Legacies' Kaleb (Chris Lee) has spent most of his time at The Salvatore School protecting others, such as his brother MG (Quincy Fouse) and leading his fellow vampire students in the school's Honor Council. However, his mentoring role in the series hasn't left him much time for a romance. Lee recently sat down with CBR to discuss how this will change in Season 3.
When asked if Legacies will spend more time on Kaleb's relationships, he replied, "What I can say is that you'll definitely see Kaleb blossom some new, important relationships."
He added that Kable's new relationships will be "with current characters that we know." He further hinted, "And maybe a little romance that we've never seen before, with a very important character," seemingly suggesting one of his peers will become Kaleb's love interest.
So far Legacies hasn't delved much into Kaleb's romantic life. The closest we saw to Kaleb's love-life is his flirtations with Alyssa towards the end of Season 2 before she's kicked out of The Salvatore School. However, Allysa revealed unrequited feelings for MG.
Legacies' latest episode, Salvatore!: The Musical," took a break from this season's main plotline -- defeating The Necromancer and Alyssa's diabolical plot -- to air a musical episode that homages both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Season 3, Episode 3 showed Lee-as-Kaleb portraying Damon Salvatore, who was originally portrayed by Ian Somerhalder in The Vampire Diaries, sharing his feelings for Josie-as-Elena.
Lee shared with CBR what his favorite part of the Legacies-themed musical was, saying, "It's the scene with the song titled, 'Hello, brother.'" He added, "And it's a duet between Kaleb and Jed, who's playing Stefan, and Josie is playing Elena, who is dancing and she's kind of like in this dream essence. The song is just so catchy, and it's so good. And I think it really captures the relationship between Damon and Stefan very well."
The official synopsis for Season 3, Episode 4, "Hold On Tight" reads,
WELCOME TO TEAM MONSTER — The Super Squad bands together after the Necromancer’s (guest star Ben Geurens) next move unleashes more than anyone bargained for. Meanwhile, a run-in with Ethan (Leo Howard) reminds Josie (Kaylee Bryant) why she doesn’t trust herself with magic. Danielle Rose Russell, Matthew Davis, Aria Shahghasemi, Jenny Boyd, Quincy Fouse, Chris Lee and Ben Levin also star. Jeffrey Hunt directed the episode written by Brett Matthews (#304). Original airdate 2/11/2021.
Legacies stars Danielle Rose Russell, Jenny Boyd, Kaylee Bryant, Quincy Fouse, Aria Shahghasemi, Peyton Alex Smith, Matt Davis, Chris Lee, Ben Levin and Leo Howard. New episodes air Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.