As the iconic survival horror franchise Resident Evil and popular asymmetrical online horror game Dead by Daylight officially crossover this month, Dead by Daylight will be gaining a new killer in Nemesis and two new survivors immediately recognizable to be Resident Evil fans: Jill Valentine and Leon S. Kennedy. Based on her design from last year's Resident Evil 3 remake, Jill is a veteran police officer from Raccoon City's elite S.T.A.R.S. unit and has more than a few tricks up her sleeve to survive against Dead by Daylight's most notorious serial killers, proving invaluable among her fellow survivors.
Here is a quick primer of Jill's perks and best survival strategies as she joins the bloody struggle to stay one step ahead of the deranged killers in the latest Dead by Daylight update.

Along with fellow S.T.A.R.S. officer Chris Redfield, Jill is the original Resident Evil protagonist, with her and the law enforcement squad investigating a sinister mansion in the midwestern Arklay Mountains only to discover it overrun by voracious zombies infected by the Umbrella Corporation's T-Virus. Resident Evil 3 had Umbrella dispatch Nemesis to kill Jill as Raccoon City descended into chaos in order to maintain their role in the zombie outbreak a secret. Jill would return in Resident Evil: Revelations and Resident Evil 5, confronting the remnants of Umbrella and its fiendish legacy.
With the Dead by Daylight crossover including the Raccoon City Police Headquarters from the Resident Evil 2 remake, Jill is able to visit her old stomping grounds as she faces a litany of bloodthirsty killers. While Jill must stay on the run to survive, her gameplay style and perks reflect her inherent resilience and quick thinking to turn the tables on her more physically imposing opponents bringing some innovations to Dead by Daylight as it celebrates its fifth anniversary this year.

To help give themselves an edge, the hunters of Dead by Daylight can start a match with a number of hexes to level the playing field. Each hex is linked to a totem strewn somewhere across the map. Jill's first perk allows her to cleanse totems and remove these hexes 20 percent faster than most of her fellow survivors. This perk is stackable, with up to a 20 percent increase in cleansing speed per totem cleansed. Upon cleansing a totem, Jill can see the farthest active totem from her for 2-4 seconds. This perk is teachable at level 30.
Jill's second perk is one of her most valuable, with her already 40-50 percent recovered in her healing process immediately after being removed from a hook. This ensures a quick recovery to full health once Jill gets to a reasonably safe location to complete the healing process and resume her flight from the killers and especially vital to avoid that one-hit dying state strike after escaping a hook. This perk is teachable at level 35.
Jill's third perk explosively turns the tables on her pursuers, giving her a blast mine to attach to partially repaired generators. After working on a generator for at least three seconds and having at least 66 percent of it repaired, Jill can quietly fix a mine to it that remains active for 35-45 seconds. If a killer damages a generator with an active mine, they are temporarily stunned, while anyone in the immediate blast radius is briefly blinded. Generators that have active mines have a visible aura to other survivors to let them know it's been boobytrapped.
Developed by Behaviour Interactive, the Resident Evil DLC expansion for Dead by Daylight goes on sale June 15.