Legendary Pokémon make up a group of rare Pokémon, so rare that only one of each can be found in their respective games. These are considered to be a separate group from Mythical Pokémon, which are usually event-exclusive. In the games, players are able to interact with Legendary Pokémon in the overworld, or these Pokémon like to roam across the map, making them a little more difficult to track down.
Unlike ordinary Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon are genderless and usually cannot evolve. They also play a crucial role in the Pokémon world, being a great benefit to the environment or making sure that the world remains in balance.
8 Generation VII: Too Many Legendary Pokémon Are Introduced

A staggering 11 Legendary Pokémon were found in Alola, which is far too many. The problem with having so many Legendary Pokémon is that the more there are, the less special they become. Type: Null and its evolution Silvally were failed experiments intended to replicate the powers of Arceus, a concept that sounds oddly similar to the much more successful Mewtwo. Cosmog and its evolution Cosmoem are usually kept in Lillie's bag. Having a Legendary Pokémon on every island, plus the Light Trio, would have been more than enough.
7 Generation V: The Swords Of Justice & Forces Of Nature Are Underwhelming

Legendary Pokémon are meant to be mysterious Pokémon that are so difficult to find that many consider them to be a myth. However, the Swords of Justice, Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion are incredibly easy to find, to the point where the trainer will undoubtedly encounter them while doing a normal playthrough of the game.
Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus are even worse, as they resemble old men sitting atop clouds. Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem are this generation's saving grace, as this is the first time Legendaries fuse together.
6 Generation VI: Zygarde Has Multiple Forms While Xerneas & Yveltal's Roles In The Pokémon World Are Clear

Xerneas and Yveltal are easily recognizable as Legendary Pokémon, due to their large stature and glowing forms. Yveltal has an intimidating, draconic look while Xerneas looks more regal, showing how one is destructive while the other heals. Zygarde is also an interesting Pokémon, as it has more than one form. It has five forms, a cell form, a core form, 10% form, 50% form, and a complete form, which is by far the strongest form. In Volcanion And The Mechanical Marvel, the complete form could stop a laser from Azoth Kingdom on its own.
5 Generation VIII: The Legendary Birds Get Regional Forms & Two New Regis Are Introduced

This generation has received plenty of harsh criticism, but fans were excited to see Legendary Pokémon get regional forms for the first time, which made Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres look drastically different. Regidrago and Regieleki were also introduced, and like other Legendary titans, fans had to solve puzzles to get to them. Zacian and Zamazenta quickly became popular as well, as one wields a sword in its mouth while the other acts as a shield. Calyrex and his steed, either Spectrier or Glastrier, were also a great addition, adding a lot of humor to the storyline each time it spoke to the player. Kubfu and Urshifu were not as impactful to the story, but the game gave trainers a chance to bond with it through cutscenes. Unfortunately, many of these Pokémon are only available through DLC, not to mention Eternatus and some of the other Legendary Pokémon are not able to Dynamax.
4 Generation IV: The Creation Trio Are Some Of The Strongest Legendary Pokémon

Dialga controls time, Palkia controls space, and Giratina controls antimatter. This makes it possible for them to destroy and remake the universe, which is precisely why the game's villain seeks them out. This makes them the strongest Legendary Pokémon, as other Legendary Pokémon are at most capable of destruction on a planetary scale.
The Lake Guardians are adorable additions, save for the fact that only Mespirit decides to become a roaming Pokémon after the trainer encounters it. Cresselia and Heatran are the most forgettable in this generation, as Cresselia doesn't exist as an overworld or roaming encounter until the trainer acquires a specific item. Heatran embodies the planet's core, but it's not as impressive as Groudon. However, Regigigas appears in this generation as the leader of the Legendary Titans, opening up the realm of possibility that more could exist.
3 Generation II: Entei, Suicune, & Raikou Were The First Roaming Legendary Pokémon

After navigating through caves in order to find Legendaries from the previous generation, having roaming Legendary Pokémon was a fresh new concept. It added an extra challenge, as the players had to be careful not to make them faint, slowly whittling away at their health with each encounter. Lugia and Ho-Oh required players to have an item specific to them in order for an encounter to happen. The games did an excellent job of making Legendary Pokémon both rare and harder to obtain.
2 Generation I: Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, & Mewtwo Were Hidden And Exciting To Encounter For The First Time

The Legendary Pokémon in the first generation required players to solve puzzles to get through them, in the form of navigating through caves or buildings. With many powerful wild Pokémon roaming the areas, it meant buying a lot of healing items or making multiple trips to the Pokémon Center. Mewtwo is by far the hardest to get, but at level 70, it quickly becomes a valuable addition to any Pokémon team. Mewtwo's backstory is also one of the most interesting in the games. He was a clone of Mew who worked for Giovanni for a short period of time. In the movies, the Legendary bird trio is fiercely territorial and inhabit islands next to each other, but the games wisely keep them separated, or they would likely fight each other.
1 Generation III: Groudon & Kyogre Battled Until Rayquaza Intervened

Generation III has one of the most exciting scenes, in which Groudon and Kyogre clash in a cataclysmic battle. The player is required to either catch one of the two Pokémon or to awaken Rayquaza in order to stop the two from ending the world. This is the first time Legendaries fought each other in the games, but to this day, Groudon and Kyogre still have the fiercest rivalry, to the point where they would fight each other again if they had the chance. In ORAS, the player is able to ride either Latios or Latias over the world map, which leads to special legendary encounters and the ability to find new places. This makes the Eon duo stand out from other Legendaries. Additionally, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel were introduced in this generation, requiring players to solve braille puzzles to encounter them.