When Destiny was released in 2014, no one would have guessed that it would overcome its rocky start and end up redefining the science-fiction first-person shooter genre. Since the original game, there has been a sequel and countless DLC. But with a game that is so detailed and sprawling in its settings, it's hard not to consider it being even better as a third-person shooter akin to similar sci-fi titles like Gears of War.
It is a little strange to imagine the game as anything other than what it is after so many years. However, third-person isn't completely far-fetched, as the game already allows this mode with particular supers and weapons. Traversal also uses third-person when players ride a banshee or navigate the hub world. Being fully third-person would only alter the game's combat, which could be improved on if such a change were ever to occur.
With Destiny 2 being a live service title, one of the game's biggest draws is customization. Players can choose the look and gear of their characters in addition to the weapons they have. Each weapon also has its own designs and abilities so that no two characters will look exactly the same. Each DLC update even expands on these options. However, the moment combat starts, players never get to see how cool they look. This wouldn't be an issue in a third-person setting, because players would get to see themselves in action.
Combat would also benefit from this change thanks to how the players would navigate cover. The first-person battles offer multiple movement varieties like the slide, but sometimes these can feel limiting or disorienting. A third-person version could implement a cover system similar to titles like Gears of War and Uncharted. It seems unorthodox initially, but after years of the same gameplay, the change could be a welcome challenge to overcome.
Traversal could also be easier, as some of the settings feature unique architecture that can be hard to navigate in first-person. Platform puzzles are some of the most difficult parts of the game, and some players even switch to a sword to see where they are going. A third-person view also gives players a circular perspective that shows the beauty of the planets where enemies like the Hive and Vex reside. It also provides an idea of the scope and detail found in these worlds.
Third-person may be a better way to enjoy Destiny, but with so many years of only one particular way to play, it would be cruel not to have the option to stick with what players already know. Being able to switch back to first-person would be a great way to pay homage to Destiny's roots. Since the technology to switch camera views has already been seen in the game, it shouldn't significantly alter the overall experience either.
Destiny is a sprawling game with hours of lore and mysteries to uncover. It is important to maintain what makes the game special as its life continues. As a game that managed to pull itself up from the depths to become the great title it is today, Destiny should look towards the future. A third-person perspective would be fun to consider, and it may even be better than first-person. However, so long as Destiny maintains its attention to detail, camera views won't change its success.