My Hero Academia: 10 Ways All Might Is Overpowered | CBR

My Hero Academia depicts a world divided between superheroes and cunning supervillains, and for years on end, the great All Might stood at the pinnacle of the superhero world, the symbol of peace himself. He practically held the forces of evil at bay all by himself, and (true to his nickname) enforced peace around the globe.

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While it's true that All Might isn't literally unbeatable, and while he does have a few distinct flaws and shortcomings, his strengths make up for it, and then some. All Might has all kinds of advantages, abilities and strengths on his side, which come together to create a borderline invincible package. In which particular ways is All Might truly overpowered?

10 All Might Is Extremely Intelligent, Rated 6/5 For His Smarts

This particular factor doesn't come up all that often, but the official My Hero Academia statistics make it clear that All Might is a highly intelligent fellow. As expected, his strength and speed are rated 6/5, but so is his intelligence. He's not all brawn.

Many characters are balanced by being either dumb but tough, or smart but frail. But not this time. All Might has godly strength and a mind to rival those of Tenya Iida and Izuku Midoriya, plus a little more.

9 All Might Can Visit Many Different Crime Scenes In One Day

All Might is well-known for declaring "I am here!" when he arrives at a crime scene or disaster scene, and what is even more remarkable is that he can do this many times in one day. It's not as though All Might makes two or three heroic appearances over the course of the day.

It's almost as though a whole squad of All Mights is in operation across Japan, since this hero makes many appearances per day, all over the place. He can rapidly move from one crime scene to another, ensuring that he is here, anywhere.

8 All Might Can Go Beyond, Despite Being The Pinnacle Of Superheroes

One of the major themes of My Hero Academia is the concept of going beyond one's own limits, or "plus ultra." This concept is explored in other shonen anime too, but in My Hero Academia's case, any aspiring hero can go Plus Ultra if the stakes are high enough.

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For the most part, it's characters such as Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata who go Plus Ultra, but incredibly, All Might can do it, too. Despite reaching the apex of power, All Might can still boost his own strength, and that's how he defeated a rapid-regeneration Nomu at U.S.J.

7 All Might Is Highly Charismatic & Wins Over The Crowds

Some superheroes are more likeable than others, based on their personality, what they say in interviews and more. All Might is not only the strongest hero of all time, but he also has a strong presence to match. He's nearly impossible to dislike.

The flaming hero Endeavor isn't so charmed by All Might, but practically everyone else adores him and looks up to him. All Might can easily earn the trust and cooperation of pretty much anyone around him, and inspire them into action. Few heroes have that much charisma.

6 All Might Can Create Powerful Air-Based Ranged Attacks

For the most part, All Might is a melee-oriented hero, much like his protege Izuku Midoriya and characters such as Fourth Kind and the plump Fat Gum. But unlike those characters, All Might has some ranged options, thanks to his One For All Quirk.

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If All Might so wishes, he can punch empty air with a Smash attack, and the sheer force will generate a powerful blast of air that rushes forth in a straight line. Such an attack can blow away his foes to prevent their advance or break down their defenses.

5 All Might Can Easily Blend Into Crowds And Act Anonymously

Tragically, All Might's true form is skinny and weak, owing to a serious injury he suffered at the hands of All For One. But there is an upside. Since the public is used to All Might's muscle form, his skinny form can act as an alter ego.

All Might can keep a low profile and navigate the everyday world without drawing undue attention to himself, which is vital since a crowd of All Might fans would slow him down otherwise. He doesn't always need to be at the center of attention.

4 All Might Is Beloved In More Than One Country

It appears that most pro heroes have their own country's borders to define their jurisdiction, and pro heroes rarely operate outside of their home nation. As a result, a pro hero may have very little influence or popularity in other parts of the world, but All Might is an exception.

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All Might is also popular in the United States, clear across the Pacific Ocean, and he is good friends with David Shield and his daughter, Melissa. All Might can keep the peace Stateside as well as in Japan, and he is loved for it. Not even Captain Celebrity, the #1 American hero, was well-known outside his homeland until he actually moved to Japan to reboot his career.

3 All Might Has Incredible Sidekicks, Such As Sir Nighteye

Some pro heroes stubbornly fight solo, while others form official agencies, complete with sidekicks and logistical support teammates. In All Might's case, Sir Nighteye is the perfect sidekick, since Sir Nighteye is like a sharp businessman in the world of heroics.

Sir Nighteye was designed to be like a typical Japanese salaryman, but with a Quirk that allows him to see into the future. So, Sir Nighteye can easily keep tabs on villains, sniff out crimes in the making and far more. All Might is powerful, but even he needs a guide.

2 All Might Has A Lot Of Marketing Backing Him Up, From Figurines To Posters

All Might has long since earned a reputation through his heroic acts and his many television appearances, but if that weren't enough, he also has a lot of merchandising and marketing to further spread his name and keep him in the public eye.

Plenty of real-life My Hero Academia merchandise clearly depicts All Might, but in-universe, there is still an endless array of All Might posters, blankets, coffee mugs, figurines, T-shirts and far more. No other pro hero has so much marketing on their side.

1 All Might Is Not Just Strong, But Also Incredibly Fast During Combat

All Might doesn't have to make any compromises when it comes to his combat performance. He has a sharp mind to match his brute strength, and he also has astonishing speed that can leave any pro hero or villain in the dust (even those who specialize in speed).

All Might can easily evade enemy attacks and rush at his foes in the blink of an eye, giving villains zero chances to defend themselves or switch to plan B. All Might caught up to Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku as they ran away at top speed, and delivered some heavy-duty attacks soon after. Izuku and Bakugo can't even outrun All Might, let alone overpower him.

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