X-Men: What Happened to the Omega Clan, Omega Red's Kids? | CBR

The X-Men have faced some truly vicious enemies over the years, though few come close to the threat that is Arkady Rossovich, aka Omega Red. Rossovich has always been a thorn in the X-Men's side, particularly that of Wolverine, but even he doesn't stand up to the absolute terror that was his unbelievably horrific offspring. Although the Omega Clan weren't technically Omega Red's children, they certainly carried their progenitor's bad temper and poisoned blood far longer than anyone else should have had to deal with.

First introduced in 2012's X-Force #25, the Omega Clan was comprised of three clones of Omega Red, each unique in their abilities and all paid for handsomely by Wolverine's son Daken. At the time, Daken was in command of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and in need of some extra muscle, so he went to the criminal organization known as the White Sky to supply him with the custom made henchmen. These three had also been programmed to believe that Wolverine's X-Force team was responsible for the murder of their parents, only furthering the natural hatred for the hero that they had inherited from the original Omega Red. Not only were the Omega Clan spiteful, but they had the power to make sure everyone else knew exactly how they felt.

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Built from the remains of the original, the new Omega Red shared the tendrils of his previous incarnation, as well as the ability to release a disease of his own creation on top of that, though he didn't seem to share the first Omega Red's ability to drain his opponent's life force. That ability went to Omega Red's brother, Omega White, who could not only drain his enemies of their energy but manipulate his own as a weapon as well. Finally, Omega Black, the other tentacled sibling, was capable of releasing into her victims her own particular strain of diseases alongside her formidable skills as a fighter.

As part of Daken's Brotherhood, these three captured and tortured several members of Wolverine's X-Force, even going so far as to rip out Fantomex's still beating heart before killing him, all in the hopes of driving the young clone of Apocalypse to violence. Luckily, the heroes were able to thwart their devious plan. Apocalypse's clone, Evan, seemingly ended the lives of Omega Black and Omega Red, while Omega White had his mind erased to make room for the Shadow King's brand new prison inside of the clone's now comatose body.

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Omega Red's clone would resurface later on to continue antagonizing Wolverine several times before eventually being put out of his misery, while the story of Omega Black and Omega White in the aftermath of their defeat by X-Force becomes a bit more muddied in translation. After having his mind once again wiped of any consciousness that may be inhabiting it, Omega White's own was restored, and he as well as his siblings were offered a place on Krakoa to help give mutant kind a second chance as their own independent nation.

Since becoming part of the mutant nation, the Omega Clan has become little more than background fixtures on the island. While they are no longer playing any particularly important roles, there is no reason for the Omega Clan to avoid any more time in the spotlight, especially not with the legacy they've already made for themselves in the Marvel Universe.

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