Not every comic is destined to change the world. However, some are currently changing the universe as we know it. Green Lantern #1 written by Geoffrey Thorne with art by Marco Santucci and Dexter Soy is one of the first new chapters showcasing the changes to the DC Comics Universe following the events of Scott Snyder's Dark Nights Death Metal. Reality almost came crashing down and stopping it came at a cost.
The aversion of a cataclysmic crisis did not leave a tidy universe in its wake. Instead, there is an Omniverse where once there existed only a Multiverse. The Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians who created them have been charged with keeping peace and order throughout the galaxy. Changes to the Omniverse and the worlds it contains are redefining the role of the Green Lanterns and the future of the Corps.
10 Teen Lantern Is A Quantum Conundrum

Teen Lantern and not Kid Lantern is a much-needed burst of energy to the once-staid and stoic Green Lantern Corps. Keli Quintela wears a gauntlet that can draw energy from the Great Battery on Oa. The problem is that no one knows how she is able to do this.
Green Lantern #1 reveals that the speculation that the gauntlet once belonged to the legendary and infamous Krona is false. Instead, the gauntlet and Teen Lantern represent a conundrum within the Omniverse. Her powers are unpredictable and she does not answer to anyone. More importantly, the gauntlet is from another facet of the multiverse and a mystery waiting to be solved.
9 The Omniverse Has Not Settled

And it’s not just Teen Lantern’s gauntlet that’s causing problems. While discussing Teen Lantern with John Stewart, the Guardians describe how different the Omniverse is from the Multiverse. This means that there are many more possibilities to discover beyond a mysterious gauntlet.
In fact, the true mystery behind the Omniverse is that it has not settled. This means that not only are things in flux but that the role of the Guardians is quickly shifting. One, in particular, is a dark sector that is unknown to the Guardians. It is just the first of the many new mysteries facing the Green Lanterns.
8 Guardians Join The United Planets

Green Lantern #1 opens with a Conclave. Factions from every corner of the galaxy are assembled. The Conclave is a chance for every planet's representatives to voice their support for membership in the United Planets.
Not all assembled are fans of the Guardians. Many feel that the influence of the Guardians is undue. Among them are enemies like Sinestro and his Yellow Lanterns but so are allies like the Thanagarians. Even joining the United Planets will change the Green Lanterns and the Guardians.
7 John Stewart Is The Political And Tactical Corps Leader

John Stewart has been a leader in times of war. Now, he must become a leader in times of peace and war. It is his responsibility to bring the Green Lanterns into the United Planets. And he is tasked with a mission from the Guardians.
But not everyone thinks they belong, even in a reduced capacity. But what people want and what they need are never the same thing. In fact, the Guardians will ask Stewart to take on challenges even they cannot. John is a team player in the Justice League, but this leadership position will test him in new ways.
6 Rebuilding The Structure Of The Galaxy Is Already Changing Everything

Everyone in the galaxy is recovering from the aftermath of the Dark Knights Death Metal storyline. Even when Perpetua and The One Who Laughs were done throwing planets around and playing with the laws of reality or when Wonder Woman saved literally everything the confusion left a ripple effect. The Omniverse is still recovering.
Things are still uncertain for the many worlds and people who watched it all almost fall apart. Dominators, Thanagarians, and Coluans are banding together with a unified purpose. Together, they just might be enough to take control of their destiny. But is the United Planets enough to contain so many different agendas?
5 Sinestro And His Yellow Lanterns Hold A Seat Of Power

As mentioned earlier, Sinestro has changed his mind about his role in the universe since the events of Dark Knights Death Metal. He and his Yellow Lanterns have made their base on Sinestro's birth planet — Korugar. This is eerily similar to a time when Sinestro took over Korugar by force and enacted martial law.
Sinestro was the greatest Green Lantern. Like so many in his position, he saw himself as greater than those he served. After Sinestro was cast out from the Green Lanterns he found comfort in the yellow lantern which draws its power from fear. This former Green Lantern and his Yellow Lanterns will be a necessary consideration when making any plans about the galaxy or its inhabitants.
4 Red Lanterns Are Joining The Cause

The Red Lanterns are also taking a position of authority during the Conclave. Red Lanterns draw their power from rage. Many of their numbers are victims who used a desire for revenge to claim their possession of a ring. Some are villains.
When the wielders of Magix that give the Green Lantern rings fits and starts arrive, the Red Lanterns are more of a hassle than they are a good thing. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t be helpful down the road. Sometimes the angry guys do the best work.
3 Crux Worlds Are Pillars Of The Omniverse And Targets

Crux worlds are part of the Omniverse like load-bearing walls are part of a building. In short, they are the reasons that everything remains standing. The longer version of the explanation will fill volumes and this article does not have the column inches to spare.
Suffice to say that the Crux worlds are one way to gauge the health and strength of the universe. This means that not only are they important to the universe, but they are also probably the most likely place that an attack will occur.
2 Corps Leaders Showcase A Dress Uniform With Kryptonian Inspiration

The United Planets have long been a fixture of the 31st century. Titles like Legionnaires and Legion of Super-Heroes were founded by the president of the United Planets. But When exactly the governing body of planetary representatives came into existence has always remained a mystery until now.
Brian Michael Bendis used his run on Action Comics to introduce the idea through Superman’s son Jonathan Kent. The Kryptonian influence is shown when John Stewart and Simon Baz are both wearing dress uniforms that look something Jor-El would wear. Stewart even tells Kilowog that he likes the style.
1 Are The Starheart Or A’TMATENTRYM The Source Of Peace?

The Guardians have been around for a long time. While it is often a reference they use to highlight their knowledge and experience, there is more to the story. In fact, it is from stories like Green Lantern: Rebirth by Geoff Johns that the Guardians also have many secrets hidden across the eons.
So, when an attack in Green Lantern #1 desires a power known as A’TMATENTRYM or the Starheart they claim that it is a power that was hidden away by the Guardians. Could this new power be as deadly as Parallax, the Manhunters, or any other number of weapons that they have failed to disclose only to have it come back and bite them later? Only time will tell.