WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Justice League #62 by Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez, Ivan Plascencia, Josh Reed, on sale now.
Naomi, the Justice League's newest and youngest recruit always knew the risks of returning to her birth world. While her brief time there almost killed her, she and the Justice League crossed over into that world to stop it from invading Earth. But after being separated, Naomi was left directly in the path of her worst enemy: Zumbado, the man who decimated her world and killed her parents.
Before Justice League #62, Naomi had only encountered Zumbado twice by this point, but he already left an indelible mark upon her life. On Naomi's world, the Earth's protective layers were depleted and the resulting radiation granted 29 people with almost godlike powers. Unfortunately, the radiation was not selective in who received these gifts. Zumbado was the worst of them, being a mass murderer before he was even endowed with the power. He was actually on the verge of being executed, and received his power in the eleventh hour, using his new abilities to cause his world an immense amount of suffering.

Zumbado went on to lead a group that wished to use their powers to conquer the world. The resulting conflict decimated an already damaged planet. The world is now devastated, with the only structure in existence being the various groups ruled over by Zumbado and the remaining mega-powers. But the prize apparently isn't as sweet as he at first believed, and the dictator now craves new horizons.
Naomi was the first person born to two mega-powers, meaning she could possibly inherit power greater than Zumbado's. This was enough to enrage him and he attempted to kill her as an infant before she had a chance to realize her potential. Fortunately for Naomi, her parents didn't want their daughter to grow up on such a dangerous world.
Naomi's parents sent her away to another dimension, and this inspired Zumbado to try and find a way to follow her. As Naomi witnessed in Justice League #62, the damage done by his conquest has left literal scars across the surface of the planet. That alone makes Zumbado an altogether different threat than Brutus, and a force dangerous enough to challenge the entire Justice League.

And now Zumbado has Naomi in his sights once again, with his desire for a new world to takeover completely within his grasp. The greatest heroes of Earth-0 are in front of him and in disarray, and one of his minions, Brutus, has found a way to travel to a new and unsuspecting world.
Zumbado now has everything he's ever wanted all in one place. All the world-conquering tyrant now has to do is get past the severely weakened members of the League, and he will have an all-new world to ravage.