5 DC Villains Who Could Survive A Darth Vader Assault (& 5 Who Couldn't)

Darth Vader is one of the greatest villains in all of fiction. His tragic tale is the heart of Star Wars and he's one of the most feared beings in the galaxy, his Force powers and amazing martial skills making him a fearsome combatant. Vader always finds himself in the thick of things, doing the Emperor's bidding and destroying the enemies of the Empire.

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There are few beings who have earned his respect and for the ones who have, it's not always a good thing. Vader is a powerful foe, one who could defeat some of the greatest villains around, even ones from other universes like DC.

10 Could Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Sinestro's Power Ring Would Let Him Dismantle Vader

Sinestro is an interesting case for a villain. His goals are laudable, as he just wants order to reign over what he perceives as a chaotic universe. It's his methods that make him evil, as he's committed many atrocities in his quest to impose his own brand of order on things, battling against Hal Jordan and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps.

Sinestro's ring gives him a lot of advantages over Vader but it's doubtful he'd need too many of them. Sinestro isn't known for messing around and he would just take the Sith Lord apart quickly and efficiently.

9 Couldn't Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Vader Wouldn't Monkey Around With Gorilla Grodd

Gorilla Grodd is one of the most vicious villains in the DC Universe. As the sometimes ruler of Gorilla City and someone who fights the Flash on a regular basis, he has to be and with his super strength and powerful mental abilities, he's a match for just about anyone he comes across.

Grodd is certainly stronger than Vader but his mental powers wouldn't work against the Sith Lord. However, the Force would work would, as Vader could hit him Force pushes or just Force choke him. If it came down to hand to hand, Vader's lightsaber would carve up the savage simian with ease.

8 Could Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Brainiac Wouldn't Even Need To Engage Vader Himself

Brainiac is one of the most fearsome villains in the cosmos, traveling the stars and ending entire societies. His ship is armed with weapons that can destroy stars and boasts drones powerful enough to battle Superman. Brainiac's 12th level intelligence allows him to outthink everyone but he can also fight it out with just about anyone.

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Brainiac has pretty much every advantage over Vader; in a ship-to-ship battle, Brainiac's wins. If Vader somehow got on board, Brainiac's drones would eventually take him down. Even if Vader were to get to Brainiac, the Coluan can take shots from Superman; Vader can't generate that kind of power.

7 Couldn't Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Bane's Skills Wouldn't Help Him Against A Sith Lord

Bane is one of Batman's greatest foes and his variety of skills have allowed him to defeat Batman on more than one occasion. That's a pretty big deal and it makes Bane more than a match for many villains out there; there are superpowered heroes who can't stand up to Bane because of his unique blend of brains and brawn.

However, none of that is going to help him against Vader. Bane might be able to come up with a plan that could slow Vader down but he wouldn't be able to actually defeat him. If Vader was able to hit Bane when he wasn't ready for it, then the villain would have no chance at all.

6 Could Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Doctor Polaris's Magnetism Would End Vader Quickly

Doctor Polaris is a B-list Green Lantern villain but his powers could easily make him A-list if he put his mind to it. Doctor Polaris's magnetic abilities have allowed him to hold his own against Green Lantern, which is pretty impressive. Polaris's magnetism would easily allow him to battle against Vader.

Vader's armor and limbs would be highly susceptible to Polaris's magnetic abilities. While the doctor would be vulnerable to Force chokes and such, it would basically be a race to see who could incapacitate the other first and Polaris's powers would give him the advantage he needs.

5 Couldn't Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Two-Face Just Couldn't Hang With The Sith Lord

Two-Face is one of the toughest criminals in Gotham, which is saying something. He's smart, tenacious, and skilled and this has allowed him to give Batman a run for his money on more than one occasion. Two-Face's obsession with duality has given many a foe a chance at life that they wouldn't otherwise have; Two-Face can be quite deadly.

Unfortunately for the former district attorney, he just doesn't have what it takes to hurt a Sith Lord like Vader. His armor is almost certainly bulletproof proof and he could easily use the Force to dismantle Two-Face's gun. Unarmed, Two-Face is a good fighter but against someone with a lightsaber, the Force, and cybernetic might, he doesn't have a chance.

4 Could Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Reverse Flash Is Just Too Fast For Vader

Reverse Flash's Negative Speed Force powers have made him one of the most dangerous villains around. The only heroes who can actually keep up with him are Flashes and even they have a problem battling the superspeed psychopath. He can move at the speed of light, travel through time, and hit someone a million times in a second; that's pretty hard to deal with.

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Reverse Flash's impossible speed would give him the advantage over Vader. He's pretty much too fast for the Sith Lord to deal with and that would easily spell his doom; Reverse Flash wouldn't stay in one place long enough for Vader to target him and he can move faster than Vader can think. It would be a quick fight with only one outcome - Vader's loss.

3 Couldn't Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Vader Would Turn The Joker Into A Punchline

Joker has a reputation for being one of the most uncannily dangerous villains on the planet. There's something about his unique blend of psychopathy, ruthless cunning, and deadly skills that make him dangerous to so many heroes, even ones who should be able to easily defeat him. Many have underestimated the Joker and paid for it dearly.

There's a chance that the Joker would somehow be able to phase Vader with an attack; he's nothing if not unpredictable. However, this would cause a problem because it would anger Vader and an angry Vader is the scariest last sight that anybody has ever seen. Joker wouldn't last for long against an angry Vader.

2 Could Survive A Darth Vader Assault: General Zod's Powers Are So Much Greater Than Vader's

General Zod is the greatest soldier that Krypton ever created and he only became more dangerous under the Earth's yellow sun. Zod's powers rival that of Superman and he adds to it the tactical know-how of a soldier used to commanding men and Kryptonian martial arts training. Zod's powers and skills put him in the upper echelons of DC's villains.

Vader is powerful, but he wouldn't be able to stand up against someone with Zod's variety of powers and skills. That's not even taking into account Zod's massive power level. Vader would fall quickly to the Kryptonian.

1 Couldn't Survive A Darth Vader Assault: Lex Luthor's Brains Wouldn't Save Him

Lex Luthor is one of the most dangerous people on Earth. He combines extreme intelligence with unparalleled ruthlessness and the kind of resources that only someone with billions of dollars and access to alien technology can have. All of this combined has made him one of the most prolific villains around.

Lex Luthor's brains have allowed him to stand up to all kinds of foes and maybe if he got a second chance to fight Vader, he may be able to figure out a way to beat him. However, even wearing his anti-Superman armor, Luthor wouldn't stand a chance against Vader - one Force choke would be all it takes.

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