In the Mass Effect trilogy, Commander Shepard quickly learns that the galaxy is a large and dangerous place, and entire species have suffered greatly at the hands of their enemies. For example, when Shepard met Urdnot Wrex aboard the Citadel in 2183, Wrex was bitter about the genophage and the slow decline of the Krogan race -- and he's not the only one.
Three years later, Shepard would meet another exotic squadmate who had similar sentiments: Commander Javik, the last surviving Prothean. When he climbed into his lifepod, the Prothean Empire was wounded, but still standing; now, Javik stands alone. He understands what Wrex is going through, down to the painful details.
In some broad strokes, Commander Javik can be compared to Commander Shepard, his new commanding officer in this cycle. However, these similarities are superficial and impersonal. Both are battle-hardened soldiers with an aptitude for leadership. If he views the contents of the memory shard, Javik will explain that he once commanded a ship similar to the Normandy SR-2, complete with a loyal crew during the Protheans' desperate war against the Reapers. Javik was also a hero of his time, being the Prothean avatar of vengeance (among other avatars). Shepard and Javik both know what it's like to face the seemingly invincible Reaper fleets and persist despite the odds, as well as the mental toll this takes.
The similarities end there, however. Shepard and Javik have both faced the Reapers, but Javik suffered far more at their hands, watching his entire race being systematically exterminated as the Empire was torn down. Javik had to watch his species' extinction, and by the time he awoke on Eden Prime at the hands of Shepard, he was all alone. Anyone else might have collapsed in despair, seeing no future to fight for, but Javik persisted, using his vengeance to fuel him.
Not even Shepard fully knows what that feels like. While Shepard had to endure the fall of Earth and the destruction of many human colonies, in this cycle, the galaxy is united and has hope -- something no other cycle's species ever achieved. Shepard sees a difficult but viable route to victory, while in Javik's time, there was none. Plus, despite the losses on Earth, Shepard doesn't fully appreciate what it's like to see one's own species arrive at the brink of extinction -- but Wrex does.
Shepard has been pushed hard before, such when they faced endless Batarian forces on Elysium during the Skyllian Blitz or watched Earth's fall in 2186. However, none of that compares to the pain of watching one's own species arrive at the brink of extinction. In that regard, Javik has more in common with Urdnot Wrex. Both of them reached the lowest point imaginable, being in a position to completely give in to despair as their respective races die. Incredibly, both Javik and Wrex found strength, rather than weakness, in that dark moment, and this galvanized their will. It seems that nothing can break them.
Javik persists against the Reapers despite the utter destruction of his species and empire, and he fought to the bitter end to retake Earth and get revenge for the trillion ghosts of the Prothean Empire. Urdnot Wrex, meanwhile, was inspired by Commander Shepard and resolved to unite the feuding Krogan clans on Tuchanka to rally his dying race and give them a purpose once again. Wrex pulled it off, especially with Shepard's and Dr. Mordin Solus' aid, and brought his race back from the brink of extinction. Wrex faced all kinds of challenges and opposition, especially from traditionalist clans such as the Gatatog clan, but he didn't dare back down. Wrex and his race were on the edge of oblivion, but they eventually found strength in the ultimate despair.
That's what Javik did too. Shepard was surrounded by friends and allies, and they had the very real hope that a better, more peaceful future was possible. In other words, Shepard drew strength from what they had; Javik and Wrex drew strength from what they didn't have. That can make all the difference, testing the true mettle of someone's character, whether they be human, Krogan or Prothean.