Mikasa was among the strongest non-titan characters of the Attack On Titan series, possessing the rare and mysterious physical prowess of the Ackerman lineage. She was responsible for saving Eren from death on countless occasions, feeling connected to him through their shared past (and unbeknownst to her, the Founding Titan).
Though her human form limits her potential, she is more than capable of challenging the anime's deadliest characters. By identifying how she would fare against a balanced roster of opponents, we can better understand Mikasa's strengths and the limitations behind them.
10 COULD BEAT: Historia Barely Stopped Mikasa From Executing Ymir

When Reiner attempted to flee Paradis alongside Ymir, Mikasa and the other Scouts soon interrupted. The Jaw Titan prevented Mikasa from mounting Reiner's body and attempting to retrieve her beloved Eren, so she prepared to rip out her adversary's nape instead.
The only thing stopping Mikasa was Historia, who begged Ackerman to stay her hand. She also managed to convince Ymir that if the fight actually continued, she wouldn't stand a chance. Considering the Jaw Titan's observably high ego, she never would have relented if she felt she could have slain Mikasa in battle.
9 WOULD LOSE TO: Bertholdt Could Repel Anything Mikasa Might Use To Harm Him

Under ordinary circumstances, Mikasa has the agility to circumvent Bertholdt's massive body and rip out his nape. Her alacrity was proven through her fight against Lara Tybur, where she managed to stay out of the War Hammer's range for as long as Eren needed.
However, Bertholdt's steam would repel Ackerman and whatever thunder spears she hoped to hurl at him. Additionally, his body is so large that her attacks with standard weaponry would be almost obsolete in any other location but his neck and place her in mortal peril.
8 COULD BEAT: Mikasa Could Dodge Kenny Ackerman's Attacks & Cut Him Down

Kenny Ackerman was a challenge for Levi on account of the large, devastating bullet shells he carried with him. They were powerful enough to obliterate a scout's stomach and even crush parts of a crystal pillar.
However, Mikasa has illustrated the agility necessary to dodge gunfire at point-blank range, proven through her fight against Kenny's henchmen. Considering that the villain is not as formidable as she is in a direct melee confrontation (relying on a dagger with comparatively abysmal reach), the heroine's victory is assured.
7 WOULD LOSE TO: Mikasa Would Hesitate Against Eren & Lose As A Result

Mikasa's strong familiarity with Eren would cause significant psychological contention when attempting to deal with him. She was barely able to dodge his feral punch during their first mission to restore a broken wall when he wasn't in control of himself.
Ever since, he has received a number of advantages that would guarantee his former guardian's demise. Not only is he protected through the War Hammer Titan, but he has also benefitted from Annie Leonhart's lessons and learned how to exit and re-enter his giant state fluidly. This would allow him to negate much of Mikasa's thunder spear damage even if she mustered the nerve to fight back.
6 COULD BEAT: Mikasa Carries More Than Enough Thunder Spears To Bring Down Reiner

Initially, it took the combined efforts of Hange, Connie, Jean, and Mikasa to bring Reiner down. Each of them had to cautiously place thunder spears across his face so that Mikasa had the chance she needed to land the killing blow.
Before the attack on Marley, Mikasa was seen increasing her physical strength and can now carry a multitude of explosives on her person without jeopardizing her mobility (proven through the arsenal she unleashed against Lara Tybur). This would allow her to blow up Braun with relative ease.
5 WOULD LOSE TO: Mikasa Has Nothing That Could Meaningfully Harm Lara Tybur

While Mikasa's thunder spears inflicted decent damage against Lara's projected War Hammer, they did nothing to harm her directly since she was shielded by a crystal-like shell. It was so durable that not even Eren could break it with his hardened fists, forced to rely on Porco's jaws to supplement his efforts.
Though Mikasa was capable of dodging Lara for a time, the villain has a much greater capacity to harm her than the converse. As a result, the battle would be one of attrition, with Mikasa inevitably losing.
4 COULD BEAT: Zeke's Projectiles Require Too Much Setup For Him To Use Effectively

Zeke Yeager's primary tactic was to find something he could crush and throw the scattered debris at his enemies. There are a number of reasons why this wouldn't work against Mikasa, namely for her aforementioned capacity in dodging bullets at point-blank range.
Additionally, it takes time for the Beast Titan to prepare his attacks, both to find something he can sling and to reel back his arm. This would provide a window Mikasa can exploit to close the distance between them. Considering how poorly Zeke repelled Levi and Mikasa's comparable skill to the scout captain's own, Zeke's odds of victory are unfavorable.
3 WOULD LOSE TO: Annie Is Just As Skilled As Mikasa & Has A Titan She Can Use

Annie and Mikasa's skills in human form were presented as comparable through the 104th's training exercises. Both of them are at the top of their class and are naturally gifted warriors.
However, Annie's enhanced form enables many more advantages that Mikasa couldn't hope to contend with, including reach and the ability to harden. Were it not for Levi's rescue in the forest, she would have lost her footing and become one of the Scouts' many casualties to the mysterious Female Titan. Annie's victory would be even more decisive if there are nearby pure titans to command.
2 COULD BEAT: Pieck Is Designed For Maneuverability Over Combat

Pieck's Cart Titan was designed for maneuverability and endurance over combat, incapable of swatting away nearby opponents like Reiner or Annie might. Though she was fast enough to evade Levi and his ODM grapple, Mikasa's diverse arsenal would provide her salvation.
By launching dozens of thunder spears at the Marleyan consecutively, Mikasa would cause significant enough damage to staunch her retreat and allow her to catch up. Once she latched onto the titan's body, Pieck's fate would be sealed.
1 WOULD LOSE TO: Levi Ackerman Is A Veteran Beyond Mikasa's Ability

Levi has all of Mikasa's Ackerman assets with the benefit of experience to supplement them. He was fast enough to cleave through dense branches and disorient Zeke Yeager, illustrating deceptively high physical strength. By comparison, the heroine wasn't even able to rip through Reiner's human body when attacking him after the battle for Utgard Castle since he blocked her with his hand.
The Captain's superior skill was proven decisively after the fight to reclaim Shiganshina, where he staved off her relentless assault without using the full extent of his power or even meaningfully retaliating against her.