WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 2 of Bonding, now streaming on Netflix.
Netflix's Bonding goes down an emotional path in Season 2 as Tiff (Zoe Levin) and Pete (Brendan Scannell) realize they're not as compatible as once they thought. The pair of best friends have a few major epiphanies in their lives due to the respective relationships they're in, and sadly, it shows sides of each other they didn't know existed. Through all of this, they learn the people they were in high school aren't who they are now.
And as their paradise of a friendship breaks, it leads to a very shocking finale where both characters get new opportunities in life to be someone they always dreamed of.

After Portia miscarries and hides it from Frank, she and Tiff are at her apartment discussing parenthood. Tiff consoles her and admits she got pregnant after her prom fling with Pete, but she aborted the baby because she was unprepared and went off to college. The reason why she never answered Pete's calls was because she felt guilty she had this fling with her bestie, who was struggling with a sexual identity crisis.
This revelation explains why they grew apart for so long, but it gets darker when Tiff admits it's why she wanted Pete to work with her on dominatrix duty after they reconnected years later. She paid him in order to clear her conscience, but it's when she admits they'd have been terrible parents back then Pete enters the room. After overhearing this, he chides her for thinking he would suck as a dad, totally ignoring she's talking about them in their inexperienced youth. He's pretty upset the decision to terminate was made without him knowing, but his rage is mostly fueled by him and Josh breaking up.

Later on, Pete harnesses his anger on stage at his comedy gig, making fun of himself, Tiff and the baby. The audience at the club eats it up, thinking it's fictional, but they have no idea he's pulling from real life. Unfortunately, Tiff visits for the first time, which leads to an argument after the show.
She confesses she messed up, but the abortion was personal and Pete crossed a line by spinning it into the narrative. She's also angry he's using the dom gimmick, making fun of her profession and her life, but Pete thinks he doesn't need boundaries. In reality, it's his way of getting back at Tiff and he insists he will keep telling these jokes because as her bodyguard, the story is his to tell. At that point, Tiff storms out, thinking Pete is nothing but selfish, which drives her back to Doug.

The night of the show, a comedy agent is in attendance and meets Pete the day after to sign him. He wants Pete to do this dom-dad gimmick across the country and on the late-night circuit. He knows Pete will be an even bigger hit as a gay guy, but Pete wants to clear it with Tiff first. He meets at her dungeon, and she realizes he's there not to apologize but to get consent to use the jokes.
While she's reluctant at first, she leaves it up to his discretion, as she knows Pete doesn't care about permission. In retaliation, Pete tells Tiff he has to stop loving her as it's hurting him, which means he's free to pursue his dream career no matter what she thinks. Tiff then admits that despite her flaws, she wouldn't willingly hurt Pete, so clearly, their bond is broken. They agree to part ways with Pete visiting a late night set with his agent, soaking in the limelight and masking his regret over losing Tiff. He knows this dream job has come at a price, but seeing as Tiff has been selfish in the past, now's his chance to do the same.

With Pete out her life, Tiff finally embraces a future with Doug, admitting she loves him and wanting to officially be his girlfriend. It's a mix of her feeling lonely and abandoned, but she does know he'll always be there for her and care for her like no one else. However, she has another problem to deal with as Mistress Mira has shut down their dungeon to go private with Josh's dad. Since her rent's sky-high, she has to streamline to care for herself and her family, and can't see about the rest of the girls anymore. However, she urges Tiff/Mistress Carter to do the same on the private circuit because she knows she's the one with the most potential.
Some of the other girls meet with Tiff and admit they want a new dungeon together. They find a warehouse on the outskirts of New York and want Tiff to lead them -- not just because of her business mind but because Mira always looked at her as the person to hand the baton to. As Tiff scouts the place and preps for her future, she decides to fix one last gaping hole in her life by calling her estranged mom to patch her life up.
Season 2 of Bonding, starring Zoe Levin, Brendan Scannell, Micah Stock and Theo Stockman, is now streaming on Netflix.