The new animated show Invincible will be coming to Amazon Prime on March 26th, 2021, which will follow the heroic exploits of teenage Mark Grayson as he struggles with his new superpowers and the many responsibilities that come with them. Fortunately enough for him, he won't be doing it alone, as he finds a group of like-minded individuals to help him along the way: The Teen Team.
Mark bumps into this group early on in his superhero career in Invincible #2 by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker and Bill Crabtree. While out flying without his costume, he spots a criminal named Mauler robbing a toystore of gaming consoles. He flies down to intervene, but during the fight is joined by the Teen Team. Mauler smashes their hoverbike, stunning the group, and looks as if he is about to take them all on, but Invincible sucker-punches the villain, knocking him out cold.
Like many of the characters and groups in the Invincible universe, the Teen Team is an obvious take on an already established superhero group, this time being based on DC's Teen Titans, with a few of their members possessing abilities similar to that team's roster. The leader of the group is Robot, who is initially believed to be an A.I. inside of a mechanical suit, but the dark truth about him is discovered much later. He is joined by Atom Eve, who can manipulate matter on a subatomic level in the same way that DC's Firestorm can, and create constructs much like a Green Lantern, although she primarily uses this to fly and create energy bolts. Alongside them is Rex Splode, who had the ability to heat up objects until they blow up, and Dupli-Kate, who can create multiple versions of herself.
At school the next day, Mark learns that Atom Eve is actually a classmate of his named Samantha Eve Wilkins. After school, she takes him to their secret hideout, which is hidden inside of a large bridge within the city. There they meet Robot, who informs them he partially wiped Mauler's memory and then bugged him so they can track him back to his base. They discover that he is actually one of the Mauler twins, one of which is an evil scientist, the other his clone, although they are secretly unsure which is which. Inside an abandoned warehouse they are stocking a small army of robots for some mysterious plan, and upon hearing this, Robot, Atom Eve and Invincible drop in. Robot is able to electrocute one into unconsciousness, and Invincible once again takes out the other in a single hit.
Robot is impressed by Mark and offers him a space in the team, to which he replies "I'll think about it. Is it always this easy?". While he says that, Invincible never officially becomes a member of the Teen Team, although he does start up a relationship with Eve after her current boyfriend, Rex Splode, cheats on her with Dupli-Kate, which eventually causes the team to disband. It's later revealed that Robot was actually offered a place in the Guardians of the Globe team, which is essentially the Image Universe's version of the Justice League, but they were killed before he could accept it.
Although never a full member, the Teen Team offered Invincible a group of people his age experiencing the same challenges and hardships, something his father could never offer. While the Team broke up, reformed, and changed several times, they were the first to properly introduce him into the world of superheroes.