Marvel: The Hulk & 9 Other Characters Who Would Be Great In Horror Comics

Marvel is known as the top purveyor of superheroes but their stories in other genres are kind of lackluster. They went through a phase of introducing more horror-themed characters in the '70s but most of them fell to the wayside and ones who stayed around, like Ghost Rider, became more run-of-mill superheroes. They tried to revitalize their horror line to piggyback off DC's horror successes in the '90s but they failed as well.

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However, Marvel's roster of respected heroes could work in their own horror books with surprisingly few tweaks. Superheroes and horror go great together and Marvel could use this synthesis to their advantage.

10 Hulk Has Always Been Better As A Horror-Type Character

There have been lots of versions of Hulk over the years but one thing has always been true- Hulk does not work very well as a superhero. The core of the character has always been a Jekyll and Hyde type of story and the best Hulk comics have played into this. The Immortal Hulk is a perfect example of this- fans love it for its horror movie vibe.

A Hulk horror book pretty much writes itself, working as a great monster story full of psychological horror. Hulk has always been a scary being and putting that first and foremost is how the character works best.

9 Silver Surfer Battling The Horrors Of The Cosmos Is Perfect For The Character

Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe and one of his biggest character traits is his purity. This purity makes him a great foil for more horror-themed villains like Mephisto and setting him against the most horrific threats in the universe works very well. Space is full of monsters and Surfer battling them is perfect.

On top of that, a Surfer horror book could play up the psychological elements of the character and his existence- he's an alien with the power of gods moving through the universe, battling terrible threats, and always lonely. There's a lot of horror to be mined there.

8 Ms. Marvel Would Work Way Better In A Horror Series Than Most Would Think

A big part of horror tropes is juxtaposition, which is one of the reasons the "final girl" plotline developed- she was always the most innocent, virginal one and stands in sharp contrast to the monster of the story. A perfect hero to embody that sort of character is Ms. Marvel, as her chipper, upbeat attitude makes her the epitome of purity.

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Ms. Marvel fighting horror movie-type threats would work very well. She's powerful enough to stand up to even the most unstoppable undead slashers, is smart enough to figure out new ways to fight against all kinds of supernatural beings, and is exactly the type of person to battle against horror threats. It would also give readers an entirely new look at her and what she does.

7 A Namorita Horror Book Can Explore The Terrors Of The Oceans

Namorita seems like an out-of-left-field choice for a horror book about the sea, since Namor is more well known. However, Namor doesn't exactly seem like the kind of character who cares so much about battling the horrors of the deep- he's more the type to befriend or corral them for later use. Namorita, on the other hand, is more a blank slate in that regard and can be used to explore what lies beneath.

Namorita could battle against all manner of undersea terrors and get some recognition that she's never gotten before. She's a weird choice for a horror book but that's why it would work so well- much of DC's success with horror books came from taking lesser-known heroes and putting them in new situations.

6 A Scarlet Witch Horror Book Would Concentrate On The Horror Of Who She Is

Some people would look at Scarlet Witch and think that she'd be perfect for a horror book and they'd be right, but for the wrong reasons. Most would think it would be pitting her against magical horror threats but that's not the best way to go- magic is a part of her but she's had very little to do with it over the years.

Instead, the horror of a Scarlet Witch book would come from who she is- a temperamental and powerful being who does as much harm as good. Scarlet Witch would be the monster of any horror series she stars in because of what she represents- no one around her knows if what they are seeing or feeling is real because of her.

5 Magik Has Long Deserved A Series And A Horror One Would Be Perfect

The X-Men comics are going through a renaissance right now, with just about every type of superhero comic concept imaginable getting a book. One type of superhero comic that is missing is horror and one mutant would be better than all the others for that type of comic- Magik.

To begin with, Magik's stock in the X-Men books has been on a steady rise for a while now and beyond that, she just belongs in a more horror-oriented world than a heroic one. Her powers and experiences in Limbo as a child makes her the kind of fearless fighter of monsters that a great horror comic could be built around.

4 A Phoenix Force Horror Anthology Series Could Take An Interesting Look At The Concept

The Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe and it often proves the old maxim that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Stories of corruption and the influence of power have proven to be great fodder for horror over the years and a Phoenix Force anthology series could take a look at this concept.

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Following the Phoenix Force as it moves throughout the cosmos, finding hosts, and what comes next would make for some pretty amazing horror stories, as beings innocent, heroic, and monstrous are given ultimate power. Marvel has rarely done books like this and it would a great change of pace.

3 Punisher Has Failed At Horror Before But That Doesn't Mean He Can't Work In A Horror Book

There have been attempts to put the Punisher in horror books before and they've usually failed. The problem with them is they usually have Punisher fighting monsters and not being the monster. That's a much more interesting way to play Punisher in a horror book.

Instead of focusing on the Punisher, a Punisher horror book would focus on the others who his actions affect- the crooks, the civilians, and the police, playing him up as the frightening psychopath he actually is. It would be a novel approach and one that would milk the horror from the character.

2 Iron Man In A Horror Book Can Show The Dark Side Of Technology

Technology has long been a great generator of horror and a character that could perfectly illustrate that is Iron Man. Iron Man is all about technology- a look at his closet full of armors is proof enough of that- and pitting him against the forces of technology gone wild would be a great way to put him into a horror book.

The inhuman nature of technology contrasts perfectly with Iron Man because underneath his armor, he's very human- a vain, conflicted man who does his best to do the right thing but still screws up. This juxtaposition is fertile ground for horror.

1 Wolverine Could Serve A Variety Of Roles In A Horror Book

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does and in this case, that would be starring in a horror book. A Wolverine horror book could go in several directions- whether it be pitting him against monsters to protect the innocent, mining the horror from his adventures by focusing on those around him, or focusing on him during his feral days.

A Wolverine horror book has so much potential because of just how multi-faceted he is. He's been developed in so many different ways that he could fit perfectly into the horror genre.

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