Attack On Titan: 5 Naruto Characters Reiner Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Lose To)

Reiner was the Armored Titan and among the strongest characters introduced in the earliest arcs of the Attack On Titan storyline. Immune to conventional weapons and capable of ripping through reinforced walls easily, he was nearly unstoppable in his own series - as Eren Yeager and the Scouts came to realize.

RELATED: Attack On Titan: 5 Characters Zeke Can Defeat (& 5 He'd Lose To)

Those of the Naruto universe pose an entirely new challenge through their combination of jutsu and martial skills. By identifying how he would fare against the shinobi world's finest, we can better appreciate Reiner's strengths as well as the glaring flaws that debilitate his success.

10 COULD DEFEAT: Kisame Is Vulnerable To Blunt Attacks

Kisame's Samehada may be able to drain the chakra of its targets, but Reiner has no chakra to sap in the first place. Further, his water dome technique wouldn't be an effective utility since the Armored Titan's feet could touch the ground, and his hungry sharks would be inconsequential against Braun's metal plating.

In addition, the Akatsuki member has illustrated a vulnerability to blunt damage, as proven through his fight (and defeat) by Might Guy. Considering that Reiner is strong enough to throw tanks with ease and crack reinforced walls with a single charge, he'd be able to crush his shark-like opponent similarly.

9 WOULD LOSE TO: Konan's Paper Bombs Emulate The Explosive Power Of Thunder Spears

Konan's paper bombs exploit Reiner's weakness to explosives (as shown through the effect that thunder spears had on his body). She is much more proficient at deploying her tags than her Scout counterparts, capable of unleashing up to ten minutes of consecutive and brutal detonations.

If Reiner somehow manages to avoid this, he would still be unable to strike the woman on account of her paper physiology. Additionally, Konan's wings would keep her well out of the giant's reach.

8 COULD DEFEAT: Kankuro's Dolls Are Only Effective Against Human Targets

There are a number of reasons why Kankuro would falter against Reiner, the foremost being how easily his offense is countered. His primary tools, the Black Ant and Crow, are only equipped with buzz saws, flame throwers, poisoned bombs, and toxic needles.

Though many of these weapons would be useful against typical shinobi opponents, they have low destructive force. Since the titans have never shown a vulnerability to poisons, Reiner would be able to capitalize on Kankuro's low mobility and stomp him flat.

7 WOULD LOSE TO: Gaara Has Excellent Mobility & Offense

Gaara is perfectly equipped to contend with and defeat Reiner, capable of flying on a cloud of sand and remaining safely out of the titan's reach. Even if he is grazed by a projectile, the Kazekage is protected through automated sand reflexes and armor.

RELATED: Naruto: Gaara's 5 Greatest Strengths (& His 5 Worst Weaknesses)

Further, the shinobi's particles are viable for penetrating Reiner's armor, seeping through its cracks and striking down the user inside. Reiner would be forced either to revert to human form or remain as he was - both options invariably resulting in his death.

6 COULD DEFEAT: Choji's Reflexes & Fighting Style Are Subpar In His Giant Form

When Choji activates his super expansion jutsu, he becomes just as tall as (if not taller) than Reiner. However, he is significantly slowed in this state, providing his titan adversary an advantage.

Additionally, Braun's armor would enable him to fight aggressively since Choji couldn't hurt him with his bare fists (similarly to how Eren wasn't able to when his knuckles were unhardened). The only technique that could crack Reiner's shell is the human boulder, which has atrocious maneuverability and accuracy.

5 WOULD LOSE TO: Tsunade Has Destroyed A Susanoo With Her Monster Strength

Tsunade has incredible raw force, as illustrated through her fight against Madara when she cracked a Susanoo in a single kick. Given that it's among the series' most sturdy defenses, it follows that Reiner's plates would break even easier.

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The Sannin's strength and rejuvenation would also prevent Braun from attempting to stomp her flat, as she could catch his foot and throw him off balance. Considering that the medical ninja outclasses her opponent's only two meaningful qualities (strength and durability), he wouldn't stand a chance.

4 COULD DEFEAT: Hidan Could Never Spill Reiner's Blood

Hidan's ritual ability allowed him to kill whoever he spilled the blood of by stabbing himself. Though this may seem useful in theory, there are two massive problems that would make it worthless against Braun.

Not only would the cultist be unable to stay in his sacral circle without intervention, but he also isn't strong enough to break Reiner's metal skin. Without any other ninjutsu to turn the battle in his favor, he would be helpless as the giant pulverized every bone in his body.

3 WOULD LOSE TO: Killer Bee's Tailed Beast Bomb Would Prove Devastating

In his base form, Killer Bee's swords would be just as ineffective against Reiner as a scout's (especially since he isn't as fast as Levi). Though this would spell his doom under ordinary circumstances, the Eight-Tailed beast would provide his salvation.

A single bomb was capable of devastating entire valleys and nearly wiped out Sasuke's team in a single hit. Considering that Reiner neither has the durability to withstand such a violent explosive attack or the agility to get out of its path in time, he would be obliterated.

2 COULD DEFEAT: Jugo Has Much Lower Reach & Striking Power

In his enhanced form, Jugo's skillset worked much like a miniature armored titan. He relied on strength and the carapace shielding his body in order to defeat adversaries.

However, there are a number of reasons he is still incomparable to Braun. Not only does the man possess much worse reach and destructive power, but his durability also leaves much to be desired (as proven through how the Fourth Raikage was able to cause significant damage to him with a single punch during Sasuke's attack on the Five Kage summit). Additionally, Reiner is able to think more tactically in his titan state, whereas Jugo behaves like a feral animal.

1 WOULD LOSE TO: Minato Would Obliterate Reiner's Neck With A Rasengan

Reiner's reflexes are notoriously lacking; he struggled even to defeat the most average scouts, as shown in the second battle for Shiganshina.

Considering that Minato is often referred to as the fastest shinobi in history, Braun would never be able to lay a finger on him. By planting a tag on the back of the villain's neck, the Fourth Hokage could avoid his opponent's rapacious reach, waiting for an opportune moment to teleport back onto his back and obliterate his nape with a powerful Rasengan.

NEXT: Naruto: 5 Shinobi Minato Could Beat (& 5 He'd Lose To)

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