My Hero Academia: 5 DC Villains Endeavor Could Beat (& 5 That He'd Lose To)

My Hero Academia's Enji Todoroki is known as Flame Hero, Endeavor, a pro hero that currently occupies the top spot in the rankings. Though he had been chasing All Might's tailcoats for a while, Endeavor is no pushover, he's incredibly strong, determined, and his fire-controlling Quirk burns as hot as his temper.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: Endeavor's 5 Greatest Strengths (& His 5 Worst Weaknesses)

Any villain who would have to go up against him should be wary because they'll be lucky just to walk away burnt. However, villains of DC Comics come in all shapes, sizes, and varying power levels. While there is a good number of DC villains Endeavor could beat with no sweat, there are just as many that could give him a run for his money.

10 Could Beat: Firefly, Fighting Fire with Fire is a Bad Idea

The villain Firefly is one nasty customer, being a pyromaniac equipped with a flamethrower, explosives, a jetpack, and a fire-resistant suit. He's a tough foe for other heroes, but Endeavor could wipe the floor with this bug-themed villain.

Endeavor is pretty much immune to fire thanks to the nature of his Quirk, so the majority of Firefly's gear would be mostly ineffective against him. Firefly is more agile in the air and his suit would protect him from Endeavor's fierce flames for a while, but likely wouldn't hold out in a prolonged battle that gives him limited options for offense. Fighting fire with fire is just not a good strategy against Endeavor.

9 Would Lose To: Cheetah, She's Beaten Tougher Foes Than This

Barbara Minerva (aka Cheetah), former archeologist-turned-vicious beast by the plant god Urzkartaga, is the longtime foe of Wonder Woman. With her enhanced senses and incredible speed that's combined with her high intellect and fighting skills, Cheetah has been more than a match for some of the Justice League's heaviest hitters. This could spell doom for Endeavor.

Cheetah's claws and fangs are sharp enough to hurt Wonder Woman, who she's fought to a standstill more times than once, she's fast enough to keep up with speedsters like the Flash, and is a well-trained martial artist to boot. Endeavor would likely hold out for a time, but Cheetah's experience against tougher enemies makes it clear who the winner is.

8 Could Beat: Solomon Grundy, Buried on a Sunday

The large undead monster Solomon Grundy is a zombie that's been a thorn in the sides of DC heroes for many years. His strength has let him go toe to toe with heroes like Superman and his regenerative abilities make him hard to put down for good. However, Grundy is not invincible and has a number of weaknesses someone like Endeavor could exploit.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: 5 DC Characters Todoroki Could Defeat (& 5 That Would Defeat Him)

While Grundy is a tough one, he's not exactly agile and often depicted with very low intelligence making him similar to the Nomus for Endeavor. Grundy can regenerate, but Endeavor has burned enemies with that ability to ashes. Even though Grundy would come back eventually, he's never reborn the same way twice, making it likely that Grundy could return weaker and dumber.

7 Would Lose To: The Reverse-Flash, Too Impossibly Fast

The archnemesis of the Flash, the "Fastest Man Alive," the Reverse-Flash is just as quick and extremely dangerous to whoever crosses paths with him. While Endeavor has fought quick opponents, he hasn't fought anyone with the kind of speed that the Reverse-Flash is capable of and doesn't have any way to keep up with him either.

The evil speedster has more than one method to instantly end the Flame Hero's life. He could run around Endeavor to create a vortex to deny him and his flames of oxygen, slice through his body at high speed before he even blinks, or even run back in time to kill him before the fight even started. There's just not much Endeavor can do against someone so impossibly fast.

6 Could Beat: Mr. Freeze, Ice & Fire Don't Mix

Driven to extremes to save his own wife, Mr. Freeze became Gotham's coldest villain. With his cryogenic tech, Mr. Freeze could turn whole city blocks to ice and has withstood intense fire-based attacks, but a fight against Endeavor would likely not end well for him.

While Freeze's ice and suit can resist heat, they're not completely immune to the temperatures that Endeavor is capable of. On top of that, his helmet is his weak spot and would likely be shattered by Endeavor in the fight. If he manages to break his suit open, Mr. Freeze wouldn't survive very long after.

5 Would Lose To: Killer Frost, Giving Him the Cold Shoulder

Fire and ice aren't the best of friends and usually, fire is seen as the winner against ice, however, Killer Frost is an ice-related villain who can handle the heat and then some. Killer Frost has been described as a "Heat Vampire," needing to absorb heat to survive and fuel her icy powers.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: 5 Ways Endeavor Can Try To Redeem Himself (& 5 Reasons He Can't)

Because of the nature of her powers, fire and heat only make her stronger, which spells doom for Endeavor considering that fire is his main method of attack. In a fight against Killer Frost, Endeavor would likely be stopped cold.

4 Could Beat: Bane, Too Hot For Him to Handle

Enhanced by the super-steroid known as venom, Bane may just look like a big bruiser, but he's also an expert fighter and highly intelligent too. With or without venom, Bane has beaten some of Gotham's greatest crime fighters with ease and even broke Batman's back once. While Endeavor may not be able to match wits with Bane, he might just be able to overpower him.

Bane's venom can keep amplifying his strength, but the more he consumes the more likely it makes him slower and dumbed down. While it would be tough, Endeavor could use that to his advantage to attack from a distance, and if he manages to hit the tubes that feed Bane his venom, he can end the fight there.

3 Would Lose To: Sinestro, Fear Wins Out

Once the greatest of the Green Lanterns, now their greatest enemy, Sinestro is dangerous no matter what power ring he's using. His ring allows him to fly, gives him enhanced durability, to breathe in space, and create light constructs powerful enough to hold even Kryptonians for a time. Compared to Endeavor, Sinestro has more options that would win him the fight.

Using constructs, Sinestro could attack Endeavor from every angle, trap him and deprive him of oxygen, or even just fly him into space where he'd be helpless and dead in seconds. And all of that doesn't even account for the things he can do when he's empowered by Parallax.

2 Could Beat: Poison Ivy, Fire is One of Her Big Weaknesses

Poison Ivy would think herself to be Mother Nature's wrath. Capable of controlling all kinds of plants, mind-controlling anyone around her, and even regenerating/resurrecting herself, Ivy is among the strongest of Batman's rogues gallery through raw power alone. However, she wouldn't be much of a match for Endeavor.

Unsurprisingly, Ivy and her plants are weak to fire, and as such Endeavor has a significant advantage over her. To make matter's worse for her, Ivy can also feel when her plants are harmed, meaning anything Endeavor burns will be extremely painful to her. In short, it's a bad matchup for her.

1 Would Lose To: General Zod, Holds All the Cards

General Zod is an expert tactician and skilled fighter, and that's before you remember that he's a Kryptonian with all of Superman's powers. Super strength, super speed, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, freeze breath, are all things Zod has at his disposal and uses much more violently than the son of Jor-El. With that in mind, a battle against Endeavor would probably not be a long one.

Zod is powerful enough to take on most of the Green Lantern Corps alone and his battles with Superman cause mass destruction anywhere they fight. In other words, Zod could blow Endeavor out like a birthday candle.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 5 Anime Characters Who Rival Endeavor (& 5 Who Fall Short)

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