Between the smallest Pokémon and the biggest, there is a 65-foot difference in height and a 2,000-pound difference in weight. This doesn't necessarily mean that the largest always wins, however. Depending on their respective types, strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities, a tiny Pokémon can defeat a much bigger opponent.
A Pokemon can also be prevented from evolving, Pikachu being a prime example, allowing it to level up faster and learn powerful attacks quicker than if they were to evolve. Even without blocking evolution, there are numerous deceptively small and weak-looking yet very powerful Pokémon that have the strength and ability to beat foes many times their size.
10 Charmander Charred Koga's Golbat With A Fire Spin

Golbat is 5'03" which is the same size as Pokémon such as Blastoise, Metagross, and Machamp. With Charmander coming in at 2'00", it was quite the upset when it defeated Koga's Golbat in "The Ninja Poké-Showdown." The 2-on-2 battle began with Ash's Pidgeotto pitted against a Venonat, which immediately evolved into a Venomoth. After an interruption by Team Rocket, who were swiftly dealt with by Ash, Koga, and Koga's sister Aya, the battle resumed with Charmander eventually using Fire Spin to defeat Golbat.
9 Pikachu Took Out Pinsir, Venomoth, & Golem In One Fell Swoop

Early on in Pokémon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back, Ash, Brock, and Misty were sitting at a picnic table about to eat when Pokémon Trainer Raymond appeared and challenged Ash to a battle. In the last of 3 matchups, Pikachu defeated Raymond's Pinsir, Venomoth, and Golem all at once with Thunderbolt, even though this move shouldn't have had any effect against a Ground-type like Golem.
Were viewers to assume that Pikachu was so unique and powerful that it negated type effectiveness? Or was Raymond's Golem just a particularly weak Pokémon? Whatever the case, Pikachu got the win against 3 much larger foes.
8 Cyndaquil Melted Steelix With A Flamethrower

"Nerves Of Steelix" saw Ash pitted against Jasmine, Olivine City's Gym Leader, in pursuit of the Mineral Badge. It was a tense battle. After a devastating Iron Tail from Steelix, Cyndaquil's dwindling flame signaled that the writing was on the wall. Just as Janina, the referee, was about to signal the end of the battle, the plucky Fire Mouse Pokémon got back on its feet and recharged its flame.
Using his tactical nous, Ash had Cyndaquil use Smokescreen to avoid Steelix's Crunch. Cyndaquil then used Flamethrower, which Jasmine sought to defend against using Sandstorm. Motivated by Ash, Cyndaquil's Flamethrower reached full power. The effect this had was to create a swirling vortex of fire around Steelix. When the whirlwind dissipated, Steelix stood still for a moment before collapsing, giving Ash and Cyndaquil the victory.
7 Popplio Beat Totem Wishiwashi In Its School Form

While minuscule and weak in its solo form, when it changes into its School Form, Wishiwashi becomes a formidable 170 lbs sea monster. In "Big Sky, Small Fry!" Ash was joined by Lana, who wanted to catch the Totem Pokémon rumored to be in a nearby lake. Lana hooked the mysterious and elusive Pokémon and a battle ensued between Lana's Popplio and School Form Wishiwashi. The to-and-fro battle culminated in Popplio leaping out of the water and using Aqua Jet, causing the grouped Wishiwashi to break apart. This left a sole Wishiwashi that ultimately gave Lana a Waterium Z-Crystal.
6 Pansage Thawed Abomasnow

In a battle between Pansage and Abomasnow, the odds would surely be against the Grass Monkey Pokémon that is the same size as Charmander. Fans got to see this battle play out in "Survival of the Striaton Gym," when Ash's traveling companion Cilan squared off against "character of the day" Morana. The battle went back and forth until the 7-foot Abomasnow trapped Pansage in a block of ice, who used Solar Beam to escape before using Rock Tomb, which proved too much for Abomasnow.
5 Pikachu Shocked Serperior With A Combination Of Iron Tail & Electro Ball

In the 104th episode of Pokémon the Series: Black & White, Ash continued his battle with Trip from the previous episode in the qualifying round of the Vertress Conference, the general championship competition of the Unova League. With Pikachu seemingly down and out after a series of attacks from Trip's 10-foot Serperior, it then used Wrap, leaving Pikachu in a tough spot.
Pikachu used Thundershock to try and escape, but Trip had Serperior dig its tail into the ground, nulling the move's effect. After a seemingly interminable amount of time, Pikachu smashed the ground with Iron Tail to free himself, then fired an Electro Ball with its Iron Tail to render Serperior unable to battle.
4 Bulbasaur Was Triumphant Against Donphan

At 3'07", Donphan isn't the tallest Pokémon, but at 264 lbs, it's certainly one of the meatiest. It was surprising then that Bulbasaur, no bigger than a Hoothoot or a Magby, was able to defeat it with Solar Beam when Ash came up against Raymond in Pokémon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back. It makes sense given that Grass-type moves are super effective against Ground-types, but the diminutive Seed Pokémon had a lot of ground to make up in terms of size.
3 Ditto & Mini-Dit Blew Team Rocket Away

However incompetent Team Rocket's grunts Jessie and James may be, some of their Pokémon have been sizable. Arbok is longer than Pokémon god Arceus, while Wobbuffet's height is on a par with Nidoqueen and Toxicroak. With its ability to transform, Ditto can effectively become any size it wants.This isn't true for Mini-Dit, however, who can transform into any other Pokémon but retains its small size. In "Imitation Confrontation," Duplica had her Ditto transform into Arbok, while Mini-Dit transformed into a mini Wobbuffet, the two Pokémon Team Rocket had sent out, along with Weezing. The two Dittos then transformed into Pikachu and teamed up with Ash's Pikachu to deal out a massive hit of Thunder, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.
2 Squirtle Made A Chump Out Of Machamp

Not only is Machamp 5'03", 286 lbs, but he's also the muscliest Pokémon of all. Despite this, the 1'08", 20-pound tiny turtle Squirtle managed to defeat it using Bubble Beam. Ash's Squirtle is the leader of the Squirtle Squad, so that may account for some atypical strength. Or else, Machamp may have just had a bad day at the office. Had it thrown its weight around a little more, it surely would have been a much closer fight than it was.
1 Pikachu Ground Out A Controversial Victory Over Onix

This battle between Pikachu and Onix in season 1 episode 5 was controversial back in the day and remains so today. The battle was brought to a halt when Ash neglected to take advantage after the sprinklers in the gym went off and soaked Onix, leaving him vulnerable to Pikachu's attacks. Not wanting to capitalize on his good fortune, Ash gave up. Brock later caught up with Ash and gave him the Pewter City Gym Badge, acknowledging his defeat to Ash. But should it really count as a victory? Pikachu was in trouble in Onix's Bind, which only loosened when instructed to by Brock, and the sprinklers only went off because of the fire created by Pikachu's thundershock. Was this some kind of genius tactic on Pikachu's part? Would he have found a way to beat Onix without the sprinklers? Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing.