Anime series like Dragon Ball are able to turn into such universal hits because they successfully cater to many different sensibilities. The anime gets a lot of attention for its incredible battles between overpowered warriors and the unbelievable transformations of power, but there are very human characters at the core of the Dragon Ball franchise. Goku’s development from a precocious child into Earth’s stalwart defender is an inspiring metamorphosis.
Dragon Ball frequently highlights Goku’s achievements in strength, but he’s also a character who cherishes his friends and wouldn’t be the same person without their help. Goku has many important allies in Dragon Ball, but only a select few qualify as his very best friends.
10 Zeno Learns To Love Goku’s Freewheeling Attitude

Every Dragon Ball series introduces new deities who watch over planets and the balance of the universe. Dragon Ball Super establishes that Grand King Zeno is the ultimate being at the top of everything and he’s able to erase entire universes on a whim. Accordingly, most individuals are utterly petrified of Zeno and they might do something to set him off. Goku approaches Zeno with the opposite attitude and the child-like deity appreciates Goku’s playful demeanor. There are still tricky power dynamics in play, but Zeno gifts Goku with a special safety button and they’ve developed an unlikely camaraderie.
9 Pikkon Becomes Goku’s Ally During His Stay In Other World

Filler in anime has a bad reputation, but it’s not always inherently a waste of time and there are a number of Dragon Ball characters and storylines that are the positive result of filler material. The Cell Saga is followed up with the Other World Tournament that pits Goku against all of the strongest deceased warriors in the afterlife. Goku meets a formidable challenge in Pikkon, who turns into his ally during this strange time in Goku’s life. Pikkon even returns in the movie, Fusion Reborn, where it’s shown that his friendship with Goku continues to live on.
8 Yamcha Is One Of Goku’s First Friends & A Reminder Of His Past

Yamcha has turned into the Dragon Ball series’ persistent punching bag and the formerly powerful fighter has been progressively pushed out of the spotlight in favor of Saiyans and other deadlier fighters. Yamcha remains on the outskirts, but Goku never completely turns his back on him.
The two share a surprisingly deep connection since Yamcha is one of the first people who Goku and Bulma encounter in the original Dragon Ball. They’ve accomplished incredible things together and helped each other grow as fighters, even if it’s largely been in the past.
7 King Kai’s Planet Becomes Goku’s Unofficial Home Away From Home

Part of the reason that Goku has grown into such an impressive fighter is that he’s fortunate enough to train under many eclectic martial arts masters. Goku often has difficulty with boundaries and these mentor figures occasionally become some of his closest friends. Goku becomes a friendly thorn in King Kai’s side thanks to his frequent unexpected visits, which sometimes involve the destruction of his planet. Goku tends to stick by King Kai whenever he’s in Other World and he enjoys the perks of his planet, even if King Kai is slightly annoyed by the company.
6 Gohan Is Goku’s Son, But Still One Of The Most Important People In His Life

It’s very exciting when Dragon Ball Z focuses on not only an adult version of Goku but also introduces his son, Gohan. Gohan shows tremendous potential right from the start and he’s very much the progeny of Goku. At the same time, Goku and Gohan form a tender and understanding relationship that reflects true friendship. Goku knows how to push Gohan harder, but not too hard, as well as when to listen to him and not make decisions for him. It’s genuinely sweet once Gohan grows into an adult and both he and his father can reflect on their growth.
5 Master Roshi Becomes A Lifelong Mentor & Unofficial Father Figure For Goku

Goku forms many important and lasting bonds throughout Dragon Ball, but few are as significant as Goku’s connection with Master Roshi. Admittedly, Roshi first trains Goku under duress and has selfish motives, but their relationship truly evolves into an equal arrangement.
Goku doesn’t just learn his iconic Kamehameha from Roshi, but he instills in him many of the strong values that remain with him to this day. Goku continues to visit and look after Roshi and he considers him a part of his family at this point.
4 Vegeta Turns From Goku’s Ultimate Rival Into One Of His Best Friends

Goku can sometimes make misguided decisions in battle and he frequently gives enemies more opportunities at redemption than they deserve. However, there are occasions where this strategy bears such fruit that it’s understandable why Goku can’t give up on some people. Vegeta enters Dragon Ball with the aim to take out the planet and his defeat against Goku turns them into bitter rivals. Goku and Vegeta view each other as benchmarks of success. They’re hard on one another, but at the end of the day, they’re absolutely friends who would do anything for each other, including fusing into one body.
3 Goku Trusts His Own Son In The Care Of Piccolo

Piccolo is another instance of a character who begins as Goku’s sworn enemy, only for him to slowly learn to love the Earth. Goku and Piccolo’s friendship gets forged under unlikely circumstances. The catalyst for their friendship is Gohan, Goku’s son who is temporarily in Piccolo’s care while Goku returns from the afterlife. Piccolo’s work with Gohan and the genuine respect that he shows him isn’t lost on Goku and it helps the two of them strengthen their bond. Piccolo even volunteers to stay behind in hell in Dragon Ball GT as a gesture toward Goku.
2 Bulma Has Been With Goku From The Very Start

The whole reason that Goku goes out on this crazy adventure for the Dragon Balls is that he and Bulma cross paths and form a friendship. Goku is incredibly sheltered from the outside world and Bulma helps him come out of his shell in many ways. Goku and Bulma never depart throughout these original adventures and the peaceful friendship that they retain through Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super is just as sweet. Goku and Bulma both open up their families to each other and neither of them underestimates the value that they give each other’s lives.
1 Krillin Is Goku’s Very Best Friend & A Symbol Of His Youth

Goku meets many important people before Krillin, but the two immediately form a synergy that cannot be denied. There’s a rivalry aspect to their original dynamic as they both compete for Master Roshi’s attention, but the two mature into adults together, build their own families, and remain involved in each other’s lives. Krillin’s path becomes slightly more domesticated than Goku’s, but they still have each other’s backs. Krillin’s death is also the ultimate trigger that’s pushed Goku past his limit on more than one occasion.