While it was a decent game, Street Fighter X Tekken has always felt incomplete. There were always meant to be two games, but we only got the one with Street Fighter gameplay. Namco had mentioned that it was still coming, but news stopped a year or so back, and there's been little word since, with the only hint being Akuma in Tekken 7. While fans are waiting to see the game come to life, speculation about the cast goes nuts.
Character choice is among the biggest choices to be made here. There's got to be a wide variety while still being relatively equal on both sides, which means not everyone will make the cut. With Street Fighter V approaching its final season and Tekken 7 still adding characters, there's no better time to talk about characters that should definitely be in Tekken X Street Fighter.

Making his debut as a newcomer in Street Fighter V as the first Middle Eastern fighter, Rashid has become one of the game's marquee characters. Harnessing the power of the wind, Rashid's speedy abilities and quick wit make him an excellent choice to include. Though he's not an overly serious character, moments like his encounter with F.A.N.G. at the climax of Street Fighter V's story show his potential as a serious fighter. He would be an excellent choice to include because not only would he be outside the usual faces, he'd provide a unique character experience and gameplay.

Eliza, first making an appearance in Tekken Revolution, is an interesting character in that she's a Tekken character that plays like a Street Fighter character. She's got a meter like the familiar EX meter, EX moves and even possesses familiar attacks like a kind of fireball and an uppercut. She's the earliest character to suggest a crossover, and it's still surprising she wasn't in the actual crossover the two games had. Eliza is a vampiric character and combines that with Shotokan techniques for a very different kind of Tekken character, and one that would more than fit in a clash between these two fighting game titans.

One thing that the original crossover definitely lacks is boss characters. With M. Bison/Dictator serving as a mid-boss, Akuma and Ogre were the only true bosses, but there was a lot of potential for more. Street Fighter III introduced us to the character of Gill, a character painted in red and blue with fire and ice powers. Gill considered himself a god, and he certainly had the ability to back that up, being able to resurrect after a defeat and even summon a meteor storm to crush foes. Gill presents an interesting opportunity to really see what Street Fighter characters can do in the 3D space, and more boss characters are always fun.

Kunimitsu is the perennial thorn in Yoshimitsu's side, but while he made it into the last crossover, she was stuck in the background of a stage. One would think their dynamic would make things interesting, but Yoshimitsu was teamed up with Raven in the last crossover, and this would be unlikely to feature a tag team mechanic like the last crossover. With Kunimitsu II preparing to make her debut in Tekken 7, she'd be a perfect choice for this roster. Her ninjutsu differs from Yoshimitsu's in enough of a way that it wouldn't feel wasteful to include her and would give the newest version a chance to really shine.

Falke is another of the newcomers to Capcom's fighting game and would be an excellent contender for the crossover. Falke is interesting because she's less of a combo character and more about timing, with a lot of her potential stemming from the projectile she shoots from her staff. Given the Namco franchise's usual style of hand-to-hand combat in various forms, this would present an interesting challenge, as well as highlight how the Tekken style of gameplay can really fit these characters. Falke is one of the more mysterious, unexplored characters to come into Capcom's big franchise, and getting into a crossover like this could only help the character grow.
In the end, there are a lot of characters from both franchises that deserve to be included in a future crossover, but these five are a must-have. Each one presents a unique trait only they would bring to the game, offering a chance to see characters in a whole new way. On top of that, it gives these characters a whole new chance to shine and be explored further, which is never an opportunity to miss. Whenever the development of Tekken X Street Fighter resumes, these five characters definitely need to make it.