10 Marvel Characters Loki Has Never Beat In A Fight | CBR

Loki has long been a fan favorite villain but since his star turn in the MCU, he's gotten even more attention than ever before. However, he's always been one of the greatest villains in the Marvel Universe, a powerful foe for every hero who has faced him. He's even been able to beat his brother Thor and his fellow Asgardians, conquering Asgard on more than one occasion.

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As powerful as he is, he's taken some pretty heavy losses over the years, coming close to death on many occasions. In fact, there are some Marvel heroes and villains he's never been able to beat, try as he might.

10 Loki Has Never Beat Hank Pym Nor His Avengers Team

Hank Pym's time as an Avenger has had its ups and downs but there's one thing that's for sure: Loki never beat the team while he was on it. Loki was the villain that brought the Avengers together, as Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Ant-Man, and Wasp joined together to battle the God of Mischief. From then on, Pym would face down Loki with the team many times and always win.

It's hard to know just how integral to those battles Pym was but just the fact that he's never taken an L from Loki is pretty impressive, seeing as how Loki vastly overpowers him.

9 Wasp Has Led The Avengers In Winning Battles Against Loki

The Wasp is one of the Avengers' most fashion forward members but she's way more than just someone who changes their costume a lot. Wasp is a founding Avenger and the first woman to ever lead the group. Her shrinking skills are augmented by the ability to fly and fire powerful energy blasts. She's been a hero longer than most of her teammates, giving her a lot of experience.

Wasp has been facing down against Loki since the beginning of the Avengers and even led the team against him when she was leader. Much like Pym, Wasp has a winning record against Loki, which is rare.

8 Loki Never Bested Wolverine In Battle Nor In Bickering

Wolverine and Loki haven't crossed paths very often but the God of Mischief has faced off against the X-Men and he learned something important: Wolverine is one of the most dangerous people on Earth. They'd eventually team up to find the Time Stone, arguing pretty the entire time— and even then, Loki knew better than to mess with Wolverine.

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While Loki is almost certainly stronger than Wolverine, Wolverine's claws would be able to hurt him, and even though Loki is older than the Canadian mutant, he's not nearly as good a fighter. While Loki could probably beat Wolverine, he's never been able to.

7 Storm & Loki Have Clashed And Storm Came Out On Top

Loki does not like gods who use lightning and thunder, so he didn't like Storm at all. During his battles with the X-Men, Storm led the team and she and Loki clashed mightily. In fact, during this time, Storm was gifted a powerful Asgardian hammer, Stormcaster, to help in her battles against the God of Mischief.

Giving Storm even more power is like rain in the ocean since she's already one of the most powerful mutants around, but she was able to use Stormcaster to help her defeat Loki and save both Earth and Asgard from his manipulations. Since then, Loki's known better than to mess with Storm.

6 Hulk Has Beaten Loki Like A Drum

The Hulk is definitely someone no one wants to face in a fight and that goes doubly for Loki. Everyone remembers that time in The Avengers when Hulk proclaimed that Loki was a puny god and smashed him but in the comics, Hulk has been smacking around Loki for years. Hulk battled Loki for the first time in the Avengers' comic debut and the two would clash more over the years.

Every time, Hulk would be able to get the win over the God of Mischief. Tricks don't often work on someone who can smash through them easily and Loki's magic is strong but not strong enough to affect the Hulk.

5 Captain America Has Led The Avengers To Victory Over Loki Many Times

Captain America is one of the Avengers' greatest leaders and as such, he's faced down Loki many times. While he wasn't around for the team's first battle against Loki— he wasn't thawed out until The Avengers #4— he did lead the team against Loki many times after that and in all of those times, he's never lost to Loki.

While Cap's skills didn't exactly make the biggest difference in those battles, he did lead the group and help come up with the strategies that defeated the God of Mischief. Out thinking Loki is no easy task but Cap has always been able to do it.

4 Hercules Has Succeeded Where Thor Has Failed: He's Never Lost To Loki

Thor has lost to his brother on occasion, with Loki even able to take over Asgard. However, Hercules has never lost to the God of Mischief, giving him one up on Thor. That's honestly a rare thing— Hercules is basically Thor when Thor's not around except he's a cooler guy, though he isn't often better than Thor at things. While Hercules has really only faced Loki as an Avenger, he's always won.

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Hercules is exactly the type of person that Loki doesn't like: A boisterous, martial tough guy who thinks with his fists. However, those fists are some of the strongest around and that's allowed Hercules to make a difference against Loki when they've battled.

3 Doctor Strange's Sorcery Has Allowed Him To Defeat Loki

Doctor Strange is one of the powerful humans on the planet and as the Sorcerer Supreme is one of the few heroes who can really go toe to toe with Loki on their own. Loki's magic is fueled by his godly might, which should eclipse Doctor Strange's easily but Strange makes up for it with his breadth of knowledge.

It does help that Doctor Strange is also quite powerful. That, combined with his skill, has allowed him to beat Loki every time they face each other. Loki works from a book of tricks that Doctor Strange is able to see through and this has allowed Strange to triumph over the Asgardian every time they fight.

2 The Void Was Able To Kill Loki Once

The Void is one of the most powerful and dangerous villains in the Marvel Universe. The dark side of the Sentry, the Void was so dangerous that the heroes erased their memories of the Sentry, as well as the Sentry's own, in order to stop its threat. When the Sentry reappeared, the threat of the Void did as well.

Eventually, the Sentry and the Void became Norman Osborn's guard dog, the stick he used against anyone who angered him when he was in charge of the Superhero Initiative. Loki would help Osborn until the Void tried to destroy Asgard. The God of Mischief got involved in the battle and Loki ended up dead.

1 Thanos Always Beats Asgardians, Including Loki

Loki and Thanos haven't faced off much but Loki has never been able to defeat the Mad Titan. While it hasn't gone as badly for Loki in the comics as it did in Avengers: Infinity War, Loki is completely outmatched by Thanos and he knows it. He tries to stay out of his way but sometimes, these things are inevitable.

Loki's tricks work against many but not against Thanos. In a battle of wills, Thanos is always going to win against Loki. In a physical battle, Loki can't stand up to Thanos either. Try as he might, Loki just can't stand up to Thanos's power.

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