Last year, Animal Crossing: New Horizons helped bring people worldwide together through the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to its characters and atmosphere. Since its release, players have been treated to regular updates that celebrate new events and holidays, but in recent months following a less than stellar update, the game's developers have fans worried over the title's future.
Since April, developers on Animal Crossing: New Horizons haven't kept in touch with the community to inform players of any new updates. This had become even more disconcerting when the game didn't appear during E3's Nintendo Direct. As a result, the radio silence has left fans confused and frustrated as there are still many features that developers could improve on.
When it comes to quality of life updates to the game, there are still a few features that, if worked on, would greatly improve the overall flow and ease of use. One of the first is using the craft table to create more than one item at a time. By expanding the number of items that can be crafted, there is less room for repetition as players work on big renovations. Another feature that fans still want is a shopping cart in the Able Sisters' store to avoid constantly going in and out of the fitting room to buy clothes. Devs have already begun small quality 0f life improvements like expanding storage for patterns, but there is still work to be done.
Another update that fans are hoping for is more variety in events. Since launch, the number of post-game events and content hasn't been as prominent since the new year. While there have still been events like Festivale, there have been hardly any small events like the Mario Day update to bridge the gap between big holidays. Events help bring the community together as they spend time on each other's islands but with no events to check out; there are no special occasions to share with others.
While the radio silence has been concerning to so many fans, it is possible the developers have been hard at work on bringing a new and exciting update that could address concerns regarding quality of life changes and events. Considering the 4th of July is coming, a new update focusing on the holiday that improves on interfaces and promises more events and communication between devs and fans may be right around the corner.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of Nintendo's largest selling games with a massive fanbase that only wants to experience the game at its full potential with care and attention brought to it by the developers. Since launch, the amount of post-launch content has all but dried up, and as the clock ticks, more players continue to lose interest. It's becoming more crucial that developers communicate new updates for players soon before they pack their bags and leave their islands for good.