WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for "All's Wells That Ends Wells," The Flash Season 7 premiere.
The Flash Season 7 premiere just laid the groundwork for Dr. Meena Dhawan to appear on the series. In "All's Wells That Ends Wells," Chester P. Runk could be spotted reading a book by her, confirming her existence in the Arrowverse.
When the Season 7 premiere opened, Chester was manning S.T.A.R. Labs all on his own. He sat with his feet up on the desk, perusing a heavy tome: Quantum Gravity & The Universe by Dr. Meena Dhawan. "You're right -- for now, my sister," he chuckled to himself. "But what if? What if the entire universe is just some kind of cosmic neural network? Then what you gonna say?"
However, Chester quickly put the book down when an alarm sounded. Realizing Mirror Mistress was on the move, he awakened Barry from cryosleep, which he entered to keep his residual Speed Force in stasis. Although Barry only had 1% of his speed left, he immediately took off to pursue the villain who had kidnapped his wife.
In the comics, Meena is a relatively new character, having debuted in 2016's The Flash #3 by Joshua Williamson and Neil Googe. She was introduced to Barry Allen after a Speed Force storm rocked Central City, giving random citizens speed powers. Meena herself was impacted by the storm and quickly became Barry's friend, confidante and romantic partner. Like Barry, she became a Speed Force conduit with all the power that entails, including super speed and electrokinesis. She took on the name Fast Track as her superhero alias.
As a former A.R.G.U.S. agent and a genius-level intellect, Meena helped Barry train the other new Speed Force conduits. While many new Speed Force users were well-intentioned, they soon came across one who was not: August Heart, aka Godspeed, who had the ability to steal the Speed Force from others. Meena attempted to protect her trainees from him, but the encounter did not end well for her. When Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs, he found only her costume left behind.
Later, Barry discovered she had been kidnapped and brainwashed into becoming an agent for Black Hole, thanks in part to Gorilla Grodd. During this stint as a villain, she picked up the Negative Flash mantle. However, Barry was ultimately able to free her from this influence. She eventually returned to S.T.A.R. Labs to help Team Flash.
So far as The Flash TV series is concerned, no announcement has been made for an actor to play Meena in live-action. However, this little breadcrumb could indicate she is on the way at some point down the line. After all, Godspeed is also slated to return this season, and she has ties to him and Black Hole as much as Barry does. We'll just have to wait and see.
Airing Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, The Flash stars Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jesse L. Martin, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes and Tom Cavanagh.