The Dark Knight trilogy is often lauded as the best string of comic book movies. There's a lot of merit to it as both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are incredible movies. The Dark Knight Rises is the weaker of the three, but still a fun movie in its own right.
Despite their praise, they all have their fair share of plot holes or flaws. The Dark Knight Rises particularly has more than a few moments that make you cock your head.
10 Why Did Rachel Follow Crane Into The Basement When She Didn't Trust him?

Characters doing dumb things for the sake of the plot isn't that uncommon. It happens all of the time in movies, but it is rather glaring in films like Batman Begins that are generally well structured.
Rachel is an assistant DA who'd firmly established her distrust in Crane throughout the movie. Why then did she follow him down to the basement? Sure, she might have wanted to see what he was up to, but if he's leading you there, he clearly he has a plan.
9 Why Did Have Rachel Have No Reaction To Bruce's Return To Gotham?

Rachel and Bruce were best friends growing up, and she was even there the night before Bruce disappeared. More than that, she's the one that told him to confront Falcone if he wanted his revenge so bad. Why then didn't she have any reaction to his return from the dead?
Had Alfred told her he was actually off in China somewhere? Even if he had, wouldn't she show some happiness about his return? All they do when he's back is idly chit-chat as if nothing happened.
8 How Did No One Notice The Toxins In The Water During Batman Begins?

The toxin Crane funneled into the Gotham water supply needed to be inhaled to work, making it supposedly undetectable, but how? Does no one in Gotham boil water to cook or take hot showers?
Producing steam isn't exactly a hard thing to do for a normal household. Was it that there wasn't enough toxin in the water yet? Even that doesn't really work since people started losing their mines near-instantly once the League's plan went underway.
7 Why Did Falcone Say Bruce's Dad Begged Like A Dog Before He Was Shot When Bruce Was Old Enough To Have Remembered That Himself?

The dialogue between Bruce and Falcone in their scene before he leaves Gotham is pretty great, save for one tidbit towards the end. Falcone taunts Bruce, saying Chill told everyone that Bruce's dad begged like a dog before he died.
It's a taunt that would have been extremely effective had Bruce not been there the day it happened. Sure, he was a kid, but Bruce clearly remembered the moment, or he wouldn't have confronted Falcone to begin with.
6 The Start Of The Dark Knight Was Filled With Impossibilities

The opening scene of The Dark Knight was excellent in pacing and as a way of introducing the Joker. The problem is it's littered with impossibilities at the very end of it.
The first is that a bus somehow had the time to back its way through a bank during a busy day in Gotham. Not only that, but Joker pulling out into traffic from said bank into an army of other school buses is difficult to justify. It's an iconic scene, but one that doesn't hold up to too much scrutiny.
5 How Didn't Rachel Or Batman Get Injured While Falling At Least 15 Stories?

For as great as The Dark Knight is, there's a lot of instances where the rule of cool outweighs any semblance of logic. One such instance is the scene where Joker drops Rachel out of the window.
It's an admittedly great scene, especially the lead-up to it, but it's unbelievable that they'd both walk away unscathed. Yes, Batman does utilize his cape to slow them down some on impact. That doesn't change the sheer distance they fell; it wasn't only a couple of stories, after all.
4 The Joker Had A Plan For Just About Every Single Contingency

For a man who supposedly never had a plan, Joker seemed to have a million of them in The Dark Knight. Not only that, he had plans Bs and Plan Cs, making sure every contingency was covered. It's ridiculous how intelligent the movie makes him, always about ten steps ahead of everyone else and plotting things out like it's a game of chess.
The biggest example is when he tries to kill Harvey with the intention of Batman coming to kill him, only to have a backup for that should Batman not do so, including warehouses conveniently filled with explosives for Rachel and Harvey.
3 The Cops Charging Bane's Men Should Have Been Gunned Down

Everything about the cops being buried under the city was ridiculous, from the fact they were even buried under there to begin with to the moment they made their stand against Bane's men.
It's impactful seeing them all standing there, but there's no way they all shouldn't have been gunned down. Even when Batman arrives, he takes down one of the tumblers, not all of them. It's such an illogical scene.
2 How Did Batman Survive The Blast From The League's Bomb?

The Dark Knight Rises has a fair bit of headscratchers in its final act, making it the weakest film in the franchise, and none are greater than the nuke. Towards the end, Batman flies the nuke out to sea and manages to detonate it a safe distance away, making everyone think he died. Only he didn't because he's off living his best life with Selina.
The question is, how did he manage it? There were only about five seconds left until detonation in the last shot of Batman piloting the craft. That's not a whole lot of time to eject and escape.
1 How Did Bruce Get Back To A Locked Down Gotham From The Pit?

The pit is in god knows what country, and Bruce Wayne is now bankrupt thanks to Bane and Talia. How then did he possibly get back to Gotham in time to save the day?
There's no way the movie would have ever taken the time to explain this, but it's a very annoying plot hole since taking Bruce's money was such a major plot point. On top of all that, Gotham is locked down anyway. How did he bypass all of that?