dragon Ball Super is typically marked with the arrival of new villains that send Goku and company into preparation and battle mode. There are a few instances where these characters actually have some downtime and much of it sees both Goku and Vegeta under Whis’ training to improve their skills.
Both Saiyans improve, but it’s ultimately Goku that gains more out of the process, even if Vegeta spends more time with Whis. Goku should always continue to refine his skills, but letting Vegeta tackle Whis solo would be a more interesting turn for both characters.
5 Zeno Should Teach Goku A Lesson In Humility And Punish Him For His Casual Nature

Dragon Ball Super reveals that the Grand King Zeno that governs over all of the universes basically has the mentality of a child. Goku and Zeno oddly get along quite well and he’s the one person that doesn’t walk on eggshells when he’s with the deity. Many characters fear and resent Goku over his casual nature towards Zeno.
Goku is largely allowed to get away with this and suffer minimal consequences, but it’d mean more if Zeno actually did punish Goku and take him out of the picture for a short period to teach him a lesson in humility.
4 Arale's Return Visit Would Be Funnier Without Goku As A Buffer

Dragon Ball is by far Akira Toriyama’s most successful work, but Doctor Slump is a more comedic property that still gets a lot of love and has crossed over with the earlier Dragon Ball anime on several occasions. One especially farcical Dragon Ball Super has Arale unintentionally torment both Goku and Vegeta.
It’s an absolutely hilarious installment, but Arale’s chemistry with Vegeta is the real highlight. This would be even more fun if Goku weren’t there as a buffer and Vegeta had to deal with Arale in a more intensive capacity.
3 Goku Should Be Left Out Of The Universe 6 Exhibition Tournament To Make Later Battles Mean More

Goku and the rest of Universe 7 get a taste of the many different universes that are eager for combat in the Tournament of Power, but before this they’re tested against Champa and Universe 6’s strongest fighters. This makes for an entertaining smaller set of battles, but considering that Goku plays a major role in the anime’s later tournament it’d perhaps mean more to take him out of this one.
Goku not having any experience against fighters like Hit or Frost would make these encounters more predictable when the Tournament of Power arrives.
2 The Copy Vegeta Arc Would Have Been More Entertaining If Goku Wasn't There To Solve It

Dragon Ball Super indulges in some hyperbolized filler sagas, but they’re all rather short enough that they’re more entertaining than they are annoying. One storyline involves Vegeta getting consumed by an alien entity and a dangerous Copy Vegeta taking action as a result.
Goten and Trunks are the real heroes here, but Goku eventually shows up to also handle the situation. It’s a small enough threat that it’d be possible for everyone to take care of this without Goku’s help. His involvement diminishes Goten and Trunks’ success.
1 Goku's Presence Makes The Fight Against Moro A Predictable Battle

Dragon Ball Super’s latest villain, Moro, is exclusive to the manga material at this point. Moro initially seems like a more unconventional villain, but he later falls into the same pattern that plagues most of Dragon Ball’s enemies. Many characters in this arc learn new and powerful abilities, like Vegeta, and others such as Buu, Uub, and Merus show off in impressive ways.
Despite all of this, victory once again falls on Goku and it turns the Moro problem into a repetitive battle. There’s definitely a balance where Goku could have been used, but not the one to solve everything.