WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Robin #2 by Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melkinov, Luis Guerrero, and ALW's Troy Peteri, on sale now.
Damian Wayne is one of the deadliest fighters on the planet. As the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, he could never be anything but a warrior. This has instilled in him a deep sense of pride in his abilities. But even though he acts like it, the former Robin doesn't know everything. There are still people who hold an edge over him, either because they're more experienced or have another perspective that he lacks. In Robin #2, Ravager pointed this out to the young Wayne, revealing that it is Damian's pride that is holding him back. And she has just found the way to get him past that block: by having fun like a normal kid.
It sounds a bit silly without the context. How could having fun possibly help Damian become a better fighter? Ravager had the answer for that as well. Damian is very prideful regarding both his skills, and his heritage. But this also makes him vulnerable. In Ravager's words, Damian is so consumed with the idea of who he is that he is under the assumption that no one would dare make a move against him. His pride has led to an overconfidence that has been exploited time and time again. As she sees it, the best way for Damian to improve his skills is for him to loosen up by having fun.

Her logic is that if Damian learns to take himself a little less seriously, he'll be better able to judge what he can and cannot handle. By getting down from the pedestal he has placed himself on, Damian would have a better perspective of the people in his life, seeing them on a more equal footing, which would probably also help with Damian's lack of social skills. But while this all seems sound, this will probably be the hardest lesson Damian has ever had to learn.
Damian is the heir of both Batman and Ra's al Ghul, commonly known as the Demon. In taking his legacy so seriously, Damian has struggled immensely to enjoy normal things for someone his age. He's made progress since arriving at Wayne Manor at just ten-years-old, developing a passion for pets, hobbies like Cheese Viking, and reading manga. He's even made a few close personal friends, something he never would have considered when he first entered Bruce Wayne's life.

But these are all outside influences, things he usually keeps private for fear that someone would regard him as less than extraordinary. For him to actively allow himself to relax around people is a huge step for the young fighter. It requires him to push aside a mentality he's held onto for almost his entire life.
If he succeeds in this though, this won't just make him a better fighter. It could also make him into a better person. He might develop more respect for others and even improve his social skills. But most importantly it would make him more approachable. Whenever Damian allows someone new to get close to him it almost always results in a positive growth in his personality. If he could allow himself to bond with others, he might just find that sense of belonging he's been looking for as of late.