Spirited Away is often hailed as being the greatest animated movie in history or Studio Ghibli's best movie or Hayao Miyazaki's most notable creation. And while it definitely is a masterpiece, animated or otherwise, Spirited Away has its problems as well.
It has its brilliant animation, the extensive magical world, the terrifying villain, and the naive but lovable protagonist. But there is also the fact that it can be too scary sometimes or the fact that its concept is not actually original. Spirited Away might actually be overrated.
10 OVERRATED: It's Not Actually Miyazaki's Best Work

When it comes to Miyazaki's best work, most casual viewers will probably say Spirited Away just because it is the most well-known and acclaimed work of his. But many fans who keep a much closer eye on everything the animator does will say differently.
Some consider Princess Mononoke to be his best while others think it's Howl's Moving Castle. Still, others claim Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind or Porco Rosso are two of his best. In other words, Spirited Away may be a masterpiece, but it's not always considered to be as good as Miyazaki's other works.
9 UNDERRATED: It's Both For Younger & Older Generations

The main appeal of Spirited Away is that it is loved both by younger and by older generations. Many critics have pointed this out which is definitely one of the reasons for its massive success.
But in reality, Miyazaki made the movie for young girls rather than making it for everyone. That's why it's loved by people from all generations and backgrounds.
8 OVERRATED: It Can Be Too Scary At Times

That being said, there are still some viewers complaining to this day that the movie can actually be too scary at times - and it's totally true.
The moment when Chihiro's parents turn into pigs is absolutely terrifying while some characters like No-Face or Yubaba or even just those three heads are too much for some kids to watch. Some characters get seriously injured while Chihiro herself almost disappears (or dies) after getting into the spirit world.
7 UNDERRATED: It's Not, In Fact, A Love Story

For some strange reason, Spirited Away is sometimes discussed in the context of being a love story while it's not, in fact, a love story per se.
Of course, there are some elements of the kind, but they are rather presented as platonic love while the main focus of the story is the spiritual transformation Chihiro goes through. This sets Spirited Away apart from most animated movies "for girls" that often feature a love story.
6 OVERRATED: Some Things Simply Can't Be Understood By Many Viewers

One of the reasons why many viewers won't be able to fully appreciate Spirited Away is the cultural divide. Some nuances of Japanese culture simply won't be noticed or understood by Western audiences or those not acquainted with Japanese culture.
For instance, many things in Spirited Away can be directly tied to Shintoism and the "old Japan," the way it was before new religions and technologies became a big part of the country.
5 UNDERRATED: The Animation Is Absolutely Top Level

Perhaps the most commonly brought up features of Spirited Away are the animation style and quality that make it such a masterpiece. And yet, it's worth understanding just how good animation is here.
Studio Ghibli is known for its works having a distinctive look, but such animation doesn't just function as an aesthetically pleasing asset but also as a tool for better communicating the story to the audience.
4 OVERRATED: The Concept Is Similar To Other Works

Though it might not be obvious at once just because Spirited Away has such a unique world populated by unusual and strange characters, the concept of this movie isn't all that unique.
In fact, the concept of Spirited Away is similar to other works like Alice in Wonderland and Coraline both of which feature a young girl suddenly finding herself in a different magical world.
3 UNDERRATED: The Character Designs Are Some Of The Best There Are

Speaking of the strange characters seen in the spirit world, their designs are definitely some of the best there are in animation. They stay with audiences for a long time after watching the movie.
Some of them were relatively original and made up by Miyazaki and his team while others were largely influenced by Japanese folklore and mythology.
2 OVERRATED: Its Character Development Is A Bit Lacking

That being said, some viewers believe that the character development in Spirited Away is a bit lacking, especially compared to other Studio Ghibli works and particularly Miyazaki's creations.
Though Chihiro does change by the end of the movie, most characters around her only get several qualities for their personalities and that's it.
1 UNDERRATED: It Explores Themes That Few Children's Movies Do

As mentioned above, Spirited Away is not a regular movie "for girls," but it also takes time to explore themes that few children's movies even briefly touch upon.
Spirited Away is about growing up, but it is also about child labor, greed, the conflict between the rich and the poor, the perpetual struggle of life, and so much more.