Rick & Morty: 10 Characters More Powerful Than Rick Sanchez | CBR

While Rick and Morty portrays Rick as an all-powerful god among men, there are several characters throughout the series that would easily (and have) put Rick in his place. Rick is usually the smartest man in the room, but sometimes he is outwitted and oftentimes he's severely outmatched physically.

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While Rick's gadgets are typically more advanced than any alien technology, sometimes they can't beat pure strength. Additionally, despite his scientific brilliance, there are other ways in which he's been mentally outmaneuvered largely due to his lack of emotional intelligence.

10 The Brutish Men & The Fickle Women Of The Gazorpian Race

Fans of the show were first introduced to the Gazorpians when Morty developed an affinity for an adult companion robot. After the robot gives birth to a bouncing baby Gazopian boy, Summer and Rick travel to the Gazorpian homeworld to learn more about the strange new alien.

The Gazorpian men are massive gorilla-like creatures that would have easily destroyed Rick if it weren't for his technological superiority. The Gazoprian women are in charge of their society, and without a portal gun, Rick is forced to comply with their way of living. If it wasn't for Summer's quick thinking, revealing that her clothes were made by a man, Rick would have been sentenced to death by the Gazorpian women.

9 The Hive Mind Unity

During a mission with Morty and Summer, Rick reconnects with his old girlfriend, Unity. Unity is a hivemind that is capable of taking over entire planets and civilizations. Her goal was to unite the entire universe under her umbrella control until Rick returned.

Unity eventually realized that Rick was a toxic influence in her life and left him for another hivemind being. The rejection caused Rick to go temporarily crazy to the point that even his grandkids were embarrassed by his behavior. If Unity didn't think so fondly of Rick, she easily could have assimilated him.

8 The Living Planet Gaia & Her Slam Piece, Zeus

Rick has had many weird and confusing relationships throughout his life, and being in a relationship with a living planet is beyond peculiar, even for Rick. Gaia first wants Rick's help in raising the children they seemingly made together. However, once the real father, a Zeus-like character shows up, all hell breaks loose.

Rick tries to take on Zeus, but the pseudo-god is way too powerful for Rick. Before Zeus can do any more damage, Morty and Summer save the day by crashing an alien spaceship into the back of Zeus' head, killing him instantly. Gaia is not happy once her lover comes crashing down onto her surface. She begins to flood most of the area with lava in retaliation, but luckily Rick and the family are just barely able to escape.

7 Dr. Wong & Her Superior Psyche

Dr. Wong is an ordinary human psychologist, but it's her mastery over the human brain that allows her to maintain an advantage over Rick. Eventually, Rick makes it to the family therapy session he had tried to avoid by turning himself into a pickle. Upon arriving, he immediately starts complaining and belittling Dr. Wong's competence.

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However, he surprisingly doesn't get a rise out of her. Instead, she explains that she understands where he is coming from, knows why he feels the way he does, and even explains it back to him in a graspable metaphor. She completely puts Rick in his place in a calm and collected manner in such a way that Morty and Summer are impressed and want to go back for additional sessions.

6 Concerto, The Musical Villain

While Concerto was really only a villain in an end-credits capacity, he still managed to capture not only the main Rick and Morty but multiple Ricks, as evidenced by his head-smashing piano device. Rick even seems genuinely concerned as the mallet gets closer, telling Morty that this was the end.

However, at the last moment, Jaguar steps in to save the day. Rick and Jaguar has met previously when Rick was masquerading as a pickle. Though they started as foes, they ended up working together and Jaguar owed Rick a favor, which turned out to be saving Rick from Concerto.

5 Supernova & Her Universal Power

Rick and Morty are righteous forces, though they seldom fight for good. However, when they team up with the Vindicators, they become honorary heroes, or at least Morty does. Rick gets blackout drunk and not only defeats their archnemesis but also creates an elaborate trap that the Vindicators must escape by following his rules.

However, by the end of it all, Rick's house of death ended up killing about half of the Vindicators. Enraged by the loss of her friends, Supernova attempts to kill Rick and Morty in retaliation via her version of Darth Vader's force choke. However, the three of them came to the top of a platform surrounded by hundreds of people, causing Supernova to stop her attack (in view of so many witnesses) and escape through the crowd.

4 The Zigerions, At Least Until Rick Blew Them Up

The Zigerions are known for scamming, and they have been after Rick's recipe for concentrated dark matter likely since he created it. Somehow, the Zigerions managed to capture Rick and trap him in a highly advanced simulation to try and coax the information out of him. However, Rick realizes he's in a simulation and escapes with Morty.

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Unfortunately, they're in another simulation and only realize this once the simulation vanishes after Rick enters the code for the safe in his garage. Rick and Morty escape again, and Rick decides to use concentrated dark matter to get away but after disclosing the ingredients to Morty, it's revealed that he was in another simulation. However, it appears Rick was familiar with the "fool me once" colloquialism because once the Zigerions mixed the ingredients together, their ship promptly exploded.

3 The Interdimensional Being Known As "Fart"

During one of their adventures, Rick and Morty come across a fascinating being that appeared to be imprisoned for no reason. After Morty busts him out, he vows to help his new friend get home. Morty's companion assumes the name "Fart" and showcases several extraordinary abilities such as mental manipulation and elemental transmutation, i.e. he can turn thin air into gold.

Unfortunately, Morty ends up having to kill Fart once it's revealed that he will return with his species to wipe out carbon-based life forms. Luckily for Morty, he brought Krombopulos Michael's gun with him, which is a gun specifically designed to kill the type of being that Fart is, without that gun, all life in the universe would have been destroyed.

2 President Morty Is Much More Intelligent Than He Lets On

Fortunately, the main Rick hates the idea of the Citadel of Ricks, which keeps him safe from the threat of President Morty. While Morty seems like a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, certain Mortys deviate from the norm quite a bit. The Morty that becomes President of the Citadel was the same Morty that was remotely controlling a Rick into capturing Mortys for his own nefarious reasons.

Once he becomes President, he instantly kills all of the Ricks on his committee who believe he won't have any real power. He continues by ejecting any and all dissenters out into the cold vacuum of space. He even invokes a rule for the police that encourages the killing of Mortys, which is weird for a Morty to encourage.

1 Rick's Self-Proclaimed Nemesis, Mr. Nimbus

Rick seems to have a long history with Mr. Nimbus, who appears to be the Rick and Morty equivalent of Namor, Aquaman, and/or Poseidon. In addition to super strength and control over the oceans and seas, Nimbus apparently controls the police for some reason. He even saves Rick, Morty, and Jessica from a time dilated world.

Before Nimbus saves them, Rick had tasked Summer with finding his conch shell of power in the Marianas Trench. Instead of destroying it as instructed, she returns with the conch in hand. Nimbus is furious with Rick for betraying his trust and proceeds to mercilessly beat Rick before enlisting police to take him to prison.

NEXT: Rick & Morty: 5 Marvel Superheroes Rick Sanchez Can Defeat (& 5 He Can't)

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