The main characters of a story are easy to find. They're the ones that spend the most time on screen and are influenced by the workings of the plot and storyline more than others. There are a lot of powerful characters in the Netflix adaptation of Castlevania but not all of them carry the plot. Some characters from earlier seasons have faded into the background while others take a prominent place in the recent and final fourth season. The story ties up a few of these storylines nicely, revealing the power levels of many characters as they met their defeat or embraced a win.
One of the themes of the series is that survival doesn't always come to the most powerful. In fact, those who are truly strong are the ones that can win without fighting. The characters that survive are not necessarily the most powerful, although there are a few characters that meet their demise after being rendered without agency or purpose.
10 Lenore Can Cause Devastating Damage

Lenore was a force to be reckoned with in Season 3. She had a brilliant plan to seduce and enslave Hector, giving her fellow sisters their own personal Forgemaster. However, with Morana and Striga out in the field and Lenore isolated in the castle with an increasingly frenzied Carmilla in Season 4, Lenore finds herself isolated and vulnerable.
She leaves Hector to his own devices, taking it for granted that he's weak, and he enables the devastating attack on their castle by Isaac and his minions. When she chooses to take a first last look at the morning sun, it's more out of despair for being useless than for losing her power.
9 Hector Has All The Powers Of A Wizard

Hector is powerful enough in the sense that he's a Forgemaster, but he had a devastating weakness of character. He behaved like a child, so Lenore treated him like one. That had the consequence of making him a prisoner of Carmilla and her Council of Sisters.
He really seems to forget that he has the powers of a wizard until the start of Season 4 when it's revealed that he's been quietly planning not only an escape but also the defeat of Carmilla and the resurrection of Dracula. Perhaps suffering in that cell gave him some wisdom and agency after all.
8 Carmilla Is Able To Stand Up To Dracula

Carmilla was always savage when it came to diplomacy, but it wasn't until Season 4 that the viewers for to see her in action with a sword. The resulting scene is one of the best action sequences in the series. If Carmilla hadn't been so manic at this point, maybe she would have anticipated Isaac's move.
Carmilla is one of Dracula's most trusted henchmen in the Castlevania video games, but in the series, she confidently stands in opposition to him. Right to his face, even when he's still alive. The leader of the Council of Sisters wasn't just a powerful vampire, she was strong-willed and motivated by righteous fury.
7 Isaac Is Fearsome And Deadly

Isaac probably has the best arc of any of the main characters in Castlevania. He wields a fearsome power, partly fueled by a past filled with pain, ignorance, and abuse, and he carries that resentment and anger to the forge with him. However, his path to redemption and wisdom seems to start when he killed Godbrand out of fierce loyalty to Dracula.
By the time Isaac finds a way to return to Wallachia and take his revenge on Carmilla and Hector in a spectacular fashion, his anger seems to have fizzled out. He understands the weight of his own power and luckily for the rest of the world, he has no wish to conquer further or resurrect Dracula, although he could almost certainly do both if he wanted.
6 St. Germain Has Multiple Faces But They Are All Strong

St. Germain is the best example of power-leveling that the series has to offer. When he first appears in Season 3, he's not that impressive. When we find out what he's looking for, however, and the results of what he's learned since his disappearance into the Infinite Corridor, he becomes a more intimidating character.
It's chilling how easily St. Germain seems to exist with two faces, one of his old benevolent self and the other twisted by selfish evil. His fearsome powers include being able to manipulate the Infinite Corridor and resurrect the dead. It's too bad his motivations weren't pure otherwise he would be closer to the top of the power level chart.
5 Trevor Belmont May Have His Own Vampiric Powers

He's not the most powerful member of the Belmonts, but he deserves a lot of credit as the survivor of a vendetta against his family as well as the one who redeemed the famous bloodline. He was also the Belmont that befriended Alucard and married into the Belnades bloodline, ensuring that his descendants would have powerful magical powers.
Christopher and Simon are two of Trevor's most notable descendants, and the ending of the Netflix adaptation gave viewers a clue as to where the spinoff will go. Trevor is one of the earliest Belmonts in the family tree derived from the Castlevania video games, and in that lore, he's the son of Alucard, and therefore has some vampiric powers himself.
4 Sypha Belnades Is A Magical Vampire Hunter

Like other notable characters, Sypha's powers were heightened as the seasons progressed. Initially, she couldn't defeat the cyclops guarding Alucard's crypt, at least not by herself. By the time Season 4 comes to a close, she's been instrumental in freeing the land from the grip of Dracula and his minions.
Her only strengths aren't just in blasting fire or ice at her enemies, either. Sypha's know-how and determination are part of what helps rebuild society after the demons have been defeated, and her descendants will be vampire hunters like their parents.
3 Adrian Tepes Is The Son Of Dracula And Incredibly Strong

The damphyr is a creature that is half-human and half-vampire. In anime, they usually have the same name, Alucard. That's Dracula spelled backward, in case that's not obvious enough, and it's a reference to one of the old Dracula films. Luckily, we can also refer to this character as Adrian Tepes, the son of Dracula and Lisa.
Critics of the series will point out that Alucard is underused in the Netflix series, and he is, partly because he's so overpowered that he turns the tide of any battle, but he still wasn't strong enough to defeat Dracula. He gets some closure with an open but happy ending,
2 Death Is A Deadly Force

Death doesn't actually appear as a character until Season 4, and even then he masquerades as a bumbling, thuggish vampire called Varney. According to the storyline, however, he was involved in the plot in Season 3, albeit in a covert way. The best explanation we get for his presence and motivations revolve around his status as an elemental that feeds on Death, or something like that.
Dracula is a reliable and efficient killer, hence Death wants him back alive. Not just alive, though, but trapped in the same body as his wife, something that Death actually hopes will drive the resurrected King of the Damned insane so he's inclined to murder even more often.
1 Dracula Is By Far The Most Powerful

Perhaps Death should be in the top spot, but he takes orders from Dracula. The Prince of Darkness is the most powerful character throughout the series, and despite his death at the end of season 1, remains a motivating factor for the rest of the plot.
This mirrors the storyline the video games often rely on, which consists of either fighting Dracula or fighting those who wish for his return. Not only is he so powerful that he isn't defeated, but heactually allows himself to be killed, and nothing in the story happens without him.