WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Mighty Morphin #7 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli, Sara Antonellini, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.
While the future of the Power Rangers remains uncertain in the face of intergalactic threats terrorizing both the cosmos and their home, their mentor's past has been catching up with him in some unexpected ways. Not only has the woman who now bears Zordon's old mantle come to Earth, but he has just had the chance to catch up with an old friend that he hasn't seen or heard from in centuries. The circumstances of their reunion are, unfortunately, nothing good, and Earth's defenders have just realized that they are no longer in control of humanity's exposure to everything else the universe has to offer.
While Zelya and the rest of the Mighty Morphin team are trying to make sense of the idyllic scenery they've found inside of Lord Zedd's Angel Grove, Billy and Zordon are hard at work in the Command Center trying to find a way to reaching their teammates. Billy in particular is pushing himself to the limit, something that Zordon points out to him, nudging the Blue Ranger to take a breather. As their conversation drifts to other matters, it is cut short by an incoming message from a surprising source. Zartus, the current Chief Guardian and Zordon's oldest friend, has contacted them all the way from Eltar, and he unfortunately isn't calling just to catch up.

Zartus has been keeping a close eye on the Empyreal threat ever since becoming aware of the world-ending harbingers of Dark Specter. He has seen them destroy countless worlds across the cosmos, and he knows that the threat they pose is far more grave than anyone could possibly imagine. Zartus is already on his way to Earth to help the Power Rangers deal with Lord Zedd, but he is going to need them to help him fight the Empyreals in return. Not only that, but all of this coming together means that the time has come to bring humanity into an intergalactic alliance.
Presumably, this refers to the Galactic Space Alliance, a coalition of worlds dedicated to maintaining peace throughout the galaxy. First introduced in the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy episode "Quasar Quest," the GSA army produced several notable characters on the television series, though rarely was it ever as prominent of a plot point as it has become in the pages of Mighty Morphin. Zordon is familiar with the process of introducing new worlds into the Alliance, as that was a large part of his duties during his own time as a Guardian of Eltar. However, Zordon expresses concerns that Earth is a relatively young planet, and humanity may not be ready for inclusion in such an endeavor. Regardless, Zartus insists that time is of the essence and his world requires the help of the Power Rangers against the pending threat.

Humanity is already aware of the existence of alien heroes, monsters, and tyrants, and they have been for years. The arrival of the Power Rangers and every villain that they have faced off against on Earth is something that the general population is intimately familiar with.
It's almost laughable to imagine that in a world brimming with massive robots fighting giant monsters people would take the news that there is some sort of intergalactic U.N. very poorly. In fact, if they knew just how bad things really were, they might even jump at the chance to gain some powerful new allies. Considering how things have been going recently, Zordon and the Rangers could use all the help they can get.