After the Infinity Saga ended, MCU fans were wondering what the next iteration of the Avengers team might look like. Phase Four has already introduced quite a few new characters, any one of which would make a great addition to the Avengers team. However, the MCU has begun quietly forming another team, as well: The Young Avengers.
Cassie Lang, also known as Stature or Stinger, was already introduced in Ant-Man, and was shown to be older when she was reunited with her father in Avengers: Endgame. The MCU has also introduced the twins Billy Kaplan and Tommy Shepherd, or Wiccan and Speed, in WandaVision. Recently, Elijah Bradley, or Patriot, was briefly introduced in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. It’s obvious the Young Avengers are slowly being assembled. As such, there are a few members of the team in the comics that fans want to see introduced by the end of the MCU’s fourth phase.
10 Nathaniel Richards As Iron Lad

A descendant of the Richards family from the Fantastic Four, Nathaniel Richards, or Iron Lad, would be the perfect Young Avenger to introduce next in the MCU to start assembling the team. Because a Fantastic Four movie is coming to the MCU, audiences are wondering if more Richards may be introduced than just Reed. If the time-traveling Nathaniel Richards is introduced, then he can get a hold of the late Tony Stark’s tech and become Iron Lad, as he did in the comics.
In addition, he could start assembling the Young Avengers team, similarly as he did in the comics, with already-existing characters such as Elijah Bradley and Billy Kaplan. There would be a lot of explaining to do to bring Nate in, but, ultimately, it would be worth it to bring in Iron Lad. Because Kang the Conqueror is set to appear in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, it seems that Iron Lad could be not too far off.
9 America Chavez As Miss America

Fans are excited to see that America Chavez has already been cast to appear in the MCU. Much like Kang the Conqueror, America, or Miss America, has not yet appeared in the franchise, but she should be appearing soon.
Her debut is slated to be in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which promises similar chaos to Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Much like her namesake, Captain America, Ms. America has super strength. However, she is even more powerful than Cap, and has even more superpowers than him. Miss America can do things like fly and kick portals between universes.
8 Teddy Altman As Hulkling

Now that the Kree have been introduced to the MCU, characters like Teddy Altman can similarly start to be introduced. While Teddy’s origin story may be tweaked a bit, seeing as how he is Mar-Vell’s son, he would easily fit into the MCU. He could even be introduced in the upcoming She-Hulk television show on Disney+, if the MCU wanted to keep the Hulk theme all together.
While Teddy Altman may be a genetic combination of a Skrull and a Kree, thus making him capable of shape-shifting, he also became Hulkling. He is also married to Wiccan in the comics, who has already been introduced to the MCU.
7 Kate Bishop As Hawkeye

Another Young Avenger that Disney and Marvel seem to be introducing soon is Kate Bishop, or Hawkeye. She is a legacy character, trained by Clint Barton himself, and allowed to take on the title by him and Captain America. After Hawkeye died in the comics, Cap gave Kate permission to become Hawkeye; fans are wondering if a similar scenario might occur in the movies.
Because Kate Bishop is slated to appear in a starring role in Hawkeye on Disney+, it’s likely that she will be trained to become Hawkeye in this show. After that, it is likely that Kate will join up with the other younger heroes in the MCU to form the Young Avengers.
6 Loki Laufeyson As Kid Loki

Audiences are starting to become hesitantly optimistic that Disney+’s upcoming show Loki might actually lead into including Kid Loki in the Young Avengers team they’re forming. While Loki in his adult form has done some terrible things, Kid Loki Laufeyson from the comics was sent back into his own reincarnated child body.
Thor tried to train him to be good, but Loki’s inherent self usually ends up coming through. He still wants to do good, most of the time, and ends up joining the Young Avengers. Kid Loki is a fun and valuable member of the team, and including him on the Young Avengers team in the MCU arguably is not out of the realm of possibility.
5 Kamala Khan As Ms. Marvel

While Kamala Khan, or Ms. Marvel, is not always a Young Avenger, her age makes her the perfect fit to join the team. Ms. Marvel takes over the title of Ms. Marvel from Carol Danvers in the comics when Carol became Captain Marvel, as Kamala had Inhuman abilities and could shapeshift. It has already been announced that Ms. Marvel will be appearing in the MCU in more than one film.
She’s slated to debut in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel later in 2021 before appearing once again in Captain Marvel 2, which is currently set for release in 2022. With so many appearances and so much getting ready to set Kamala up, she would be the logical choice to lead the new Young Avengers team in the MCU. It’s as inevitable that she will be introduced to the franchise before the end of Phase 4 as it is necessary.
4 Miles Morales As Spider-Man

There is a whole messy tangle of rights issues around Spider-Man’s appearances in the movies, but fans are endlessly optimistic for Miles Morales to show up in the MCU anyways. After all, Aaron Davis, or the Prowler, already appeared in the MCU in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Because Aaron Davis is Miles Morales’ uncle, and Aaron mentioned his nephew in Homecoming, audiences know that Miles does exist in the MCU.
Since Peter was gone for five years after perishing in Thanos’ Snap, the MCU could easily introduce Miles Morales as the Spider-Man that took over while Peter was gone. While it’s unlikely he’ll come in soon, audiences are still hoping that he’ll become a Young Avenger sooner rather than later in the MCU.
3 Noh-Varr As Marvel Boy

There are actually quite a few members of the Young Avengers in the comics that aren’t quite as well-known. Either they aren’t as popular as characters like Miss America or Speed, or they just aren’t on the team long enough to get that much attention. One character who never got that much space was Noh-Varr, or Marvel Boy.
He also later joined the Avengers as Protector, but, when he was Marvel Boy, Noh-Varr was a helpful member of the Young Avengers. Like Teddy, Noh-Varr has Kree heritage. Because the Kree have now been introduced to the MCU, characters like Noh-Varr can now more easily be introduced without too much extra explanation needed.
2 David Alleyne As Prodigy

Now that it seems that the MCU is finally gearing up to introduce X-Men to the main franchise’s universe, it’s likely that some of the younger X-Men might start showing up. Not all of those X-Men remain on their team, however. David Alleyne, or Prodigy, was once a student at Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, as well as a member of the X-Men.
However, he was also one of the Young Avengers for a while. He had to help bring Speed back to the team in the comics, which was how he ended up involved with the Young Avengers in the first place. The fact that Speed is currently in an alternate universe in the MCU could necessitate David’s introduction to the franchise, as well as his addition to the Young Avengers team.
1 Jonas As The Vision

While the Vision has already been introduced to the MCU— and has already passed away, and been recreated as White Vision— Jonas isn’t exactly that version of the Vision. Jonas is actually a combination of the Vision’s original technological programming, paired with Nate Richards’ human(ish) brain and heart.
Now that Vision has passed away in the MCU, his tech specs could be used to create Jonas and introduce a new teammate to the forming Young Avengers. The fact that there is still Vision tech left over to be used by anyone who can get their hands on it might indicate that the MCU plans on bringing in Jonas sooner than audiences are expecting.