There are few properties that are able to gain a fraction of the popularity and staying power that Pokémon has experienced. The quirky video game series has turned into a massive universal franchise that spans television, film, mobile games, and a wealth of other areas.
There is truly no end in sight for Pokémon and it should be exciting to see how the franchise continues to change and evolve as gaming continues to become more sophisticated. There’s still a great deal of nostalgia and affection for the original Red & Blue games from Generation I, but the series has made such leaps forward since then that it’s hard to argue with how much more they now allow audiences to experience.
10 A Substantially Larger Pokédex

The most obvious way in which the Pokémon series has grown since Generation I is that the Pokédex of creatures has ballooned from 150 to nearly 10 times that number. Each new game is an occasion for many new and creative designs to debut and they always figure out a fun approach even though it becomes progressively difficult to come up with fresh looks. There are many different aspects to the Pokémon series that draw people in, but for a large portion it's their desire to catch 'em all and there's no greater accomplishment than a fully filled-out Pokédex.
9 The Incorporation Of Online Play

It's incredible to think back to how one of the major selling points and features of the original Pokémon titles is that a transfer cable could allow players to link together to trade and battle. The advent of modern gaming has allowed this to extrapolate to online features that make a transfer cable irrelevant. There are now even more possibilities for gamers to take advantage of courtesy of online functions. Pokémon fans from opposite sides of the world can now share their hard work with each other or engage in combat.
8 New Types Of Pokémon

Strategy is paramount in the Pokémon world. It's easy to get preoccupied over a Pokémon's level or their physical strength, but there are lots of ways to win a battle. A Pokémon's strengths and weaknesses based on their type are the best approaches to make a big impact on an opponent.
Over time there have been new types of Pokémon that better accommodate the growing roster of creatures. Types like Dark, Steel, and Fairy are some of the later additions, with some of the other varieties, like Ice-type Pokémon not getting a non-hybrid creature until Generation III.
7 Gigantamax & Mega Evolutions For Pokémon

Evolution is one of the biggest staples of the Pokémon series and it's been present since the very beginning of the franchise. Evolution allows Pokémon to grow and get stronger, but it's a permanent process and sometimes trainers miss their previous Pokémon. The new Mega Evolutions and Gigantamax forms allow select Pokémon to turn into behemoths, but after battle they return back to their normal forms. These new transformations give new utility to lots of old Pokémon and create a whole new realm of battle strategies.
6 Double & Raid Battles

Pokémon battles have become more complicated in various ways, such as the inclusion of Abilities as well as items that can be held, but more or less the mechanics around Pokémon combat hasn’t changed a ton since the beginning. Pokémon started as a one-on-one style of battle because of the Gameboy’s limitations, but the series has found opportunities to feature more chaotic battle set-ups. Trainers can engage in two-on-two and various styles of team battles, but there are also giant raids where multiple trainers can engage at the same time and offer a level of community that was previously impossible.
5 New Regional Pokémon Variants

Each new Pokémon release introduces dozens of unique creatures into the franchise, but the latest entries in the franchise have applied a creative spin to this. There are now Alolan and Galarian versions of old Pokémon that take these classic designs in a new direction.
This is an effective way to give forgotten Pokémon a second chance or even trigger new evolved forms that branch off of these new regional variants. Sometimes it’s more advantageous to try something new with an old Pokémon design than attempt to create something completely unique.
4 The Incorporation Of A Real-Time Clock & Timed Events

Many quality of life improvements are added to the Pokémon series over time, and as early as Generation II there’s the introduction of a 24-hour clock system that makes a major difference in the game’s events. A real-time system adds a new level of realism to the series and also forces audiences to play at specific times to experience certain events. Some Pokémon will only appear between certain hours and the same goes for special events. This clock feature even plays a factor in the evolution of some Pokémon, too.
3 A Greater Level Of Trainer Customization

Video games in general offer an increasing amount of customization to the audience and some titles provide a phenomenal level of detail into the types of characters that the players can create. Pokémon begins with a predesigned character, which only allows the player to change their name. This level of freedom has drastically increased, with the initial addition of female Pokémon trainers. Now players are able to customize their skin pigment, hairstyle, and even clothing and accessories. It’s become an extensive process to make the player feel as comfortable and as represented as possible with their Pokémon trainer.
2 New Evolutionary Conditions

In the original titles, the only way to trigger a Pokémon’s evolution was through the leveling up of a Pokémon, the use of a Stone, or through trade. Leveling up is still the most common way to trigger evolution, but the series has grown much more ambitious with the other requirements. Details like the time of day, what region they’re in, their friendship stats, the item that they’re holding, or specific breeding can all cause a difference in evolution. There are even more unusual methods, like turning the handheld system upside down, too.
1 Extraterrestrial & Ancient Legendary Pokémon

Complex and fascinating Pokédex entries have been around since the beginning of the series and those that take the time to read up on certain Pokémon might be surprised at what they learn about their past. Legendary Pokémon are typically the most powerful or come from extreme circumstances, but later entries in the series go as far as Pokémon that come from space or millions of years in the past. The presence of ancient and extraterrestrial Pokémon, as well as creatures that transcend space and time, adds much greater stakes to battle.